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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. ants like cakes
  2. well thats half an hour i'll never get back
  3. thats just showing off which i dont blame you
  4. very nice bass, was on my shortlist when i was buying but the thought of going up to 5 strings and fanned frets blew my tiny little mind. Yeah the nordy are really really nice really like the grey finish too
  5. be good to dip your feet back in the water, nice that its nice and casual and you never know where it could lead with no pressure
  6. enjoy it and everyone else will, dont glare at someone if they make a mistake and if you do make a mistake keep going no one will notice you'll be suprised just how quickly it is all over
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1444055719' post='2879868'] Depressing when a keyboard player sounds better than a Bassist... [/quote] ^this i feel a bit sick
  8. 3 basses, one cheapo strat type guitar and an acoustic the strat thing was bought for my daughter, she never played it the acoustic is a rather nice fender which my son wanted, he never plays it A squire affinity Jazz which i bought for my other daughter, geuss what, she never plays it though i quite like it so occasionally take it to gigs cos its sounds nice and is different from my main basses. An ibby SR500, was my main bass for about 7 years and i'm attached to it, i'll 'probably' never sell it And have just bought a Ibby SR1805 NTF so i can learn and use 5 strings and its a big step up quality wise and i wanted a new good bass that would be long term, i still mostly use 4 strings on it but it does make a nice thumb rest
  9. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1444149655' post='2880691'] No because of the way the two tens are configured in each horizontal pair. The BF site explains it far better than I could manage [/quote] i tried but that makes my head hurt
  10. blimey o'riley but doesnt that go against the form factor of having 2 10s side by side? dispersion what not? shipping wont have been cheap either
  11. year chorus, but if you listen closely it sounds like they have double tracked it like conan suggested by playing the root notes as an underlying chord, theres definately a dusty end notes (solo) and low notes, which is why you are finding your version weedy, you could but a sub octaver in there to really thicken it up
  12. just switched over to a 5ver and i love it, i got it so it opened up the range of songs we can do and it gives a different feel the low notes when played on the B, more heft though finding it a bit of a headf*** changing from 4 which i have played for 20 odd years, still occasionally think the low B is the E which obviously doesnt sound great when you get it wrong
  13. yep, GASSED up have a watch of this the timing live is immense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV8gpcchzkw didnt realise dan had rejoined as the vocal style is more that of ashe, certainly dans vocals on the first album were more growly geuss thats just the direction they are going and i like it
  14. love Tesseract, though its taken me a while to like the new vocalist, the first album i prefered vocal wise, but hes growing on me. The technicality of playing this stuff is amazing, trying to tap along can be really tricky and if you like Tesseract check out Periphery, though vocals are a bit heavier
  15. i like thousands of others would love this, my amp gas would be well and truely done, if i could trade body parts i would , so have a bad taste bump
  16. very interested in this, not that i do our sound as our gitarist does but been talking about upgrading our desk to digital
  17. 5 is (more than) enough for me, yeah i wish i could play as well as them though, credit to them they still look silly though
  18. i'm not going to partake in these terrible puns as its pillow me
  19. looks cool, nice and simple and a good price too is always nice
  20. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1443624342' post='2876365'] [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/speaker-size-frequency-response.htm"]http://barefacedbass...cy-response.htm[/url] [/quote] think i must have my stupid head on think i'll have to read that again
  21. totally get the moral stance on this but like most have said its business and its no longer your property to decide whats done with it (unfortunately). youre happy with your bass enjoy it and forget the rest
  22. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1443618162' post='2876276'] More like the 30's. The answer to the basic question posed can be found here, published in 1940. [url="http://www.introni.it/pdf/Olson%20-%20Elements%20of%20Acoustical%20Engineering%201940.pdf"]http://www.introni.i...ring%201940.pdf[/url] [/quote] nothing like a bit of light reading for a wednesday afternoon, and thats nothing like a bit of light reading can you give us the concise version please bill?
  23. weighed my bass the other night, 9lbs, so i geuss that falls into light weight and my 4 stringer will be lighter still, maybe thats why weight hasnt concerned me since i started playing again as ive had fairly light basses i've seen the light
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69spscU1V8o sounds pretty nice even if a basic review vid, another one to put in the search for a backup head though i feel the MB500 may suit better, still a small unit great review btw
  25. there is a difference, first has a little more bite, but as to which is which i have no idea but both sound nice
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