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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1443459474' post='2874893'] You have to practice practicing [/quote] blimey i dont get time for practicing let alone practicing practicing
  2. i play standing up and practice the same way, i find it hard to play sitting down as the bass is too close, i like to have it just above waist level as i have long arms. tried playing looking in the mirror and apart from it being traumatic it just threw me
  3. you lot are really not helping me dislike P basses, its not fair i tell ya oh good score bth
  4. that neck looks a beast bargain in anyones book mind, wonder what it sounds like though basing it on other cheap jazzers its probably pretty ok
  5. the specs look pretty sweet tbh in a nice small package (more choices )
  6. cool, you wont be missed on stage are they those LED strips you can get from ikea you can daisy chain together, low power etc
  7. [quote name='nash' timestamp='1443104973' post='2872261'] my Swollen Pickle. [/quote] been anywhere near a pigs mouth recently?
  8. not jealous at all
  9. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1443041893' post='2871833'] Jacks and pots can definitely be less reliable if great care isn't taken with the board mounting scheme, and small power connectors on EFX units were definitely a very frequent offender back when I was still in the repair business. [/quote] i've had 2 laptops screwed due to the power socket being attached to the board and over time braking off (yes they could probably be fixed but now old) if the stuff you buy does the job you want then thats all you need, its then up to you how much you are prepared to pay for the stuff, planned obselesnce (spelling) is built in to most things so we go back and get another one
  10. tbh its something that i've never thought of either and i suffer from back problems, maybe i'm just a bit dense, i've seen plenty of people (well not actually seen that would make bass chat a very weird place) asking about the weight of basses but thought nothing of it. so i geuss i'm with the op on this, it just weighs what it weighs i've owned heavy (sting ray) and currently i would think mine is in the light catagory, i'm now curious to check
  11. love myself a bit of prog metal, this is very good, tone is nice and sit quite nicely in the mix, nice bit of bite love the bass too first time i have seen it
  12. good review, been thinking of getting a backup amp for my ashdown and this fits the bill price wise, not entirely sure of the casing but handy space to keep your leads and bits i geuss
  13. ^+1 defo get the set list, and either pick 2 songs from it or similar style to what they have, then play them to death at home so they are ingrained so when it comes to rehearsals youre on point. relax and enjoy it you'll be suprised just how quick its done
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1442939114' post='2870786'] Always good to check Amazon for effects pedals etc. These are £35 from usual music shop retailers. [/quote] gutted i bought mine for £35, though i feel its worth the money
  15. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1442932913' post='2870681'] Sort of... on my Harley Benton Prog 4 Deko, it sometimes displays B when tuning the E string. I guess it is confusing with either B (fifth above) or B (fourth below). I'm assuming the neck is doing some sort of sympathetic resonance at this pitch, being perfect intervals. Other necks (Fender, Squier) seem OK at least I've not noticed the B problem. Looking at the signals a bass puts out, it's no surprise it does not handle poly mode. It's a pretty smart algorithm anyway to do what it does! [/quote] yeah thats exactly what i get, displaying B then E, 12 fret harmonics are a bit clearer yeah the speed it recognises notes is nothing short of amazing, i tracks so fast
  16. anyone else find its a little sketchy on the E string, all the others tune fine, just it seems to find it hard to lock in on the E, does it eventually mind
  17. radio 4 arrrrgrghhh!!! my wife loves it, i hate it so car journeys can be a bit tramaitic especially when she falls asleep, i turn it off and she says "i was listening to that!" bollocks i listen pretty much all day every day at work (headphones), on the car radio or i bluetooth my stuff in the car (progressive/experimental/melodic/death/math-metal/djent, prog rock, rock) or planet rock in the kitchen DAB, i hate silence unless i'm trying to sleep i cant bare radio 1/radio4/kiss/capital etc
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442856033' post='2870051'] Original Equipment Manufacturer. [/quote] always thought that round the wrong way, it should be Original Manufacturer Equipment surely
  19. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1442851849' post='2870000'] Just bought one of these again although they only do it as a kit [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_squier_affinity_p_bass_set_bb.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...bass_set_bb.htm[/url] beautifully made with a big thump. [/quote] +1, although i have the jazz version, but it is really well made (photo ignored) big output from the pups and cheap, tad heavy
  20. doing this you'll also get the full 300watts out of your amp (the combo runs at 300w at 4ohm), running just the combo you'll be closer to 200 so connecting both up will also give you a bit more head room
  21. the nordost Odin speaker cable is a mere £24,995 for 3 meters, so buy 2 of the epifani cables, they are a bargin!
  22. very nice Elwood you got there, the wood pick guard is different but works
  23. nice score, the HB's seem to punch well above their weight, congrats
  24. very nice, i'm not a P bass person but the more i see them more not a not a p bass person i become, so simple, love the big black tuners, never seen that style i mat black before
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