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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. i have the oipposite problem, i cant bring myself to buy one even though ive had the green light from the boss. people collect all sorts of things so why not basses?
  2. another thumbs up for the SR500, been playing it for about 7 years, wouldnt say it really growls but it does a really nice smooth tone, through to a Pbass type tone on the neck pup only and add a bit of treble and dig in a bit and you get a nice attack, i have been gassing for a 1405 or 1805 just cant bring myself to pull the trigger
  3. shame its too far away from me or i'd be all over that
  4. yep hysteria is tough, and i still havent got that downwards progression, hysteria is more of a stamina test. also been trying to learn Undertow by Mr Big but then any of their stuff is going to be nails.
  5. just take spare strings but then they are just the old sets (yeah i have about 3 sets) that are in my bass bag pocket, we do have a large box of cables and leads that we take to every gig so we're covered on that but i think i've only taken a spare bass twice to gigs and never needed it. spares of basses you dont use is a bit much, id have to alternate them regularly so they both wear in the same as well.
  6. i cant stand no music, i try and have at least planet rock on in the kitchen, or listen to itunes or planet rock at work, only drawback is the ariel in the car is broke and the only station i can get is Radio 4 which the missus is well happy about i however am not.
  7. hmm maybe i should have googled what it was before commenting, i still have no idea what a squire bass VI is though
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434736852' post='2802414'] This is a Sire Marcus Miller Jazz V7 I had for a while... I thought it was fairly growly. [b][url="http://www.mediafire.com/view/7r52va7c65qarzq/JB%20Groove.wav"]JB Groove[/url][/b] [/quote] fairly growly would be accurate, its more growly in the low registers though but it certainly had that 'character'
  9. the bass obviously expect no other answer
  10. try explaining to the missus that you have got a G-string stuck in the fridge
  11. i always though the growl monster was something completely different like JTUK said it can mean diferent things to different people, for me its a slight osilation character to a note just after the main attack, present in the sustain so the notes dont sound just smooth. It is a combination of things i think and certain basses have more of it than others like warwick $$, stingrays have it but they are slightly more fizzy/zingy. In the video he does get a bit of 'growl' but its very subtle. Specters have quite a bit of growl.
  12. kind of my dilema, there are a few songs we cant do as the singer cant get up that high so transposing it down would help, but do i really need a 5ver for a couple of songs or is the overal sound change in certain notes worth it (open E to fretted E) would also mean i wouldnt have to down tune for Summer of 69 (i know) but i would have to relearn it
  13. is it a £2500 edge?
  14. dizzy miss lizzie, maybe its the way i play it but its relentless and our guitarist likes to do a few solos on it so i start to get cramp in my fretting hand
  15. did i spray good pa? did i spray good?
  16. this post interestsme alot too as i'm looking to upgrade from my SR500 which has the barts to one of the premiums, i love the sound i get from my 500 but was hoping to get a bit more growl from the nordys, sounds like it does.cool
  17. we get called back to do the same beer festival every year but other than that getting gigs is tough, would love to play more pubs, would love to play any pubs, please let us play in your pub maybe we're rubbish and delusional though so er yeah we'd like to have it varied
  18. mental, do they need a roadie?
  19. oh i dont pretend to beleive that the "promoter" won't stitch you up but right now i'd be happy to be out there playing, take your chance i guess
  20. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1433429476' post='2791010'] Some agents have exclusive deals with venues - there are nearly 30 pubs we can't approach direct because an agent has them, and said agent, although we're on the books, is signally lacking in getting us in anywhere - I think we've had two gigs out of him this year (including the one coming up, and no more booked in). Seeing as we've helped out by doing a couple of last minute cancellations for him last year, you'd think there might be a bit of payback, but it doesn't appear so. [/quote] been thinking of going down the line of agents purely because of venues being on their books, but unsure of wether to bother or not. There is one venue near me that was on an agetns books but they have gone back to booking their own bands, still bloody hard to get in there as they are always fully booked
  21. i'm not even gonna try
  22. [quote name='Joebethell' timestamp='1433271825' post='2789693'] Yeah it is a way I'm a lot closer and its a good hour and a half from me but a good excuse to make a day trip! Just a thought unless you know of a shop closer that stocks what your after. [/quote] need to get over to denmark street and see what they have there, other than that there aren't many shops to choose from near me
  23. have a these really are very good basses and very versatile, and if its from the 2007ish era then it is indeed a wenge/bubinga neck (which is now found on the more expensive models) type bump GLWTS
  24. wouldnt they make the neck heavy? i'll get my coat
  25. ive been in an out of the band im in twice now, first due to time restrictions on when i could practice with the band and the second when we got shot of the singer and it all kind of fell apart and lost the drummer, both times i missed it like made but fortunately for me we got back together, new drummer and our old drummer is the singer (much better singer than drummer too) i would love to play some original stuff and i'm sure we are more than capable but i just enjoy playing and feel privaledged to be able to do that. If i lost this band i really dont know what i'd do after as its a perfect fit. Yeah we play covers but we put our own spin on some of them which brings a bit of creative input into the band. Hopefully for the OP you get back on the horse sooner rather than later but i feel your pain.
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