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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1433254999' post='2789450'] I thought so too, but if you get there at 6 and leave at midnight as we usually do £8.33 seams a poor hourly rate for "skilled work" ? [/quote] yeah know what you mean but i geuss we dont factor in the setup time either, but i'd imagine that there are alot like us that are greatful to just be getting something for doing something we love.
  2. we go for around 250, theres five of us so that 50 quid each, which seems reasonable
  3. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1433179116' post='2788635'] Five Finger Death Punch another terrible band! Like a dumbed down version of Dillinger Escape Plan. Even if it is a side project, Killer Be Killed released a stonker of an album last year. [/quote] FFDP are nothing like Dillinger who are awesome but totally in a different style, FFDP War Is The Answer isnt too bad though
  4. [quote name='Joebethell' timestamp='1433239737' post='2789154'] My advise would be if you can get to Bass Direct try the rebops they have in stock see if you like it and while your there try the secondhand Warwicks and for me the Dingwall Combustions they have in stock. If you are looking for a new bass I would always play one to save disappointment of not liking what you buy. [/quote] yeah understand the try before you buy and all that but bass direct is a bit far from me
  5. I have the SR500 which shares the same body and neck woods (apart from the top wood) as the 1200 and it is indeed very light but never weighed mine
  6. hmmm how about the BTB1605? neck through 35" scale burl top
  7. i bought my daughter a squire jazz bass package a couple of years ago, i've used it more than she has and have to say the sound out of it is lovely, massive in fact, its one of the affinity range so i dont know where in the squire levels it gets placed but for the money its amazing value, i just struggle to play it a little as i am used to an ibanez neck, not saying there is anything truely horrifying about the neck though i should play it more tbh
  8. its a bit , well 'meh', it sounds a bit like a P, but massively overpriced and you could get one hell of a nice P for less than half that and i dont even like P's
  9. hmmm, now been looking at the GPS Warwick Corvette $$, or the Corvette, hmm not making this easy on myself
  10. so ive discarded the 1205 as the other 2 seem better bang for buck, cant decide weather the neck through 1405 is better than the similarly priced but bolt on 1805, i'm assuming the woods on the 1805 push its price up but are neck through really better? or more bother? still undecided on the rebop, i've seen people say it neck dives, the neck will be a bit more chunky than what i'm used to on the ibanez but the tone will be growly and different but with less tonal variation. Just worrying that despite the higher price the ibanez's will be toneally similar to my current SR. questions questions
  11. we played at a wedding reception last year and played Alive by Pearl Jam, went down well dispite being about "the story of a young man discovering that his father is actually his stepfather, and his real father is dead, while his mother’s grief leads to an incestuous relationship with the son, who strongly resembles the biological father" nice family values and all that, we'll probably play it at the wedding later this year, tbh i dont think the song meanings really matter, its just if people enjoy them
  12. a few to have a look at Arkan Cynic Children Of Bodom Darkane Five Finger Death Punch Killswitch Engage Mors Principium Est Scar Symmetry Soilwork just a few of a similar kind of ilk you may or may not like
  13. dont do it, you'll be messing with time and space, see what happened to marty mcfly
  14. another vote for a 4x10, my lot are quite loud and with my 300w head into 8ohms its loud enough though i'd love another cab just because though if you can afford a larger head like a 500-600w you'd be sorted
  15. need to see the front and the whole shebang, looks nice the Laklands are growing on me after watching the video i realised its got the same (in principle) pickups and on board eq as an ibanez sr500!
  16. beautiful and i'll probably regret this bump, cant see it hanging around
  17. ooh now that is nice, if only
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1432728863' post='2784311'] I'm also a big fan of Active basses so....Any of the ACG 5s that are for sale here....the filter systems mean that you can get them to do virtually any tone you'll ever need. Or this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/262751-fsft-roscoe-lg-custom-5-string-w-buckeye-burl-wenge-aguilar/"]http://basschat.co.u...-wenge-aguilar/[/url] Has the (preferred) EMGs rather than the Barts fitted to some models... JOOI what is your budget??? [/quote] that roscoe is awesome but waaayy outside my budget which is up to about £1000 but i'd like to come in below that
  19. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1432709208' post='2784046'] Is there a reason you don't want a passive bass? I was playing a Precision with EMGs and 2 band EQ until the beginning of the year but am now using a passive Yamaha. I don't miss having the active EQ. [/quote] it a mental thing i geuss and i have a passive squire affinity jazz but that really just hangs on the wall, i've always used active basses and to me they have a little more zip to them, i also like having the boost as well as cut on the eq, passives are just cut
  20. i'm now GASing a premium ibanez SR on top of previous GAS, now feel like a cotton headed ninny muggins
  21. [quote name='Modman' timestamp='1432660532' post='2783719'] I currently own an Ibanez SR1205 and I personally feel it's one of the best basses i've ever played. I personally love the small string spacing (which i know is a marmite thing for some players) but the body is balanced, light weight, ergonomic and the big singles sound fantastic. If I had the money I would definitely upgrade to the prestige SR5006 just because I really enjoy the SR range. [/quote] i'd love to go prestige but its way beyond my funds, even the ones i've listed are pushing it
  22. should really expand on what i'm after, i love the tones i get from my SR500 but want a more grown up bass with a bit more growl as the 500 is very smooth, i know the Rebop does aggressive and from the reviews of the 1805 its supposed to have a more aggresive character so the other 2 should do too as they have the same pickups and i think the EQ is the same, just different woods, tbh i'm suprised the neck through is soo much less than the 1805
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1432657072' post='2783671'] Nice looking Spector 5-string on here at the moment: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/262753-2013-spector-mike-kroeger-signature/"]http://basschat.co.u...eger-signature/[/url] [/quote] thanks but i'm not after a passive bass
  24. I'm sure i'll get alot of mixed opinions here on this but i am thinking of a new bass, 5 string is where i'm going. Not that a i really need one as my band doesnt play anysongs yet that require the lower register but i feel it doe give us the opportunity of doing songs in a register that our singer can sing. I currently own an Ibanez SR500, bought back in 2007/8 so it has the wenge/bubinga neck that you now find on the more expensive models (this will make sense in a bit) Ive had spector GAS for a while and have gone for the Rebop 5 string as thats really the only one in my price range (Thomann) and i havent found one near to try out. The others are Ibanez soundgears, theres 3 in the same price bracket, the Ibanez SR1805-NTF, Ibanez SR1205-VNF and Ibanez SR1405T-VNF (neck through). (All wenge bubinga necks various body woods) So just wondering what to choose or and suggestions from you guys, the ibanez all seem very similar and all come with hard/soft case so i'm intered in what the difference is, i'd need to buy a case for the Spector. Or anything else i should look at
  25. vol/pan, i like you like to have the volume up (actually cant think of much of a reason for the vol on a bass as i tend so set it and leave it and control the vol fromn the amp but i digress) and blend between the pickups but really only ever play on center dent thingy or neck pup for a precisiony kind of sound. center blend is the sound of my bass so i like it and use that.
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