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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. [quote name='geilerbass' post='331268' date='Nov 18 2008, 09:31 AM']Wow... that looks the absolute balls! Does anyone know if the SRX range has the same body shape/size as the SRs? Or is it a bit chunkier?[/quote] its basically the same shape just not as rounded, bit of a harsher edge here is a quick comparison of the body shapes, blue line is SRX and red is SR500, and as you can see theres bugger all difference
  2. and this is just awsome [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1eBzEw-88EE&feature=related"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1eBzEw-88EE&...feature=related[/url]
  3. just googled this, very nice [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2EA9k-zhFZc&feature=related"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2EA9k-zhFZc&...feature=related[/url]
  4. [quote name='WishICouldWalk' post='330557' date='Nov 17 2008, 12:11 PM']Wondering whether I should bring myself back down to earth by recording myself?[/quote] i remember a long time ago i thought i was playing really well, and did just that, recorded what i was playing, twas a slap in the face i can tell thee
  5. hmm, taking some slow persuasion as they say slowly slowly catchy monkey. was there at the weekend but didnt see the guy storing it, though have a feeling this one might get away but i'm not done yet. my mate is up there today though so i've asked him to have a go as he knows the guy better than me. so we'll see.
  6. [quote name='Protium' post='327926' date='Nov 12 2008, 08:37 PM']£63.24 for everything except the speakers and a few parts.[/quote] that is a steal, hmmm i may just be tempted. where did you get the wood from again?
  7. [quote name='bassoctopus' post='328099' date='Nov 13 2008, 08:10 AM']Offer to take it home, clean it up, and see if anyone asks for it back[/quote] well thats kind of the tac that i have gone down. "its a bit old and knackered, probably doesn't even work but i don't mind that would do as a nice little project and i need something that it doesnt matter if it takes a beating..." kind of thing still waiting to get a response back on it at the mo though, i can't get there till the weekend.
  8. [quote name='lateralus462' post='327705' date='Nov 12 2008, 03:56 PM']definitely seems to be sending mixed messages.[/quote] yeah you would have thought they would want to make more of the fact that it is made in the US other than just the name. the badge really should say 'USA series' with the stars and stripes flag instead of the jack. very strange
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='327700' date='Nov 12 2008, 03:53 PM']Let's do it [/quote] dirty boy
  10. the ibanez is alot of bass for the money, i have the 500 which has slightly better wood/electrics. but i would imagine the stuff in the 300 to be not far off. from mine i can get a fairly convincing P tone and jazz, plus alot of others too so the EQ is very versatile. but then if you want a jazz go for something like the squire or look at second hand as like has been said you'll get more bass for your money.
  11. they've gone and used the badges off the Classic range which is made in the UK.
  12. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='315116' date='Oct 26 2008, 03:43 PM']It's been done! That would look awesome on a bongo stealth.[/quote] that sir is just beautiful, i like rays but thats the best i've ever seen. just wow.
  13. again, i'm not that near but i dont need my ashdown till monday so its there if you need it. i'm near dartford, so just off the M25 and then down the A2 a bit
  14. that look s awesome. (been off ill last weeks so missed all this after asking ) i wanna do one (i wish)
  15. the thing that i am trying to get my head around is that this amp was just left in (an albeit locked secure) metal outbuilding/barn with no insulation or draft proffing and alot of the metal stuff in there was showing signs of rust/corosion. the head was showing little bit and hopefully not too much of the same. which leads me to beleive that the owner really (hopefully) isn't interested in it any more. can't beleive that something like this would just be left lying around like that. madness.
  16. looks real sweet, can't see me ever owning one though
  17. ok guess thats a yes then. i'll make a call and see if i can get my mate to discreetly chase it up. always read about other people getting finds like this, never thought i'd see one though.
  18. just to add here is a pic of what it was though if i remember correctly it only had 2 inputs not 4
  19. basically i was helping a friend clear out a barn he is renting and there was alot of crap in there, but i spotted something that looked nice on top a freezer. it was a Hiwatt 200 valve head. i wasnt sure at first if it was a bass head or just guitar but figured it probably was a bass head as it had an active and passive input. now it did look pretty old but in fairly good condition. now the guy who owns the barn said it wasnt his to give away but belonged to someone else who was storing stuff in there. so like my topic says is it worth chasing up to see if the guy who does own it want to get rid?
  20. [quote name='Captain Bassman' post='321944' date='Nov 4 2008, 04:47 PM']Get Here by Oleta Adams. I doff my cap, with complete creative inferiority, to the mighty Mr Palladino... Also have to learn I Got You (It Bites) and Get The Funk Out (Extreme). Not for a gig but just for the sheer unadulterated pleasure of playing some funk/rock!! [/quote] get the funk out is a great line, in fact most of that album (bar the croony stuff) has great basslines. trying to convince my band to cover GTFO but it's falling on deaf ears at the mo
  21. a couple Summer of 69 (dead simple) White Wedding (little confusing arrangement but pretty easy) town called malice (bit tricky) Smooth criminal Alien Ant Farm version. lets rock Smoke on the water. suprisingly harder than i first thought, quite a nice line acutally.
  22. [quote name='Tee' post='319001' date='Oct 31 2008, 12:55 PM']That was a Wal over most of BSSM, if i'm not mistaken. 'Juicebox' by The Strokes.[/quote] really? i'll get me coat
  23. looking really nice (and theres something satisfying about being covered in saw dust) is that based on the ashdown abm 2x10, looks very similar especially with the round holes for the handles, rear ported, cetral top mounted tweeter etc
  24. pretty much the bulk of Blood Sugar Sex Magic by the chillis has that ray sound. also higher gground by the chillis
  25. be interested to see the pics. i'd like to get the time to do something similar.
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