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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. had a quick look at dlloyds post and while alot of it sounds familiar (guess i know more than i thought) i need brushing up on things. i have been playing (on and off) for about10 years , though really only been playing recently for 2 and i get by and tend to explain and work out stuff for our guitarists before they get it but thats just by ear, i need to be comfortable improvising safely. not really soloing though that would be nice but having the confidence there to just get on with it. at the moment i have to learn the lines exactly by ear or tab and applying them to our covers set. i'm pretty sure i know the major scale shape just going from ther i'm theoretically lost. thanks for the heads up on site to look at.
  2. eh? you lost me seriously i have no idea what you just said but i guesss thats what learning it there for. i do have a site called study bass bookmarked but i havent looked at it in a lonnngggg time.
  3. i dont know the first thing about music chords etc, but i still play and have learn pretty much what i know from listening to cd's and re-listening till i know what i am playing, tab helps sometimes but isn't always accurate. i did spend a little time learning some scales but they all seemed pretty much the same and variations there of, guess i need a tutor really but dont have the time or funds. so what area would be best to look at as some of you are talking weird things that i dont get
  4. [quote name='stevie' post='246011' date='Jul 23 2008, 12:34 PM']I much prefer a pie in the face myself, too. At least you know where you are.[/quote] nothing says it better than a wet fish, preferably a 15" one
  5. [quote name='ianrunci' post='245912' date='Jul 23 2008, 10:56 AM']I never said you were wrong, I just pointed out that its all down to personal opinion it was you that decided to argue the point And secondly you said Hartke and Ashdown were a bit marmite (loved by some and hated by others) but thats a bit misleading cos in actual fact all equipment is a bit marmite. Peavey and Trace elliott for eg have both fans and detractors[/quote] actually thats very true, though there is some gear that has an unoffensive sound (not sure if thats the right word) which has less of a marmite effect as it can be put up with rather than just yuk or yum i know what i mean
  6. aw and it was just getting interesting how much of this off axis stuff would we actually hear? or is this more based on the ability of the driver to produce a full sound without problems? :ph34r: :brow:
  7. mmmm, i do like status basses, wanted ever since i saw the bassists from Therapy and Senseless Things using them (thats back in the early 90's i think) but just never had the beer tokens to afford one. i'll keep dreaming.
  8. see i REALLY struggle with looking up when i play live, i dont necesserily stare at the fret board but i have a real problem looking out at the audience (if there is one ) it freaks me out a bit, even staring at the back wall or sign feels uncomfortable. though we did do a gig on the same night as the world cup rugby final, not much of an audience but i did have something to look at there but it was also extremely distracting as i lost me way a bit.
  9. might be worth you having a look for some second hand trace gear, you'd get a lovely rig for your money
  10. come on alex lets see some hot close ups then do i buy or build my own?? hmm
  11. yep been using them for 2 years now and only on my second set, they really last for ages and hold their tone as they don't fill up with crap. the coating takes a long time to even show its coming off and they still have a pretty long useable life once they do start to shed their skin (a bit like normal string life then) certianly worth the money i my opinion. which reminds me i'm about due to get a new set
  12. [quote name='ianrunci' post='245102' date='Jul 22 2008, 09:57 AM']I like a 1x15 and a 4x10, so if someone asks me to recommend something then thts what I'm gonna recomend isnt it. Why would I want to recommend something I wouldn't buy myself?[/quote] +1 thats the whole point of a thread like this, testing the water to get personal opinions based on experience i like 10's and really i wanted a 4x10 but funds only allowed for a 2x10, that was based on recommendations from here and other sources
  13. i think ian pointed out that he had been using this style of stack for many yers and that, to his ears, it sound great. over the years of me playing listening i have heard many combinations of cabs and they have all sounded good, wether i was stood in a sweet spot by fluke every time or just the acoustics if each place was right i dont' know. i can accept alex and bills stance on the physically correct side of things and i can see the long standing side of things, my personal preferance i am yet to find out as i still have just the 2x10 combo, BUT i will agree that it does indeed sound better on its side. and it am swaying to the side of getting another 2x10 (to stack vertically i might add) but why, well it is based on A) turning my amp on its side in the first place based on advice and based on that advice it seems right to follow the same source of that advice and NOT mix my speakers. but then i may try a 1x15 with my setup and really like that. yes the fastest car will be the one fastest through the corners, so which cab corners the best??? i found it interesting to note (and i am not sure they still do this) that ashdown started to fit feet on the sides of their 2x10 ABM cabs so they could be staked vertically, i'm sure there are more boutique cabs that do this but for a mainstream to do this i found reassuring in the information i am reading here. it would be nice to see a vertical 4x10. or would it really make little difference to 2 2x10's but like ped said "do your thing"
  14. only just seen this so.. money no object or not, a signiture bass is self indulgence and that is really the whole point, spend as much or as little on it as you want, it's YOUR bass after all. why have it like that, er because i can... simple me? not sure not had a massive experience with different basses, i'd like a warrick but with a thinner neck, or an ibanez SR but with a slightly larger body. or a stingray with a thinner laminate neck like the ibanez SR's. i'd really like a custom ibanez SR with like i said slightly larger body, graphite neck and maybe a humbucker in the bridge position but the soap at the neck and a figured top over the mahogany body, through neck if possible would be cool.
  15. dexterity comes with time, i remember going through the beginners books and videos following the so boring single note patterns. then when it came to start moving around the neck it just wasn't happening. but like anything the more you do it the better you get and like wooks said you got to be accurate, if you get this right first then speed can come later. but what ever you do or play have fun with it otherwise it can get dropped pretty quick if you make it too hard work so split your 'lessons' up with trying to learn a song you like.
  16. [quote name='ianrunci' post='243912' date='Jul 20 2008, 04:58 PM']I sometimes use Elites and sometimes Rotosound swing bass mainly cos they are cheap. The rotosounds you can boil over and over again which is handy when your skint. If money doesn't matter I would buy Elixirs all the time. They last forever and sound and feel fantastic, they are just too expensive for my tastes[/quote] +1 for the elixirs, i have use ernie balls and elites, and some black coated strings a while back but they were very abrasive and didnt last long. now i am a firm convert of elixirs, yes they can be expensive but in the long run they are much cheaper as you change them less, they hold thier sound for a stupidly long time and are really kind on your fingers due to the coating which helps them squeek less. you can pick them up online a bit cheaper than in the shops which they go for about £45. though if you dont like them its a big drop of money. they do start off very zingy but they ease a bit to a really nice tone.
  17. largest was (and certainly not on par with most of ya) was our last one on a curtain side trailer out the back of a pub, could have been a mini festival except no bugger turned up. well one or two did. our home venu has a pretty big stage too, probably about 20ft deep by 30ft wide, er ok so that probably bigger than the trailer. smallest was a CIU club near us and we had to share the stage with the DJ who took up half of it and the stage couldn't have been more than 6 foot deep if that and about 20ft wide, we had to get our 5 peice on there which was er interesting, i beleive in the end we made a makeshift stnad for the singer to stand on to give us a bit more room.
  18. like the look of the core obsession. what do these basses sound like cos they look awesome.
  19. contacting the band to see if its what they are after, they have been talking about getting a sub to reinforce the PA and i think the tuba would do just that, and i could use the DR250 as an extension cab. if they want it i'll get back to you
  20. argh, not another one, roll on pay please
  21. how much you want for the cab?
  22. nice, you lucky git, thats the kind of bargins i'm looking for right now
  23. cheers richard and stevie. really depends on what the total cost is of this as i was looking at just buying an OEM cab which is about £150 so if it came in under that and was worth the extra effort then it might be worth it, but then we do get into the area of mixing cabs and drivers again
  24. does it HAVE to be made with EV's own drivers? if not what can you use?
  25. [quote name='rodl2005' post='241469' date='Jul 17 2008, 07:09 AM']I wonder what this things like - w/ the EL-84 in the power amp? [url="http://www.tec-amp.com/index.php?id=91"]http://www.tec-amp.com/index.php?id=91[/url][/quote] death by bass :ph34r: crikey
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