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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. yeah 300watt rms (for what its worth) they do do a 575watt mag head never heard the 575peak value for the 300's i have (see avatar) the mag 300 210, i dont have an extension cab, yet, and have played to 200 people in a hall and done out doors with PA support, the combo on its own is enough for most smallish gigs and anything much bigger you go through the PA as it has the DI. you get about 200 watts from the combo as is and then 307watts with an 8ohm extension cab (running at 4ohms total) the 200 watts is a loud 200 too.
  2. service as usual, i have never had an email ignored. they are good when you phone them too. no bs
  3. my music tastes changed massively when i started playing, or maybe that should read, broaden'd massively. i went from listening to carp pop to rock, metal, which then lead into funk metal, funk soul jazz punk. basically anything where i liked the bassline, and i also realised that alot of the stuff i had liked before was becasue of the basslines being the main melody. i listen to most things now except dance stuff of any kind really as it rarely involves real instruments and that bugs me.
  4. they have got them on the bass merchant [url="http://www.bassmerchant.com/manufacturers.php?manufacturer_id=5"]http://www.bassmerchant.com/manufacturers....nufacturer_id=5[/url]
  5. just email martin burrows at ashdown and you should get an immediate reply
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='240842' date='Jul 16 2008, 01:25 PM']We are DEEP into Spinal Tap territory here. I wonder if there's a comb effect ... [/quote] i'm sure it can change your hair style when played loud enough
  7. ooh, where can i get one of those then? and what do they normally go for?
  8. [quote name='ALFIE NOAKES 900' post='240430' date='Jul 15 2008, 10:20 PM']Guys, Thanks for the info - the two batteries were bought brand new and installed just as I bought the bass, and the previous owner did say that it was heavy on batteries. I've used it on and off over two weeks, probably for a cumulative total of two hours maximum, and always removed the lead when finished (been there before!). I then took my new pride and joy to a band rehearsal, plugged in and............nothing. Switched to passive, and used that for the evening. I'll check out the wiring and soldering soon, but I was hoping it was a known fault with a quick fix. Oh well. Thanks again folks, and any other thoughts, opinions or experiences will be most gratefully received and checked out. Also, any recommended Warwick repair people in Birmingham? Regards, Phil[/quote] ah over a 2 week period, then my initial response would still be a jack fault (albeit a slow one) the power should onyl be 'on' when the lead is in completing the circuit so its bridging somewhere. hopefully won't cost to much to get sorted.
  9. wheres the bonus from work when you need one, and just round the m25 too.
  10. trace is very different to laney but then they are supposed to be. glad you got a sound you like and hopefully (for your pocket at least) you can get something similar from your laney otherwise i can see a GAS attack coming on
  11. this of any use as to what it is like, also completely nuts [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRzmyTn_PfE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRzmyTn_PfE[/url]
  12. [quote name='overwater#1' post='239956' date='Jul 15 2008, 12:43 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4140&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4140&st=0[/url] Check out the sound clip on here, great sound. Also, search Jack Casey on YouTube, he has some great videos on there with a great overwater sound. Kevin Glasgow [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTWtsFxkQhw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTWtsFxkQhw[/url] Although, I dont like this, it just sounds electric gu**ar!! Awesome awesome playing though! Whats the easiest way to record a quick clip on a PC. I don't have access to Digital Performer or anything at the moment, as college is off at the mo. I will plug mine into the computer and do a clip though if someone tells me the best way to do so.. The low B on my Overwater 6 string is immense, huge fat tone, and really shakes the room! Not floppy at all, very nice! Mine is a 35", and my friend has a 36" 6 string, and that is great too!! Btw, Mr Chris Wood.... you don't fancy selling a certain 7 string do you?? Heeeey, its worth a try!! You can't go wrong with Overwater anyway, at the end of the day, they're a custom bass manufacturer, and will build a bass however you want, and will go out of there way to achieve what you want.[/quote] that jack casey is truely very good, also proof positive that an ashdown can sound great ( well i know i have the same one) but that overwater is lovely.
  13. B&Q, they do all kinds of brick and cement stuff, tools too sorry couldn't resist :brow: :ph34r:
  14. [quote name='Faithless' post='239576' date='Jul 14 2008, 10:15 PM']Ah, I've tried playing with EQ.. I ain't using any of 'Bass' there, only Mids with high frequency(hmm, lets say, more like High Mids..) and a bunch of Treble. After sorting problem with Gain, it doesn't seem so bad now, though I'd still like a bit harsher and more-particular tone.. We'll see how it goes on stage on Saturday... Playin' 3 sets with two bands there, so, I'll HAVE to find da tone..[/quote] the 'more particular tone' you are after may just not be possible from the laney unfortunately changing where you play over the pickups will give you different sounds also and then they can be EQ'd to sound different which may be an option to you if you just can't tweek the sound you want out of the amp. mids and high mids are good for cutting through especially live. you could try dropping the mids a touch and pushing the high mids for punch, just if you do that dont go to far with the treble as it can get clanky, you could even drop the treble on the amp but boost it on the bass eq for a slightly different effect. with the eq'ing options available to you you could play for hours before you get what you want from it, but even then it may not work in the live situation (studio and recording maybe). the tone YOU like may not be suitable for an audience and you to hear when playing live. just sound like now you have sorted the gain issue you are going to have to spend a while searching through the tones your amp can produce along with the tones from your bass, and infinite range of possibilities i've had my amp for over a year now and i STILL mess with the eq on the amp and bass, little tweeks, its close but i'm still experimenting. :ph34r:
  15. unless there is a short in the jack socket? but to draw that much current doesn't sound right. possible that one of those two was a dud and so you had one working overtime and killing it that way.
  16. dont appear to have it listed anymore.
  17. keep on running by Spencer davis group.
  18. there is a large glass fuse that goes right in front of the speaker outputs on the back of the amp, you will have to open the amp up to get at it. i recently spoke with martin burrows at ashdown about the internal fuses and heres his reply so you know what are the right ones to get if you need to. "The fuses in the MAG, mains fuse is T3.15 amp ( anti surge ) the internal power board fuses are T6.3 amp ( anti surge ) if you have alter model, you will have a speaker fuse fitted just inside on the rear ( near the speaker socket ) this is an F10 amp ( fast blow )" so you may need the F10 amp (fast blow) which seems feasable as the DI works so the amp is working.
  19. [quote name='Faithless' post='238115' date='Jul 12 2008, 06:40 PM']Thanks for help guys, I've checked Gain during rehearsal - I thought that the Level knob in the front of Line6 was more about volume, not about gain, so, that, were the big problem was - it was practically full on, and amp's, gain was between 4 and 5, if I remember correctly... Fixed 'em both, so, it now seems OK. But the amp is still a bit too 'low-boomy' for me on flat EQ.. Dunno, maybe it's room's prob... Thanks again! Cheers, Faith.[/quote] ah there you go, the level from the line6 was overloading the input signal and there was pretty much nothing the gain knob could do about it glad you got that part sorted. as for the boomyness it could be a combination of room and eq. if it getting boomy on flat then drop the bass frequencies, i know my ibanez is pretty full on the bass end of things so i tend to leave the bass knob on the er bass flat and only really play with the mid and treble. also dont just go for the smilie face on the eq, mids are your friend and help cut through and also stop it becoming boomy, you should be able to eq the sound you want from the options you have on that amp. have a play and try dropping the bass frequencies a bit.
  20. [quote name='Faithless' post='237300' date='Jul 11 2008, 01:36 PM'] and how could I do that?..[/quote] the input gain is normaly the knob on the left of the amp, should say Gain or input level underneath it, this is the level coming into the amp. you should set this with the final output volume knob set quite low (do it in a quite room) this way when you play you will hear if it is distorting before turning the output volume up (and then damaging the speaker) i would guess that no more than 3/4 of gain should be used, then set your EQ and recheck gain as the eq can effect the levels (especially if boosting it) if you still have a clean tone with it this way then you can turn up the output. but if you are getting the 'distorting sound with the volume low then either your gain is too high or your speaker is busted. i wouldn't clean your string with anything water based as it will only cause corosion and the strings will rust and sound crap.
  21. when i bought my sr500 i tried it through one of those and it sounded really clear and punchy, if a little coloured but not much. could be you speaker is on its way out, but you'll know if you take your bass into a shop and try a new one.
  22. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='236609' date='Jul 10 2008, 03:18 PM']Pwned. [/quote] off topic i know but why is there a 'P' in front of owned? never got that one. but i'll agree the fret king does look a bit cheap. maybe its just a sh*te photo. EDIT: just had a proper look at their site, and the fret king stuff (to me at least looks awful) and very expensive for what it is. hmm
  23. i am biased but get the btb, its through neck too. you'll get a more jazzy/funky tone out of it where the fret king looks more rawk and the btb looks cool too.
  24. [quote name='TheRinser' post='236466' date='Jul 10 2008, 01:10 PM']Haha yeah definitely overpriced mike! Cheeky buggers... Yeah I've got the 8 ohm version, the beta 10a. So should be fine, now just gotta remember how to solder [/quote] haha, patience young sparrow. nice hot iron, good solder and some flux. though you already know that much. have fun and let us know how it all sounds when done.
  25. just spoke to the guitarist who looks after the band money, sounds like we dont have any (which is a bit of a sore point on my part) unless a miricle happens i geuss i'll have to bow out on this. if it still around when we do have some cash then i'll have it but i doubt this will stay around for long.
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