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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222959' date='Jun 20 2008, 02:36 PM']I think I'm sticking by the statement that "originals bands have more potential for creativity than covers bands" as well as "playing originals does more for your creativity than playing covers". I'm well aware that I'm now talking bollocks.[/quote] i agree with the first point totally. the second point as well as long as the track you are taking (not you personally) doesnt become narrow minded and stifled. but i suppose thats the art in keeping it fresh. but then that doesn't neccesserily mean (getting back to the original topic) that cover will sap your creativity, again as long as you dont become stifled or blinded by what you are doing.
  2. [quote name='mcgraham' post='222893' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:27 PM']No worries bud, I like the name Mike! Mark[/quote] funny that, everyone calls me mark [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222879' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:15 PM']Not at all! My guitarists don't play their solos the same every time either and to some extent we improvise a bit all the time. An original song written by the band playing it is no more restricting than a cover by somebody else; in fact it's less so because they have a bit more license to do things differently and still call it their own. I think a nice example of that is Pulse by Pink Floyd; listen to some of the bass lines on there played by Guy Pratt compared to the originals![/quote] sorry maybe i should retract that as it could be regarded as little narrow minded. though alot of the bands that i have seen tend to be faithful to the final recording. i suppose thats exactly the point though, regardless of wether you are playing originals or covers they can both be treated in the same way, strict regurgitation of the material or versions there of. the only real difference is that with the originals you have to write it first. after that its a matter of interpretation.
  3. [quote name='zapp' post='155503' date='Mar 11 2008, 08:43 PM']Your Wife has offered you a Jazz Bass for your Birthday and you already have four!!!!!!!!!? Two things. Firstly she needs to speak to my Wife. Secondly. Check the car for dings!! [/quote] you lucky, lucky bastard!!! my missus asked what i wanted for fathers day, i said something for me bass. so she got me a steak (though it was a very nice steak)
  4. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='222853' date='Jun 20 2008, 12:52 PM']Just as a couple of great and highly original arrangements of popular songs doesn't excuse the fact that most bands doing covers are reprising the same old same old. I can only report on what I see and that is most covers bands are not hot-beds of original thought.[/quote] in that respect i totally agree its playing just purely for the fun of playing. which is fine.
  5. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222789' date='Jun 20 2008, 11:51 AM']Thanks for the 2p explanations, guys! I shall remember that. ! Much as I enjoy talking bollocks, I was being serious then. I hope you weren't!? By doing covers, you are at least restricted a little bit. Unless you start off being reasonably creative, I don't see how you can apply creativity to cover songs![/quote] hmm, the bulk of our covers follow the original chord structure and timing and have a flavour of the orginal writing, but i wouldnt say we play all of them exactly the same as the original, certainly our guitarist when he goes into a solo does exactly that and very rarely follows the original solo to the letter, in that respect he is certainly creative as every solo is different. only in the case where the solo has a very recogniseable line does he include it. myself, i do try to follow the bass lines as close to the letter on songs that are again recogniseable but on ones that mooch around a blues scale or root notes i do try and mix it up, even if its just to keep my sanity in check so in that respect i try to be creative. alot of the time though the bass line IS the tune that people recognise wether they know it or not. but yes i agree you are restricted a bit by the original writing. with originals you are creative in the first but then once the song is down you must become totally restriced to the song you have written. total true creativity surely only comes from playing in an improv situation where you are relying on your knowledge of chord structure licks etc and playing on the spur of the moment, capturing a space in time, rarely to be repeted. i like this topic it has certainly wetted my apitite for doing some original stuff.
  6. i think from reading all this that both styles have a place in creativity. covers don't as such sap creativity IF the influences/licks etc are used within the orginals approach to create something new or spark ideas that were not there before. most creative arts rely on influence from previous style and life around or before you. Most bands will list other bands that have influenced them into their current creative approach, be that through just listening or learning songs from them regardless of wether they actually play them live (though alot of them do just that) and as has seemed to be proven everyone has their right to sit on their side of the fence on this. and that folks is my utter bollocks, finely honed and un-stifled by cover band playing
  7. maybe i just need to tell the guy thats buying them to just get em. spoke to him today and he was moaning about the cost but for that amount if its good value then he'll just have to bite the bullet. i did see some on thomann for very cheap but no chance of getting them for saturday thanks guys
  8. [quote name='jono b' post='221644' date='Jun 18 2008, 07:00 PM']That's true, it'll be completely pointless, but I reckon it completes the look really. Reckon it's gonna between the neck and the pickup if I take the plunge and get one. It does mean drilling the bass though [/quote] er yeah, last thing you want to do is just try and screw into the wood. the word splitting comes to mind. personally i've always just used the pickup to rest me thumb on. if you are going to do it find some old photos of P basses and go with that. authentisity and all that
  9. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='222168' date='Jun 19 2008, 02:20 PM']The inability to place woofers vertically below a TV is problematic, but can be compensated for by having them in a concave array.[/quote] the same as in cross firing? think i'm slowly getting this
  10. hi guys got an urgent request for anywhere that can do 1/4 jack to jack cables, xlr male to female and speakon to jack. our guitarist has gone mad and wants 32 cables up to 6m in length. we have found a few places but the total cost is hitting around £200 so basically do any of you know places that do this kind of thing cheaper in bulk or deals online. cheers
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='222029' date='Jun 19 2008, 11:49 AM']Good luck buddy Is it your first gig or just your bands first gig?[/quote] we've been together for nearly 2 years now, but it's just this years first gig. we've played up there before about 3 times already and a load of other gigs too.
  12. got our first gig for this year coming up this saturday (yeah its taken a while) i've briefly mentioned it before, but he it is again for those who might be in the area (though if you are i'd imagine you are lost ) we are playing in a village in lincolnshire called Gedney Drove End, not really much there, a couple of pubs really and we are playing outside one of them, on the back of a curtain side trailer :ph34r: . i think there are a couple of bands on before us doing short sets. we go on at 8. bit nervous about this one with it being outside due to the sound issues that come with doing that. but if any of you happen to be lost in that area on saturday night pop in and have a look. it's free by the way as its out side, and i think we have to finish by 10pm, again cos we are outside and the police get miffed. i'll fill you in on how it went on monday.
  13. i can understand roughly what those guys were saying about wavelengths etc but are they actually talking about speaker positioning (as in speaker enclosures assuming the drivers therein are matched and crossed correctly) within a round for good sound production within a stereo or Home theatre environment? i am assuming they are looking at the best possible placement to get the best possible sound and as such have limits to work to within the bounds of their chosen room. where-as we are talking about the wave lengths coming from a single box, the bass cab and the frequency range they work in. the only thing they are fighting with is their own drivers IF there are more than 1 and the box and the size of the room they are being used in and how their own wave lengths interact with each other. i need some clarification on that if possible. also i have a gig this weekend which is outside, are these points moot in this situation? i get enough grief at work for being a bit of a geek but i'm taking it to the next level now
  14. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='221564' date='Jun 18 2008, 05:31 PM']I guess this is probably just to keep the cabs the same width [font="Arial Black"]but it might help reduce comb filtering.[/font][/quote] i guess thats what raggy, and myself were thinking. or would it be that because they are close to side by side that they still suffer?
  15. [quote name='stevie' post='221554' date='Jun 18 2008, 05:16 PM']I notice you are still perusing the board, Bill. I thought you had better things to do.[/quote] give it a rest guys. stevie if you can provide a link to prove your point then please do so as it would be informative reading (i'm a geeking it up tonight ) i'm sure if you could actually prove this information then it would be of great benifit to bill where as bill info has always been well backed up. otherwise can it. :ph34r:
  16. [quote name='Raggy' post='221550' date='Jun 18 2008, 05:14 PM']I am wondering also if that is why the Berg NV610 has its speakers in 2 rows at slightly different levels.[/quote] like this one or this one
  17. [quote name='Raggy' post='221532' date='Jun 18 2008, 04:53 PM']What about these cabs with 2x12" drivers, placed diagonally?? Is there any benefit to those??[/quote] again something else rattling around in my brain, which i promptly forgot. do they get away with the out of phase thing or are they half out of phase so not quite so bad? i sure wouldn't want to try and stack them so the drivers are verticle, though the final thing might look quite cool.
  18. [quote name='stevie' post='221463' date='Jun 18 2008, 03:52 PM']So, would it be fair to say that Youngatheart is OK to stick a 1x15 on top of his 2x10 if Eleanor Powell's tapdancing sounds OK through the rig? Or not?[/quote] er... no if you are listening to tap dancing through a bass rig it may be time to go to rehab.
  19. cheers alex, i couldn't find that interesting to see how early good results were formed and that this far down the line things haven't changed in instrument cabs (well some people are pushing it)
  20. [quote name='The Funk' post='221383' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:06 PM']Agreed. I don't see any backtracking. What would be cool is two columns of 2x10s cross-firing. Ooh yeah![/quote] i seem to remember a long while ago seeing this in a thread, think it was about speaker position rather than stacking, especially in relation to walls etc which can also cause a single combo to cancel itself out, but then thats another post in itself.
  21. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='221188' date='Jun 18 2008, 10:20 AM']The reason all those studio monitors were OK was because they were 3 way designs so the horizontal alignment would not cause problems because the cabs would have crossed over to the midrange drivers at the frequencies where comb filtering becomes a problem. Again in the example you quote with the 15 and 2x10 if you are using a crossover then the cabs wont be reproducing the same frequencies. The problem with most bass cabs is that being 2 way the big speakers are reproducing the low and mid frequencies.[/quote] so essentially as the 3 speakers are working on the same frequencies but work differently to each other ( as in the 10's work differently to the 15) and a crossover wouldn't help the matter, regqrdless of wether it sounds ok it's technically not. unless of course you placed the 3 speakers in one cab (albeit a bloody big cab) you could use a cross over for the 15 to handle the real lows and the 10's to handle the low mids - mids.(?) [quote name='alexclaber' post='221271' date='Jun 18 2008, 11:48 AM']Personally I don't have a problem with people doing whatever they like to get the sound they want - but surprisingly often their decisions are based on faux science and witchcraft rather than the claim of just using their ears! If you are going to use science to aid your decisions, use good science! Alex[/quote] i stay away from witchcraft, i prefer voodoo. i like this i'm learning something
  22. [quote name='gilmour' post='221112' date='Jun 18 2008, 09:04 AM']I just thought they had two mics to make the singers twice as loud! now that I say that I feel like a fool. [/quote] ha i just thought one was a backup. doh! bill i'm glad you mentioned about being able to have side by side configurations if you go one wavelenthg out of p[hase or what ever it was. i was wondering about that last night. as in why cant we actually still have speakers side by side but performing correctly. i assume its just cost, we can take existing cabs and turn them on their side. doing the wavelength thingy i guess would take more time and money to work out. could you explain it a little further cos my guitarist at practice on monday said something similar about setting a crossover to bring unmatched speakers back in phase, say a 15 with a 2x10. is that actually possible?
  23. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='220166' date='Jun 16 2008, 07:52 PM']I prefer to play right by the bridge, not over the neck like that![/quote] really i would be playing deep in the groove, right in the pocket
  24. basically stevie take a look at this, it should explain everything. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21267"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21267[/url]
  25. [quote name='Faithless' post='220709' date='Jun 17 2008, 04:15 PM']Gotcha!!!!! taken from bassplayer.com ...... (Not that long he dropped us his new record, called "So Low"), sooo, gear, used there, was.... : ...[i] Basses on So Low … Solo Fender SRB 6, Aria AVB-SB 6, [b]Ibanez custom SDGR 6[/b][/i] ...[/quote] cool, couldn't see any reference to him on the ibanez site though, which you would have thought they would.
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