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Everything posted by lowhand_mike

  1. sounds like a good amp, looks the part just hope it is reliable but from what i have read they are getting better and better
  2. beyer dt-770 pro 80 ohm, great sound quality
  3. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1476272950' post='3152867'] I would crawl naked over broken glass to get to the Southampton gig. (Not a pretty image, please try not to think about it.) [/quote] some things cant be unthunk or you could always just drive, just sayin
  4. good band, got into them via Andertons bass videos as nathan does the demoing. Yeah hes a great player
  5. yep the premiums are great value, way more bass than you should get for that money. had mine for just over a year now and still love it. the big singles sound great. was considering the 1300 but plumbed for the 1800 congrats
  6. i sometimes try to replicate the tone but most of the time i just go with the tone i like, i'm in a covers band not a tribute so i dont feel i need to replicate the original tone. If a bit of drive is needed i'll add that but thats about it though i do play with the pickup blend if i want a more neck type of sound.
  7. get some oil in it, rub it somewhere sweaty, but yeah oil i would think
  8. signed, theres new flats being put up right behind a well known music pub near me so this is very relevant
  9. peavey maxx 115 combo, did a good approximation of a wet fart, very quickly moved on to an ashdown 2x10 and havent looked back
  10. adequate, i play as close to the original lines as possible with the occasional ham fisted fill
  11. i have the mag 300 and the original RM800 (like Merton) and run them through a mag 4x10. never had a woolly sound at all and ahve plenty of bottom end with the RM with headroom to spare.Cuts through in our band no problem. And conversely i like the sound of them on their own and in the band. Maybe playing a more modern sounding bass makes a difference compared to fenders, i dont know.
  12. i think i'm average at best, i can play the songs im asked to play but ask me to jam, no chance. never had the time to learn any theory but i'd love to be able to jam or learn something. i dont let it bother me i'm sure i'll have plenty of time when the kids leave home if you enjoy what you do thats enough for me
  13. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1475244667' post='3144372'] Do the tops make a difference to the tone atall? Would the ash top make the 1300 sound brighter and the 1800 (rosewood top) warmer (rosewood being typically warmer)? I know we've touched up on this before, but I just needed to be sure; I have never experimented with rosewood as a body wood before... unsure (but exciting) times! lol [/quote] Yes...but it would be so subtle you probably wouldnt notice as its only the top wood thats different and in a gigging situation you definately wouldnt notice. But then saying that the sound from mine is quite warm but that could be the mahogany main body, i know my SR500 has quite a warm sound and thats just a mahogany body. The 1800 sounds different but then it has different pickups and electrics. YMMV
  14. was gonna say, i couldnt see where the extra money had gone. good idea, some rosewood or flame maple covers would look good on mine, wonder how much they would cost?
  15. before scrolling down all i could see was the headstock, and i thought ooh Gibson are reintroducing the thunderbird, only to be presented on scrolling with meh......
  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1475084429' post='3142956'] Ooh, a new SR5. Think the SR5BBLTD still wins it for me: [url="http://www.guitarwink.com/en/ibanez-premium-sr5bbltd-natural-flat/"]http://www.guitarwin...d-natural-flat/[/url] One of those that I have never happened across when I had money! [/quote] ooh not seen that one before, very nice but 2.5k for a premium?
  17. just checked the price of a hurley and thats one expensive string mute
  18. that is nice and i'm not usually a fan the body edges look like they are rolled slightly which i prefer over the hard angled edges, nice
  19. does sound pretty nice, thing that i find strange is that he has the master volume on 10! surely that would be mega loud, he must live out in the woods. like the way the camera starts to shake when he ups the gain
  20. the construction of the two is pretty much the same, mahogany and walnut body with different tops, so its just what floats your boat or theres this (5string only though) http://www.ibanez.com/products/u_eb_detail.php?year=2016&cat_id=2&series_id=51&data_id=442&color=CL01 looks lovely
  21. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1474905600' post='3141419'] Hi Mike. Very reassuring mate, cheers! I agree, the darker colour is what does it for me also. Still, the 1300 is equally stunning. Hard to choose! lol [/quote] a nice problem/choice to have
  22. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1474898702' post='3141342'] I'm a non-aggressive, peaceable and to be truthful, downright cowardly person myself but just happen to look like a gargantuan psychotic murderer. Having gone through countless gigs - and in fact life in general - without experiencing a lot of violence or threatening scenarios, I'm starting to wonder if there's a connection. [/quote] being 6ft4 and 18 stone with a shaved head tends to keep things civil, but then our rythmn guitarist is a big fella too generally a look in said knobs direction is enough
  23. the SRF1805 nordstrand pickups are ace, great warmth, slight growl and can bite nicely when digging in, certainly a good upgrade from my SR500's bartolinis. Tonally i would say teh 1800's are warm sounding but it is unlikely the 1300's are really noticably brighter. i liked the darker colour of the rosewood/walnut/mahogany. Gigged mine again at the weekend and its a dream to play, cuts through really well with a solid foundation.
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