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Everything posted by gt4ever

  1. Get the guitarist to play drums and find another guitar, they’re 2 a penny guitarists 😜
  2. Yeah it’s not backstage, more to the side of the stage but some places do VIP for an extra and it is packed and there’s no point, but at Hyde park it was worth the extra money. Never splashed out for a gig before like that and probably never will again, I’m a surfing stage diving get stuck in gig goer but it was a totally different experience and very enjoyable 👍🏼
  3. Hyde park isn’t very grunge, so might as well lord it up in style once in a while.
  4. I did the VIP a few years back to see KOL and Pixies. It was worth the extra money. Loads of chill out area, easy access to front of crowd, no beer queues, decent toilets, just a generally much better experience if you can afford it. Think I paid £215 for it. It was a proper one off but weather was great and you did feel more VIP than a lot of other venues I’ve been to.
  5. We’ve done a few outdoor parties and a festival over the last month or so but it was our first return to a good ole pub gig at the weekend. So good to make people sing and dance again and not a mask in sight. It was bloody fantastic.
  6. Yeah I think confidence is building for a summer of live music, we have 2 a month booked in so far from July to December, a mix of pubs, legions, parties and dinner dances. I’m not confident they’ll all go ahead but I’m happy to feel positive again that there is hope and possibly something to look forward to this year.
  7. Just watching the cure from Hyde park again. For me it just doesn’t get too much better than a forest about an hour in.
  8. I love Dinosaur JR and seen them a couple of times at different venues but I will never see them again indoors. I feel fortunate to have come out with my hearing intact, think there are thousands of people out there with permanent ringing due to Joe Mascis. I love my music loud but he was totally ridiculous.
  9. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and having a good chat with him. He is a genuinely warm and generous spirit.
  10. While the % of people who catch it and die is relatively low, you might want to think of the % of people who still suffer months on with varying degrees of long covid, some with possibly permanent damage. This is the unknown entity. I caught Covid back in Feb/March and while I’m relieved to be alive and functioning, I’m still suffering with breathlessness and the inability to concentrate properly. People just need to be sensible and minimise risk where they can.
  11. Old advert but wondered if this item is still lurking about?
  12. Sounds great, it’s not my music taste but a trio for me brought a whole new dimension to live music. It’s raw, exciting and nowhere to hide. The rhythm and natural understanding between 3 musicians Is far more palpable. I just wish I’d been in a trio sooner. My main function covers band is (was-bloody Covid) my main band, but the garage psychedelic surf rock trio is my fun little side project. It’s immense fun. Enjoy and good luck finding a decent drummer 👍🏼 Rich
  13. Very kenny Everett start to the vid 😝 Sounds great btw 👍🏼
  14. To flip it on its head, from a punters point of view, I visually like to see a backline, It gives a backdrop and character to the band imo. Seeing the choice of cab and amp tells me a lot about the musicians as well.
  15. I remember ABC well, and then in the 90’s I used to use Hands Music in Kingston near the market. Bought my first Stingray there.
  16. On the nirvana subject I’ve gotta say that Lounge Act is probably my favourite of Krist’s basslines. Super fun to play when you’ve nailed it.
  17. Was expecting to see a meatball recipe 😬
  18. Best era of stingrays, have had my 2EQ 94 ray from new and similar to you I was about 17 when I got it. I’ve nearly sold it a few times outta desperation but so glad I didn’t. Have an East Kent bump on me.
  19. It’s a great baseline to play, Elvis always had great musicians around him. I always enjoy this tune when we put it in our set, the pentatonic run down towards the end adds a nice touch too.
  20. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zh1kuvv7DqW2CKGLlwpc5uWgV48VD_GD/view?usp=sharing Bit sloppy in places but always fun to blast through.
  21. Yep both my bands have been put on simmer til life returns to normal again, whatever normal is or will be.
  22. Maybe it’s because the breakdown comes right after the sped up part that you know you have to nail.
  23. Lovely bass but my god wear socks or something when taking photos of reflective objects 😂
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