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Everything posted by gt4ever

  1. Yeah the limiter makes sense, I found it went off the cliff and and just drowned in noise before I got the tone. Might dig it out again and try that method. 👍🏻 thanks man
  2. Yeah I got a regular fx25 and can’t seem to get great sounds from it. Tried for ages and gave up.
  3. I believe he got his tone through a DOD FX25b envelope filter.
  4. Been after a 90’s P bass for a while and own a ‘94 2eq Ray gathering dust....it has emotional attachment though. Decisions...
  5. That’s tomorrow’s gig money spent already...again
  6. We play loves missing by iggy pop. Cool groove and goes down well.
  7. Yeah it does depend who’s dvd collection you’re going through 😝
  8. I usually go through Someone’s DVD collection and normally find a suitable name.
  9. Souljacker pt1 by Eels. Has a great simple grooving bass line that just changes key the once.
  10. Like it, had a real NIN vibe from the Pretty Hate years. 👍🏼
  11. Let me know when you want to part with the sparkle. What hardware has it got??
  12. A few different looks over the past few months.
  13. I seem to remember the lead singer from Eat not only get naked but he stage dived into the crowd at the Phoenix festival.
  14. I use my nose to turn the page if its more than one, I'm so professional lol
  15. I purchased my modulus from a guy in Italy through BC. Never met him before, but put over £2k in his account hoping a decent bass would turn up. Sure enough it arrived as stated and I’ve been as happy as a pig in 💩 ever since. If you want a bass bad enough you’ll take a bigger risk. Sound the seller out, see the tone and quality of their previous posts etc and good luck. rich
  16. 😲 What do you do with all your strings? If you only gig them once and bin them, I’ll take them off your hands 😝 Rich
  17. It is just a song that is well known And gives the average drunk punter a chance to wail some lyrics, simple as
  18. These were the 2 years I went to Reading. Either popular music has become softer or the nature of the Reading festival has changed cos the lineups I went there for were somewhat different 😝
  19. Yeah it’s the third time I’ve seen them and they’ve got better each time. I’m still aching all over and bruised, they make you forget how old you are 😂
  20. Super night at Shepherd’s Bush Monday to see Prophets of Rage, the band and crowd was in fine form!
  21. Sounds great, I'd have ripped those tables out tho and cleared an area to dance, gives people an excuse to sit there and foot tap if there's tables set up in front of the band. Rich
  22. I’m only down the road in Herne bay so I’ll sure pop down when I have funds to part with. Good luck with the venture. Looks great! Rich
  23. What an amazing thread! I say amazing, I mean dangerous. I had thought I’d quashed my GAS and then I find this thread!! Anyway here’s my single ray that ever owned, bought new in 94 and still in nearly new condition, gigged heavily but treasured. I’m on the lookout for matching 5 but unsure I can handle the extra weight...
  24. My current rig. Gets me the tones I need to cut through nicely in my function band. A lightweight rig for me as I’ve had old skool TE gear for many years. Might have to add a 4x10 cab at some point but more than happy with what I got. My only GAS is for a Wal.....
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