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Everything posted by gt4ever

  1. Studio owner was unable to give an accurate desription of the singer or the case so could not provide a statement. It was half 10 at night and there was one floodlight outside the studio. A flight case looks very different to a plastic carrier bag in any light, but as he was unable to describe the flight case in any detail he apparently is not a reliable witness. It's ridiculous and it looks like whoever it was has got away with it. I still cant believe the nerve of someone to come to an audition and thieve equipment, it's a crazy world. Rich
  2. Just got off the phone to a PC looking into the case. He's gonna speak to the studio owner to get a statement off him and then get in touch with the singer. They said not to call his bluff with the CCTV and leave them to do their job so thats what I'm gonna do. I'll keep you all posted if theres a happy ending to this one! Rich
  3. The plot thickens. My gut instinct was always the singer as the culprit. I phoned the studio to see if there was CCTV. I told the owner what happened. He said he saw the singer take a flight case directly to his car and put it in there and thought nothing of it. I said how did he know it was the singer, and he described him and said he got to the studio early and they were chatting before we arrived. I know that this said singer turned up with just a carrier bag with a drink and lyrics inside. So now I have a witness who has nothing to gain from lying. At least I know that my intial instincts were correct. So... what next. I filed everything with the local police. My last contact with the singer that me saying yesterday that I'll check if there is CCTV to see what happened. I now know that he was seen stealing the case so is my best bet to lie to him and say there is CCTV and it shows him putting it in his car and to give him an opportunity to return it to the studio or I'll press charges, or let the police deal with it. Do I call his bluff in the hope that he hasnt got rid of it yet? I just want my gear back! What do you reckon. I am so f***ing livid. Rich
  4. Yep he could well be and I'll never know, end of really.
  5. The singer eventually replied to me after days of avoiding my texts and calls saying exactly what I thought he would say. He said he put the case outside the studio as he didnt know which van to put it in, and then when he left it was not there. Unless there is CCTV then that's it. I've got no proof, it's at the back of a light industrial unit so no footraffic whatsoever and we were the only band there that night. I'm just cross with myself that I gave gear to someone I did not know from Adam. If anything I hope this highlights to others not to make the same stupid mistake. The saga has ruined my Easter and I'm trying to put it all behind me and gradually replace all the items that were in there. But as everyone knows, our flight cases have all our bits and pieces in them, and I'm lost without mine! Night people. Rich
  6. He offered to take stuff down, came back to say goodbye and made a quick getaway. I'm down in East Kent, but it's a warning to others so you dont fall for this below the belt thievery. My SM58 was a week old too! I will report it, and found him on joinmy band so maybe I can track him down, still cant prove it though. Rich
  7. It's been eating me up since it happened! My life was in that flight case, with all my repair gear and spares and accessories.
  8. Can only afford to buy minimum to get get me up and running. One instrument cable, short speakon cable and power supply for my GK 550 fusion. Where would be best to get a power cable for the amp, I'm really clueless about it. Dont wanna blow up my little rig! Rich
  9. Just a little rant. My band auditioned a new singer and keyboardist last week. Got them from the internet. At the end of the night one of them asks if they can help take any gear downstairs from the studio. Not thinking properly I pass one of my flight cases with all my guitar, power, cable leads, pedals and SM58 inside. Needless to say that I am that flight case missing and the said person's mobile is always straight to voicemail. Left a few messages over the week. Its a good £500 worth of stuff. Is it worth calling the police. I've only got a mobile number for him. But then I cant prove it and its probably long gone now. Do I just put it down to experience and warn others of this naive mistake? Not sure how to replace all my GK power leads and footswitches etc. It's such a pain and I'm out of action with no leads whatsoever! Rich
  10. Thanks guys, really helpful advice. I'm only going new as I only have £200 for a deposit and go down the 0% finance route. I'd say that we want to keep the whole PA under £1800, so £900 for mixer and £900 for speakers/cables etc. I think I'm set on a powered mixer route but torn between Yamaha and Peavey as Peavey are offering 5 year warranty on their gear. Going down GAK tomorrow to see if I can see them in action. cheers Rich
  11. Hey people, I'm in a 4 piece rock cover band and we've always begged borrowed and hired PA systems to get us by but I'm starting to feel like we need our own system so that the sound is more consistent. I've always let the singer and guitarist set it all up so my PA knowledge is limited. Initially it would only be 3 vocals going through, main and 2 backing, with the possibility of adding kick and bass etc when we get some subs. We only ever need a PA for pubs and small functions. I am initially thinking a passive system with a powered mixer, 2x10 or 12" and a monitor. Only myself and the guitarist can invest, so I was going to buy the mixer and he'd get the speakers. I was looking at the Yamaha EMX5016CF as a contender for the mixer. Anyone with experiences of it or any other suggestions? Any good suggestions for passive 10 or 12" speakers to compliment the mixer? Thanks in advance. Rich
  12. It's called progression, NIN was put to sleep a few years ago, the beast has now arisen but in a different form. Good bands progress and experiment. I've loved NIN from the early nineties and seen them many times. I prefer their raw industrial but respect the progression and his need for change. Rich
  13. Here's my new rehearsal and gigging rig. I am addicted to the GK growl, just can't stop digging in to get the tone I crave, fingers blistered up big time though. No pain no gain. Rich
  14. Hey guys, Our band is looking for a decent camcorder to record gigs and studio sessions. After seeing so many people rave about the Zoom Q3HD, we were going to go down that route, but I now see that it has been discontinued. I've looked everywhere to find its replacement but failed. What do people recommend within the same price bracket of say £100 to £150? A good all-rounder, but sound is more important that image if any compromise has to be made in that price bracket. Failing that, does anyone know of a Q3HD second hand kicking around that needs a new home?? Cheers Rich
  15. If you want to learn some Stones, Paint it Black works well and should be pretty simple on the bass for a beginner. Good luck and have fun. Rich
  16. For me it has to be Timmy C on the Evil Empire album. The distorted tone is just immense. Rich
  17. [quote name='surfinbernard' timestamp='1342197126' post='1731485'] I really don't rate the Chilis, they are quite boring IMO, very studio polished sounding, not really my bag. I do like funk, especially older funk, I am not 'opposed' to the slap style, I just don't like Flea's playing. He is good at his particular thing, I just don't find it all that nice to listen to. Neither do I particularly enjoy listening to a lot better players such as Marcus Miller, yes they are amazing and I occasionally have a listen so I can say 'wow' and 'cor listen to that' but musically it leaves me cold. I am much more excited by rawness and passion than polish and technique. [/quote] just out of interest what gets you going musically? The last sentence just makes me think if you listened to their early stuff then rawness and passion was in abundance. Its like anything really, it develops and progresses with people and time, they are getting on a bit now so dont think their older style would really suit where they are at now. Any of their albums prior to and including mothers milk was raw IMO, have a listen, you may likey. Rich
  18. I've got the same but tennis elbow in one arm and tendonitis on the inside of my other elbow, i'm a tiler so heavy lifting but think I damaged them carrying a 4 x 10! I had a physio session with electrolysis, heat and ultrasound. I've got to wear a strap/clasp thing in each arm and i've been given a list of exercises to do. Also attacking the inflamation with a course of voltarol pills. I cant rest my elbows cos my work gotta keep going, but at least playing bass doesnt cause too much pain Rich
  19. For me it always came on a first come first serve basis when in multiple bands, be it practice or gigs, even if one paid more than the other I always keep my original bookings and if you are honest and up front from the start then I dont see if being a problem.
  20. For me it was a mixture of adam yauch RIP, Timmy C and Flea.
  21. [quote name='deaver' timestamp='1339324423' post='1686734'] Can't work out the embedding thing at the moment so here's a link [url="http://www.facebook.com/v/393656837337472"]http://www.facebook....393656837337472[/url] Salisbury Diamond Jubilee bash, sounds and images recorded on a flip up cam thing. Headphones give at least some idea of the sound quality, both stage sound and front of house were amazing [/quote] sounded great. Looked like a fun gig there. lucky on the weather front too Rich www.soundcloud/thefm
  22. my last band started last nite, boys dont cry and dakota. seemed to do the trick. upbeat, everyone knows them. depends on the crowd though. Rich
  23. think you got off lightly there, never heard of an auditionee paying, and first ones always free in my books.
  24. I got a good man down in Canterbury. old skool man, old skool prices, used to be work high up for Marshall in the US back in the day. PM if you need a number Rich
  25. then you get a knock at the door saying its stolen property and it all goes pear shaped....hope not.
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