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Everything posted by gt4ever

  1. gt4ever

    Trace Elliots

    i've had my SM300 GP7 for about 18 years and I only just extended it today with an old skool 4 x 10 cab. It does weigh a fair bit but if you aint got the pennies theres no pain no gain in this game. Old skool trace sound for the bucks I dont think can be beaten. I am well chuffed with my mini stack. Rich
  2. f***. gutted. lost for words
  3. yep got my vote dude. great effort. Rich
  4. Played a blinder somewhere in Laughton, Essex. It was a mish mash of only way is essex meets eastenders with a bit of shameless thrown in. Spent the night sinking the drinks, dancing and bouncing around, occasionally hitting the right notes, but most importantly focusing on the bird in the skimpy white dress whose behind i was making grind up n down Rich
  5. yep that bagel shop sorted me out a fair few times on the munchies
  6. Denmark st is one of those places with definite history but I think the people behind the counters think they themselves are steeped in the history too. The bass shop has to be the most unfriendly place you are likely to visit which is the second reason for visiting if you are nearby. If i'm passing i will pop down there for the humour factor. I dare you to pick up a bass without asking for their guided permission first! They are such muppets its really funny. Rich
  7. another brit school creation for the masses, but she got some fine legs and a wicked voice so who am i to complain.
  8. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1328656080' post='1530904'] At the risk of being flamed to death.... Many of these are the reason(s) that I'm either in an originals band... Or not in a band at all. I understand that these may be as a part of lucrative function/covers band arrangement.... But I'd just stand there and play it like a zombie. For some reason, I only enjoy playing something that I've had some input into, for better or worse. In the last band I was in, we did "All along the Watchtower..." and I hated it. Quite obviously my mileage varies significantly... And limits (severely) my ability to find a band... [/quote] Being in both a cover band and originals band gives the best of both worlds for me. My cover band is a bit of light hearted fun, jumping around and enjoying it for the sake of enjoying it while the originals band is a bit more serious and more the enjoyment of creating something and then watching others enjoy what you have created too. It works for me anyways! Its all fun, but then it depends what you want outta your musical life really, horses for courses, so long as you enjoy what you do ROCK ON! Rich
  9. set one last nite start ziggy bad moon rising up the junction have a nice day boys dont cry bohemian like you buck rogers be yourself cant stop richard III set two pinball wizard teenage kicks mollys chambers rappers delight chasing cars i love to boogie paint it black man who sold the world (nirvana version) adventures of raindance maggie dakota fire sex on fire encore basket case come as you are chelsea dagger thats the basic set, try do something for most people, obviously new stuff keeps coming in and other stuff leaves, but god do i hate playing half the first set, its so fekkin boring! Rich
  10. thanks man, thought it too cheap for a block, your suggestion now purchased and winging its way over. cheers fella. Rich
  11. Hi guys should be a quick and easy answer. My effects i use are pretty minimal. I've got an EBS multicomp, Boss ODB-3 and the EHX Bass Big Muff Pi, and may get a micro q-ton filter. I recently got a cheap daisy chain power supply but i fear it aint powerful enough. I've been looking at the Maplins block http://www.maplin.co.uk/9v-power-bank-for-guitar-effect-pedals-31292 but i'm useless at amps and electronics. Would it be man enough for the job? cheers Rich
  12. i've recently joined a punk/indie band The FM as bassist. Good energy, great songwriter. This is one of their more commercial efforts from last year, great vid though. http://youtu.be/PtbQHjbpU5E Rich
  13. i've had my senheiser hd25's for about 12 years and theyre still going strong and doing the business.. bonus using them when you got kids is when you got them on it blanks out their noise too..result. Rich
  14. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1321473924' post='1439704'] couldnt go back to a pick- I use my second finger nail if I want that pick like sound- never lost that either....! [/quote] reminds me of keidis saying he had a coke friendly finger and a pussy friendly finger
  15. yeah i was envious to see that in their encore, my fave chilies track by a mile. still was happy with sir psycho sexy they played when i saw them.
  16. was the day before when they played 6 BSSM numbers. M.E.N. Arena, Manchester, UK 2011-11-14 Set list Disc 1 01 Monarchy of Roses 02 Dani California 03 Charlie 04 Look Around 05 Otherside 06 If You Have To Ask 07 Can't Stop 08 The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie 09 Blood Sugar Sex Magik 10 Me & My Friends 11 Factory of Faith 12 Under the Bridge 13 Higher Ground 14 Californication 15 By the Way 16 Chad & Mauro Jam 17 Sir Psycho Sexy 18 They're Red Hot 19 Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere 20 Give It Away 21 Final Jam the 15th was more cali stuff monarchy dani tell me baby scar tissue look around she's only 18 can't stop rain dance maggie hard to concentrate right on time did i let you know under the bridge higher ground californication by the way Drum Jam Around the World Soul to Squeeze Give it away End Jam
  17. lol yeah it was fun, needed solid dm's. people were being thrown out for surfing though, but think thats just arena rules . seeing carter at brixton this weekend, think i'll go into cardiac arrest with all this dancing!
  18. i am lucky enough to be young enough to stand to watch a gig I would never see any band in a stadium but the arena venues are fine, its easy to get within a few feet of the front of the crowd. I was about 2 metres from the barriers in front of flea the whole gig . My favourite venue will always be good old brixton, well it was the astoria but then they knocked it down, sacrilige!!
  19. hey glad you had a good one. thought they played at least 5 from BSSM but then people can talk sh*te. lol
  20. so how was it tonight. heard they played a fair bit of BSSM, awsome!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYGNExNA_HE&feature=player_embedded#! This is how they ended the gig, love their give it away outro, they put bands in their 20's to shame and theyre pushing 50, amazing. love the jamming at the end. they were like hypnotic snake charmers, couldve stood there all night!
  22. there was loads jamming between songs where theyd go over to one another and play in each others faces and get funky. An amazing guitarist with no apparent ego (yet) makes for a cool collaberation. If the manc shows are anywhere near as good as last night you're in for a treat. i am envious of anyone seeing them next week. be excited, be very excited! Rich
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1321037033' post='1434777'] Got mine for Knebworth already! Im going on Tuesday to the Manchester one, Like 4000 I was at the MCFC sportcity one a few years ago and it wasnt the best gig I will be honest, we missed James Brown and the other support (chicks on speed was it?) they got boo'ed off and the atmosphere went down hill from there which was a shame as we we not involved in the booing, I also beleive the booing was justified anyway? The sound system was sh*te too [/quote] you gotta give josh a warm welcome. He was cool as f***. His jamming skills were obvious for all to see and most importantly he fused together with flea in an almost hillel kinda way. big respect to him. Rich
  24. just saw them at the o2 last night. while he may not be technically the best, one trick pony i hear some say BUT he is awesome live, the energy, passion, expression, funk and attitude is supreme! He is my bass idol for sure. Parallel universe and sir psycho sexy were my highlight! Rich
  25. i broke a d'addario round wound G last month, being aggressive and it just went. was only fingerstyle no popping. think the strings were only a few months old too. i'll put it down to a defect cos in all the years i been playing its my first one to go. Rich
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