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Everything posted by janmaat

  1. borrow somebody else's kit, play in a garage and crank the 10W amp up till it blows. oh sorry. yes i know "punk has gone a long way"
  2. First bass: self made wash tub bass (http://bucketbass.com/) Everyday bass: depends on the act "My sound" : Godlyke Deity Fretless 4
  3. Just bought this OLP MM3 off Simmo [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122744&hl=olp+mm3"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=olp+mm3[/url] very nice lad, picked me up at the train station, good cup of tea and nice chat about this and that and bass and so on, he put a tiny 10w amp into the deal as an extra and dropped me off at the station again. thanks, Joe, for the deal and nice afternoon. Keep rockin' J.
  4. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1129965' date='Feb 16 2011, 05:53 PM']Welcome Frans [/quote] Moin moin - err, grüß Gott, err, servus...
  5. [quote name='icastle' post='1129472' date='Feb 16 2011, 12:04 PM']You get what you pay for. Every time you move, the lead moves as well and over a period of time there will be stresses, strains and accidents that eventually cause a failure. The cheaper the cable, the quicker it's going to fail. I don't buy ready made cables - I buy Neutriks plugs and decent cable and make my own. Some of them are now getting on for 10 years old and are still working fine - maybe a couple of inches shorter than they were when I first made them though... . Every so often I have a 'blitz' through the lead cases (probably around 80 cables of various types) and go through every cable testing and physically inspecting the connections and overall cable condition. Anything that even looks dubious is either rebuilt or discarded and replaced. Sounds like a lot of work, but we've only had one lead failure (cymbal sliced through it as it fell) whilst playing live in the last 5 years! [/quote] +1 for the make-your-own. Quality cable costs about 2 pounds / meter (maplin), plus 2 quid or so per jack, so you can save good money if you make a dozen or so for the whole band.
  6. Claudio Armani answered the question "How do you see if a man is dressed well" by saying "look at his shoes". In auditions, two things make me spot a "pro" player in the first minute: quality cables, and the ability to tune. I have three leads and they are dear to me, and they served me for a long time - happy bunny! In the early days, loads of leads, frequent re-soldering, what a waste of precious rehearsal time - not to speak of gigs, where a cracking cable is just ... well ... like pants dropping down Behringer offers no service so it is a gable, and if you need reliable stuff, its a no-no, however good the sound.
  7. Inspired by another thread (http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122994&hl=) Some people have loads of basses and don't play in a band. For me, I played in a band first and only later got (my own) bass. Was wondering what is more common here?
  8. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1126078' date='Feb 13 2011, 04:14 PM']That'll teach me to skim through threads without reading the replies properly!! [/quote] just imagine the number of possible combinations! so many strings and so many fingers up and down must be about ... well thats maths innit
  9. How about this? [url="http://bucketbass.com/"]http://bucketbass.com/[/url]
  10. I play down strokes with my index finger nail and sometimes even upstrokes with the thumb finger nail - probably because i am even more notorious in losing plectrums. Do whaterver gives you the sound you want dude!
  11. [quote name='Zach' post='1125948' date='Feb 13 2011, 02:03 PM']Do you mean you're trying to write interesting solo basslines? don't think i've heard very many of those at all that capture my interest, let alone ones i've come up with. From my (limited) experience, I only really enjoy playing bass if it's with a drummer. Try seeing if there are any open jam nights near you, will at the least get you some band playing experience[/quote] +1 for the band. If there is no session that needs bass player, than just start one - you play bass, you ARE the band (in the sense that there is no band without bass). just find some local musicians. and as said above: a good bassline is relative to what else is going on in the music.
  12. [quote name='Duarte' post='1121981' date='Feb 9 2011, 10:03 PM'] My Sterling. Thought I would give it a paint job![/quote] Jackson Pollock Bass ??
  13. Fact is far too little singers care for their sound both on the side of vocal chords and gear. this is a fab thing that I believe every live singer should have [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/products/voicetone-create-xt/"]http://www.tc-helicon.com/products/voicetone-create-xt/[/url] seriously, it blew me away. there is really a lot of gear for vocalists coming out recently (boss has done something similar), so hopefully they will start bothering for their own sound at least (get their own microphone and wedge monitor at least, i am bored by singers who don't have any gear and rely on other band members for anything)
  14. Tired of buzzing cheap power supplies, electrocution risk with multi sockets, and batteries alike. A friend said he had converted a PC power supply unit to power all his effects for years (he's a violinist), very stable voltage etc. Has anyone build a DIY power supply? Or are there good reasons not to?
  15. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/37/73717637.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/37/73717637.html[/url]
  16. [quote name='ieuanmacey' post='796832' date='Apr 5 2010, 05:51 PM']Bump[/quote] free bump!
  17. [quote name='Mace' post='1121298' date='Feb 9 2011, 12:59 PM']Possible cheap starter option? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81781"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81781[/url][/quote] cool offer - zach, if you go DIY, you will try to build a similar bracket to fix the jack socket - can't beat that system IMO.
  18. love that track with the theremin. isnt it just a shame that as a bass player, one must play bass all the time - i mean, in bands where i was playing something in the upper register, one can swap much more easily ie. play a uke instead of guitar, a harmoica, ... there are certainly many bass players who in fact are multi-instrumentalists. or is there anyone here who would swap bass with somebody else in the band during a set?
  19. Hiya, I don't really know why 99% of bands consist of B/G/Dr/Voc, there are so many cool instruments around. I recently formed a trio with electric fiddle and electric cello. I really would love to have a xylophone in my rock band. So my question is, what is your "dream linup" in instruments, and why?
  20. after so much talk about speaker diameters - i would really like to hear some more about the dimension of the cab, how that relates to the speakers etc. - and the volume. how much air any driver moves depends on the volume too - and hence, each cab will have a certain volume at which it will sound "best". so again, it depends on the setup - and the setup of the band, stage, and so forth. after all, one can hunt for the perfect sound - - or leave that to the specialists. I think as a player, being able to move that damn thing seems more important than what it is. Hence the trend to smaller, more flexible gear. Add huge cabinet if you find one in the venue. Spend your cash on bass guitar, head, preamp, or lessons... or a DI box.
  21. essential for a gig... let me think... A GETAWAY PLAN
  22. I have a really odd restored ol' DB here, and currently I have two pickups, one is a Realist, and one a cheap Shadow (I think it was originally made for guitar). I run them both through an EBS microbass which is FAB as it gets me loads of options. I have tried K&K Bassmaster which is great too, particularly since it picks up the fingerboard (for rockabilly slapping) and it is really comfortable to have the preamp on your belt. Just recently I have bought a "Maplin Burglar Alarm set" for 5 quid (reduced), which contained a little piezo pickup, that's the ones you put on the window; it is fundamentally the very same technology as the piezo pickups used in music amplification, only it is not covered in a protected plastic cover so more fragile. I have built that into an old banger of a guitar; which sounds surprisingly good. Not sure how that would work on bass though, but for that price?? [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/piezo-transducers-3202"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/piezo-transducers-3202[/url] So my suggestion is to try a couple of different solutions: combination of pickup, pickup placement, preamplification and amp gives hugely different results. For example, now, I like the acoustic sound of the Realist, while the shadow gives me a boomy bass, strong in output, more flat and better for the tuner (!), and the mix of both is really quite interesting with all he options of the microbass.
  23. Yes that would be interesting, I am also pondering about getting a DB better than the monster I own, browsing Thomann who now offer a wider range - anyone any experience?
  24. i quite agree with the skateboard idea. in that it should be possible to fix wheels to some sort of a board, which then attaches to the bottom of the cab - and can be taken off altogether for servicing etc ...
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