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Everything posted by janmaat

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1335019149' post='1624800'] Can't be anyone here can it? I thought we were all bass players. [/quote] Surely all bass gear owners.
  2. I guess it depends. What the "angry young man" has to say will only resonate if people bother. Music has played a huge role in the Arab spring. http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/09/15/7758131-how-rap-music-fueled-the-arab-spring-uprisings
  3. OP, I was playing a GK Backline recently, and I am under the impression that's similar to the Behringer (that I also know) but the brand name (there's virtually no guarantee whatsoever on the Behringer which is really, really, really bad about them). Just as a tip, if you consider buying this thing, said GK is not very expensive, also angular, also 15'', also loads of options, and a brand name, so you may want to check that out.
  4. It clearly IS the bassline of moondance, or am I wrong?
  5. or stoner music
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1334933470' post='1623724'] The problem is that music is a tool and that tool can be wielded by anyone. For every Woody Guthrie and for every Marseillaise ([i]Aux Armes Citoyens![/i]) there is an Edward Elgar and a Horst Wessel Lied. Music can be a vehicle for repression as much as it can be a vehicle for change. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Note that the nazi regime was extremely oppressive towards Jazz music in particular, and towards all sorts of artistic expression in general ("Gleichschaltung"). In the East German totalitarian regime, listening to the Rolling Stones was frowned upon and records hard to come by. I know a guy who's in prison in Iran for no other reason than playing the blues. If expression can change things, then music can.
  7. Good that you know the other band, so if both of you insist of not playing for free, great! I mean, you woulnd't even play your auntie's birthday without some cash for the band mates, now why do that for ... what's her name ... when she's not even there?? Plus one would suppose she's got the cash..? Answer is simple, don't do it, that's ridiculous. You will see they WILL coff up the cash.
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1334829145' post='1621855'] The first thing 99% of bass players did was to remove the covers. Now you know why! [/quote] And that's why those with them on are now considered valuable: they have not been played!
  9. Played a gig recently, first time with the 5er, - was surprised how many people - had never seen a 5er before - thought "he must be awesome" though I'm not, I have 5 strings because I am really too lazy to move my hand much - they should have thought "man, he's got a strong back"
  10. I guess on a vintage instrument, it will have to be the arm pit sweat of Leo Fender himself. According to lore, he bottled it - there are two types, one for p-bass and one for j-bass. You can REALLY hear the difference. But quality has deteriorated some point in the 1960ies. So purists go for Oud oil these days. http://lynne-evans.suite101.com/oud-oil-is-the-most-expensive-in-the-world-a311282
  11. That's a no-brainer. Another 80quid or so gets you a Schaller 4D to slap on there and mate, it's a keeper. Really missing mine!
  12. [quote name='littlegreenman' timestamp='1334460502' post='1616469'] OK, I'll play New to this bass malarkey, so no clue if I've got the signal chain correct. Seems to sound OK though. Should probably ditch the Wah and get a smaller device for pitch shift stuff, but I need to replace the left-hand side for skinny string duties. Bass bits come off, guitar bits go on. Damn, I need 2 boards [/quote] Similar stuff here! I use the Microbass II and the Weeping Demon, but find the wah really nice in that effect loop of the Microbass. So my chain is usually EBS Multicomp -> Microbass -> Amp; with Wah -> dirt in the effects loop, which sounds huge with a 50% blend or whatever.
  13. Moin Fischkopp!
  14. One phrase I really don't like is "could you turn the volume of that bass down"
  15. Sort of feel that a BC guitar strap or something like that would make more sense. I just don't wear advertisement clothes. I would much rather buy a couple of stickers for a fiver?
  16. How about "growl". Seems here in Germany it's referred to as "knurrig". I have no clue what that could possibly be.
  17. janmaat


    Sitar player here.
  18. Yeah, I forgot about the melodeon in my childhood (family tradition) it was in Bflat/Eflat, but we didn't know that, so everyone wondered why we couldn't play with anyone or with each other (all these instruments came from my grandma, she had several of them, all in different keys, but we wouldn't know) My dad still only plays in C major (lacking all musical education, he doesn't know there is a minor parallel)
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1334049636' post='1609966'] that is the best story ever! what was the bass? [/quote] A Yamaha RBX 375 - they trashed the body, and my friends found another body from a Yamaha RBX 275 without neck (probably similar story) - which I sanded down, fitted it, replaced all the hardware, which made it a phantastic bass. I played it with Rex Nemo, and in the A-Band, on Supernormal festival 2010 in the UK. I needed the cash when I moved back from London to Berlin, and the man who bought it for 175 got a real bargain given the shaller bridge etc.
  20. Played guitar in a punk performance band in Berlin. Chatted up a girl with big tits to do the bass part. Got up at her place went and bought a bass for her to use. Was a cool project. She moved back to Swizerland for rehab. Everyone eventually left, but the bass. This was later smashed by some arab kids in a squat in Paris, re-assembled, and sold in London. I miss it, it was a great bass.
  21. Welcome to BC!
  22. I went to a pro wind instrument supply shop. They had a whole cabinet full of oils to chose from they use for recorders.
  23. Could be interesting to find / create a multi-lingual glossary, for those interested in Vienna... B is called H in German, and Bflat is called B. Semibreve - "ganze Note" minim - "halbe Note" crotchet - "viertelnote" quaver - "achtelnote" 16th - "sechzehntelnote" chorus - Refrain verse - Strophe bar - Takt though Takt means a couple of things: http://www.dict.cc/?s=takt quieter - leiser louder - lauter
  24. What happened to fruitbag?
  25. Loving my Fender Jazz V (hello, Kraken!) Thinking about a flatwound option. Does anyone use flats on a 5er? Any hints appreciated. Jan
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