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Everything posted by janmaat

  1. A cello is a bass violin, since it plays the bass lines e.g. in chamber music. If you need to double the bass up in an orchestral setting, and play bass notes an octave lower, you have a double bass, hence the name.
  2. Singer [i]and songwriter:[/i] "I don't have to write that down, that's not my job!" Did I just hear the word[i] job,[/i] thought I...
  3. There is a lot of money spent on anything after production - that is, quality control(s), the setting up of the instrument, and on marketing, fewer shops, better service. That probably amounts to more of the price difference than parts & assemblage.
  4. Trade for this one:
  5. I'd guess as much as it sounds 'white' now, it will sound 'black' after the refinish.
  6. agree, I love this bass as it is. BUMP
  7. You could practise refinishing that body...
  8. btw it may be possible to remove the electronics without any cutting or de-soldering. Take the knobs off, then just unscrew the pots with a wrench holding them carefully from the cavity. Be careful not to lose the cable connecting the electronics to the bridge!. Close the cavity again and stick some tissue in the pot holes. Mask the pickups and do the spray action.
  9. Learning how to solder is quite rewarding and will cut costs on the cable sides of things. Strong advise to remove everything, since in any other case, you will not achieve an even coat. Are you experienced with spray cans?
  10. I never brought a second bass because rightly put, chances are it will get nicked. I considered bringing a spare guitar for the guitards may times...
  11. Oh THAT problem... Well... depends on the state it's in. You can do what I did to a board that was in REALLY bad shape. Got a block of perfectly straight mahogany and sanded it down until it was straight... Took about 2 weeks, 2 hours a day, but hey mine was a grand canon! I then cleaned it with alcohol, primed it, and applied some layers of acrylic, then some yacht varnish. I guess floor board colour would have been better. No problem since but it's still... well... crap wood with paint on it... Can you post some pictures? It might be worth thinking about getting a proper finger board.
  12. Apart from the lights, you need a light concept. Many times, when seeing bands on badly lit stages, even those who bring their own lights fail to properly light up all the players. A little goose neck light to light up, say, the drummer, can make a difference. Rule of thumb, make sure every musician has his or her own light. And try to practise awareness of the lights, so that musicians who move on stage don't walk out of the light: rule of thumb: if you can't see the audience, the audience can see you, and vice versa.
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322315784' post='1449285'] Neither is it mandatory to live in the UK if you don't like its government. [/quote] Ironically, things would have to get much worse politically before you could apply for asylum anywhere. It is indeed not easy to change one's nationality, if not impossible. Neither is it mandatory to play bass if you don't like this forum.
  14. Welcome Helen. 3/4 is standard size. There is a lot to instruments and strings to learn, just do a search here. You need an instrument and a luthier to set it up really and the setup (action) is related to the type of music. What instrument will largely depend on your budget. These days we can get ok beginner's instruments new (e.g. gedo musik, thomann) - you'd order one and then go to your local and have it set up. Start researching in your area, talk to other DB players in your area, find the shop / luthier, take it from there.
  15. What do you use now? What is your budget? What venues is it for?
  16. [quote name='tony_m' timestamp='1322268237' post='1448894'] I've started avoiding another couple of (non-bass-related) forums (forii?) [/quote] The correct plural of forum is fora since forum is neuter. Kasus Singular Plural Nominativ for[b]um[/b] for[b]a[/b] Genitiv for[b]ī[/b] for[b]ōrum[/b] Dativ for[b]ō[/b] for[b]īs[/b] Akkusativ for[b]um[/b] for[b]a[/b] Ablativ for[b]ō[/b] for[b]īs[/b] [b]Edit for layout. [/b]I have noticed the habit of this fori, where people explain why they have edited their posts. This may not be common in other fora, but coming from other foris, it is proper to get accustomed to the habits of new fororum rather than imposing one's own to the foro.
  17. Hm, the bright switch on my MicrobassII refuses to work. No big issue since I've never used it, but indeed don't trust these little plastic switches on the EBS stuff.
  18. True there are only so-and-so-many discussions to have. It feels like after a while, you know all there is to know about bass guitars, effects, gigging... and have acquired all the gear you want. Just because a discussion like, say "5 vs. 4 strings" bores you and me, doesn't mean it doesn't have its merits for many of the younger generation... oh and yes, EBS hasn't changed that avatar for a long time.
  19. Nice thing about the Minimark is that it allows for an extension cab. Without such, it's totally sufficient as stage monitor, especially for DB. Easy to position on top of other gear, so no feedback problems. Many times, I didn't bother with the house PA if there was. Yes, 2x6 inch does not kick the drummer off his stool, but with 350w it delivers more than enough to make yourself heard on stage. With an extension cab, it makes a phantastic rig. And the fact that it's slim rather than bulky makes it possible to carry it along with a DB or other gear in one go without having to bend over. It was basically designed for jamming bassists in large cities.
  20. I have done this extensively and have used the Minimark which was really, really cool on the tube even at rush hours. Works as monitor box + DI box really. Smart piece of kit - took it anywhere i went really, 10kg and [i]very [/i]easy to transport due to great shape. I think Electrohill at Palmers Green has one in stock.
  21. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1321009043' post='1434248'] Interesting. I remember seeing photos of a (presumably) home-made instrument with an electric bass guitar neck attached to a kick-drum as the resonating body. No idea what it sounded like, but it looked quite awkward to play. [/quote] Bassix is building bass banjos, must be awesome! http://www.bassbanjos.com/
  22. Hi guys, I just found this website from Hamburg and wanted to share http://folkfriends.com/shop/showprodlist.php?grp=27 I like both the "Kofferbass" and the bass balalaika - finally found a source west of the Oder... Folkfriends seems to stock a lot more exotic stuff which one or the other might find inspiring. Greetings from Berlin J.
  23. Must be this one... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_Slow_As_Possible
  24. I just found this website and wanted to share it with you guys. GeBa is the German Association of Bass Players. Looks like the market place for 2nd hand DBs. http://www.geba-online.de/KatalogSucheEinfach.php4?katalog_db=12&quicksearch=5&listID=
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