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Everything posted by ben604

  1. ben604


    Bump. This not interest anyone? Is the video rubbish? Half price for a mint valve overdrive pedal...
  2. ben604


    Bump. Ampeg sold.
  3. While I'm sure it sounds thunderous, it's got to be the least attractive cabinet ever made.
  4. ben604


    Right, I think I need to submit some information about the pre-amp, which it looks like I've been shafted on a little. Here's some information submitted from a member on another forum: [quote]Ah, that'll be the one I sold to Slaphappygarry then A bit more detail on this for sake of transparency - it was dropped [b][i]heavily[/i][/b] in the post when I shipped it to Garry in November 2006. He noticed it was buzzing like hell when he plugged it in, physically AND audibly. When I opened it up, I found one of the pots had a cracked wiper and required replacement - I think it was the master output, the replacement pot had a different sized shaft hence the mismatched knob. It also has extensive repairs inside - the transformer had literally jumped off the board with the impact and was resoldered and refixed with cable ties. Also two of the EQ sliders were re-soldered and output jack connections were remade to the board as they popped clean out. Oh, and he paid £180 for it. HTH. [/quote] I paid £250 delivered for it and literally non of the above information was divulged. Make of that what you will...It sounds great and I've been happily gigging/practising with it for a few months now and I'll stand by any sale made on here.
  5. How did that great big amp get in the way of a lovely photo of the table and chairs?!
  6. ben604


    Good point, Gary! Photos added.
  7. ben604


    Well, either I'm literally the worst person in the world to buy from or I've managed to pick the two least popular items ever to sell! Up to the top!
  8. ben604


    Literally no interest so far, so a little price drop. SVP-PRO - £215 delivered Markbass - £105 delivered
  9. ben604


    Open for trades against a 4x10 too.
  10. ben604


  11. ben604


    So, I'm going back to amplifiers after a year of playing through our PA. I'm finally in a position to buy something valvey! Up for sale is my Markbass Distorsore. It's a valve overdrive pedal. They don't come up that often, this one came from Holland. It's in excellent condition with the PSU. I'm after what I paid, £105 delivered. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4JarZSPMG4[/media]
  12. In my endless hunt for a valve amp, I spotted this in John Henry's. Don't think it's quite what I'm after, but they're quite sought after, I believe: [url="http://www.johnhenrys.com/shop/detail.asp?proID=154668542"]http://www.johnhenrys.com/shop/detail.asp?proID=154668542[/url]
  13. Hello, did this sell? How does it compare tone-wise to an SVT or AD200B (if you have any experience of them?)
  14. Would you consider a straight sale?
  15. My Brother, our lead singing drummer:
  16. Rage Against the Machine - Freedom! Well, the chorus anyway..
  17. Black! Definitely black.
  18. Just played the World Famous Cavern (pub). Orange have sponsored the stage there, so I played through an AD200 and an Orange 4x10. Sounded amazing. I need to get me a toob amplifier again... Apparently, the bassist from The Smiths was in the audience...?! Shame I'm "basic" to say the least and play particularly well! Good fun though.
  19. Our 'sound' as a band is the be all and end all. We spend a lot of time individually and collectively working on our sound and we are very open about our opinions on how individuals sound. We get compliments at every gig as to how "full" we sound, mainly due to bass and drums both going through the PA. We occasionally go out and see other bands to "check the competition" or just on a night out and we're astonished as to how many bands just plug in, get a rough distortion sound or just mic the kick up any old way and start playing. Their playing is usually good, but their sound completely lets them down. It should be just as important as learning what notes to hit, in what order.
  20. A quick one from me. I've never enjoyed/had as much power/tone than when I had a Markbass 6x10. It was small enough to fit in my focus boot without putting the seats down and a one man lift apart from stairs. I tried 2 x Acme 2x10s and they just weren't loud enough. If you can get a the sealed, Markbass 6x10 without the tweeter, it's the perfect cab in my opinion. I now play though the PA, 2 x 15" tops and a 15" sub, with a little bit of foldback through 2 x JBL Eon 15s which is a good compromise if you've got the PA for it.
  21. The biggest one for me is ENJOY YOURSELVES and if you can't do that, then at least LOOK like you are. 99% of the audience won't notice a mistake/care how your bass sounds/know the words to songs.
  22. Spot on with regards to structure, everyone needs to put in equal effort or it becomes a real chore. I think you need to "know" the songs, listen to them until you know them inside out, it makes playing them so much easier. Oh yeah, apart from the lead guitarist, we all learn from the CD, he watches youtube videos to see how they play it live, then combines the live with the CD, it works well, he's very diligent though!
  23. Sounds very cool! To be fair, if you're going to V Festival, you're probably not into music anyway, so don't be upset by their lack of enthusiasm! It's a rubbish festival.
  24. Pretty close to selling this on eBay unless anyone wants to jump in..?
  25. As the title really. Is this a silly idea?
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