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Everything posted by ben604

  1. PM sent
  2. I've also had a quick play in my bedroom and I'm impressed too, really round and warm sounding. Can't go wrong for £185!
  3. I've just joined the LH500 club...That's too cheap to miss!
  4. Absolute music are doing these for £185 delivered at the moment! [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_product.php?product=harlh500"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_p...roduct=harlh500[/url]
  5. Bump
  6. Hello! I'll take the cab if this sells... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34331"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34331[/url]
  7. Withdrawn
  8. Thanks for the input guys, I did rewire the cab to 2-ohms and it worked fine (at my first ever gig...!, although it didnt have the oompf I'd hoped for/expected... I think I'll rewire it back and buy another cheap 8-ohm 410 or 15 or sell it and save some pennies for a 410HLF/810e.
  9. I've got an Ampeg SVT-II-Pro and no money, the head wont run at 8-ohms and I cant afford another cab till January at the earliest.
  10. Hello, I've got a 410TVX 8-ohm cab and I want to wire it to 2 ohms to use with my Ampeg SVT-II-Pro head. I know i've got to wire it parallel but I'm a bit nervous doing it without advice!! Does the tweeter make any difference? Any advice would be appreciated!! Cheers, Ben.
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gallien-Krueger-RB2000-1000w-head-810SBX-800w-cab_W0QQitemZ160297710304QQihZ006QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Only Two hours left on ebay!![/url]
  12. Few very interesting trade offers, is anyone else interested?
  13. I've had an Emu 1212m for years and I must admit, they're very good cards for the price. You get 2-in/2-out on 1/4" jacks and a further 8-in/8-out on ADAT lightpipe, so there's plenty of room for expansion. The onboard DSP effects are usable too, so you might want to take a look at the external versions of that range. I've got an Emulator X version too which is an ace software sampler and a few GB of really good samples. You can literally build a track using these samples and record audio on top in Cubase. 2nd hand from ~£80-100. I've just taken delivery of a Focusrite Saffire 10 Pro and I was literally recording in Cubase within about 10 minutes. To be fair, I only tinkered with my bass for about 20 minutes as my wonderful girlfriend wanted some attention so I'll give it a proper go tonight and at practice with the laptop on Monday night and let you know how it fairs. But that is firewire with 10-ins/10-outs and a fairly sizable unit, so maybe over the top for your use. We want to record practices on multiple tracks every week so we can all learn better and work on individual parts at home. This cost me £200.
  14. Hey Roonjuice, can you email or PM me dude!
  15. Hey roonjuice, what's your email address? Send me an email to [email protected].
  16. Ok, we'll I'm definately interested. I just need to shift my Gallien Krueger rig...
  17. Right, maybe a stupid question but there's conflicting opinion all over the internet about this...Can you get that naughty Ampeg growl out of these things or do they stay clean even at ear bleeding levels?
  18. ben604

    My first gig!

    I thought I'd let you guys know my first gig is coming up in December at the local Concourse..! December 5th, 7.30pm, I think it's free entry but I might have to pay for the privilage of playing haha! Apart from the fact that I'm incredibly nervous and we dont have a singer yet, I'm sure we'll do fine... If anyone's on the Wirral and fancies listening to some mindless stoner rock, come and check us out
  19. £650 as a guide price maybe?
  20. After spending the last few months eating bread & water and watching x-factor when I would normally be out playing, I've saved some pennies to put towards a new rig. That being said, I'm not all the way there yet so, I'm considering getting a head first and using a mates cab if someone feels like buying this setup or trading with me for something Ampegy with valves. They're both in very good condition, sound great together and look ace as a rig. To be honest, the amp has so many features, this post would be about a month long if I were to post them all so here's a link to the manual which should explain it all better than I could: [url="http://www.gallien.com/manuals/2000RB.pdf"]http://www.gallien.com/manuals/2000RB.pdf[/url]. The main specs would be: 2x500 watt poweramps delivering 500 watts per channel @ 2ohms in bi-amp or stereo mode or 1 x 1000 watts a side @ 4ohms in bridged mode which is how I use it with the 810. Lots of headroom and two seperate "boost" or gain channels, combined with the eq give you plenty of tonal options from clean and loud to dirty distortion. This used to be the flagship Gallien before the 2001RB came out, so it's a good amp. The Cab is an 810SBX, 800 watts @ 4ohms. Can be run Bi-amped or full frequency, so you have options with other amps etc. Handles anything the 2000RB can throw at it, plenty of bottom end and punch, you can always hear yourself no matter what mess the guitarists and drummer and blasting out! It's got skid rails and is generally very robust. I find it easier to transport than my old 410HLF as you can tilt and slide this thing into a car with ease! As I say, it's not the end of the world if I dont move these at the moment as it's a more than capable rig, I just miss that Ampeg sound is all... I'll post some pictures later on, any interest send me a PM. Thanks, Ben.
  21. My guitarist has a Fender Deluxe combo and had a similar problem although it was a pre-amp tube that was the issue. It was getting unseated when we played at loud volumes and wiggling out of place, leading to a drop in volume and then complete silence...Pushing it back in did the trick initially although it needs a service now as it keeps wiggling out. Try removing and re-installing all the tubes, that might fix it?
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