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Everything posted by ben604

  1. Hello, I was finally ars*d to take my laptop with us to a gig just before christmas for the first time to record us making noise multitracked through my desk. I've been having a play with what got recorded and would like some general advice/guidance on how to mix the stuff. To be honest, I've learned quite a lot just by listening to the individual tracks over the last hour or so: - tune the bloody drum kit - try mic'ing the guitars a bit better - make sure the floor tom mic is more secure and therefore not resting on the drum head after being hit by Animal - record at a lower gain This is our attempt at The Chain: [url="https://soundcloud.com/ben604/the-chain-23-12-2012"]https://soundcloud.c...hain-23-12-2012[/url] There are obvious playing issues for the whole band (I managed to mess the most iconic bassline ever up at the most important time, I don't do that usually, honest!), I managed to pick one of our loosest gigs in a long while to record...so ignore the playing! The recording has the following tracks to play with: Kick Snare Rack Tom Floor Tom OH Vox 1 Vox 2 Vox 3 Guitar Guitar Bass Recorded into Studio One through my Presonus 16.0.2 with the following mics: Vox - All SM58Beta Guitars - Sennheiser E609 Kick - D112 Snare/Toms - cheapo Pulse(?) from CPC Farnell OH - Audio Technika AT2020 Bass - D.I'd from my Traynor YBA300 Anyways, any/all opinions valued! Oh yeah, we're called The Lowtones - www.facebook.com/thelowtones
  2. Interesting! I like hearing about people's DIY methods!
  3. how did you record it, just out of interest?
  4. ben604


    Bought one of these, but I don't like it. As new condition, boxed with pedal/instructions, psu etc. £70 delivered to the UK or £65 collected from the Wirral. Looks like this:
  5. Totally missed that reply. Sorry. Anyone still interested, this has to go this week, we're moving practice spaces and we don't have the room...£35 in the North West - Birkenhead, Wirral.
  6. I'm the PA man, and I take one of either the drummer or guitarist too. We have 2 estate cars which take all the gear and all the band members, so we save on Diesel and therefore get more cashmonies to take home!
  7. Anyone tried the little Box MA205 or Behringer B205D monitors on a mic stand next to the singers? We use a couple of JBL EON 15s at the moment, through my Presonus 16.0.2 (which is lovely, by the way, X32 fans!! ) We've got 4 aux mixes, so we could all have a mix if we wanted, I'd say you'd get away with 2 if you have nice, flexible band members! I'd get powered monitors, pain in the backside carting power amps about, and you more often than not get a 2/3 band eq on powered monitors, which helps with feedback etc.
  8. I really liked some of Man Alive and I'm usually not a big fan of this type of stuff. Decent indie pop. I'll give the new one a bash tomorrow.
  9. ben604


    sorry, this sold ages ago, but I'm rubbish, so forgot to update this.
  10. I've had one of these, they're ace. Loaaaaaaaaaaads of bottom end. I find 6x10s are easy to move, you've always got a band member or two to help with stairs...
  11. Has anyone spotted a library for patches on the web anywhere? I want people to do the hard work for me!
  12. You can pay a bit more for express shipping too, 2 day jobbie. Just email them, if the need arises.
  13. I prefer the old classifieds section for the following reasons: 1) I can see more threads on one page 2) I don't need to see thumbnails of the gear - I can tell by the brand or model of the item if it's of further interest to me, if I've never heard of it before, I might go into the thread to see full size images. 3) The thread conversation on an item usually has an influence on whether I buy an item or not. People might get a question answered within the thread which may lead to another question etc, a couple of posts down and you've got a history of the item or some important information. That's all visible quickly in the old threads. 4) I don't mind people bumping. They can do it as often as they like, I just move past and ignore that post. 5) Without bumping, price changes/description changes might not be as obvious to potential buyers. With the new classifieds, the threads stay in the same position, you'd have to be actively looking for that item to see if it had changed price etc... I'd say the best option would be, if it was possible, to adjust the old classifieds to force a price and location, but otherwise, leave it as it is. Obviously, I'm happy to pay a fee for the privilege as an (all too) regular user of the section!
  14. ben604


  15. ben604


  16. ben604


  17. ben604


    pictures added.
  18. I've got a wheeled flightcase for an SWR Goliath Snr. 6x10, but it may fit other cabs. Internal dimensions - 18.5" or 47cm deep 23.125" or 58.73cm wide 36.5" or 92.7cm tall £50 collected from the wirral, or I'll deliver for Diesel money. I could probably courier it, but it might be expensive... looks very exciting -
  19. Sold.
  20. ben604


    little price drop.
  21. ben604


    Bought this only recently from Mr Foxen. In very good condition with the tin box and instructions. I paid £145 delivered, so I'll offer it for £125 delivered to the UK.
  22. If you're looking for something a little smaller and lighter than the Peavey 4x10, Thomann are selling the GK MB212 2x12s for just over £200. Worth a look.
  23. ha, it's been relisted for £641!! Never mind...
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