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the hand of john curley

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Everything posted by the hand of john curley

  1. +1 to all the above! Fantastic bloke. Just bought his LPB p-bass. Absolutely mint. Steve even met me half way at Cherwell Valley services. Couldn't ask for a better transaction. A credit to BC. Thanks again Steve.
  2. Let me just get this clear....£199....£199..... ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE POUNDS????????? Wtf?!!!!!!!
  3. No fella, I'm out . Think I'd struggle to get it in the house without a divorce anyway!!! £100 ish would be a steal! Go for it!
  4. Dude, I had it on watch list! Took it off to avoid temptation to bid. Hope you get it!!!
  5. Nice! Hopefully I can get both! She's be chuffed to bits! I teach primary school so could also put ten into the music resource room! Win all round !
  6. I'm all over this!!! Be a great starter for my daughter!!!
  7. Just wait until MDP gets his hands on it 😳
  8. My first bass amp! Bloody marvellous ...... But weighed more than a fully loaded tour bus !!!!!
  9. Hi guys Our guitarist has a very early 90's jap squire tele. It sounds the dogs nuts,looks mojo'd but in a genuinely good way. Lovely maple neck and plays a treat. He wants to sell it but isn't sure what to ask for it......I know the squire basses from this era make really good money.....would that logic apply to the guitars too? Any input appreciated! Cheers Matt
  10. I'm going to ask him to take a look at one of MDP's ads and re word it !!!!
  11. Thanks guys-I shall keep my hard earned pennies for something else then!!! Cheers Matt
  12. Folks of Basschat land!!!! Advice please! I have been reading a lot of ads where basses have been modded by changing to CTS pots and PIO capacitors.....does this truly make a difference and if so to what extent? Thinking of modding a squire jazz. Thanks all Matt
  13. Strange....didn't realise Great Britain was in Ohio......well I never .....
  14. It's been relisted!!!!!! Blokes a bloody legend!
  15. What you talking about? Looks like a totally legit ad!...so much so in fact that I've just offered them £2000 for it AND given them by account details, mothers maiden name, place of birth and the Cvc number of my credit card 😆
  16. Arse! Tries to post link from phone and ended up making a right hash of it! Can't create the link on my phone but advance search it on eBay. Squire VMJ jazz with Ashdown 15 wt amp for £130!!!!! Looks mint too
  17. Surprised this hasn't gone! It's been relisted as no bidders on its last run! 290886226591
  18. Surprised this hasn't gone! It's been relisted as no bidders on its last run! 290886226591
  19. Bought a set of strings from Andy, superb stuff. Thanks fella Matt
  20. £379.99.............that's £379.99?????? What chuffing planet is this seller on?! My first bass was a Kay....utter plank....fun, but far from a future classic !!!!
  21. It went for £45! Have you seen his penultimate edit?! Even better than the main ad! This mans a living legend!!!!! MDP.....take note!!!!!☺
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