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the hand of john curley

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Everything posted by the hand of john curley

  1. What The Holy F*** 😊👍🏻
  2. It’s one of those where you have to keep going back to it just to check you weren’t actually imagining it!
  3. No words for this......https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F282849389121
  4. What in God’s name is this????😳😳😳 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202213049071
  5. Oh he’s still very active-I follow him on eBay! hes filing nuts to within a gnats chuff still....also a run on guitars for ‘big hands’ of late!!!
  6. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1506265216' post='3377429'] Bump? [/quote] Is this still available?
  7. Does this have any drum patterns like the RC3?
  8. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1495653520' post='3305691'] Is it still under warranty ? [/quote] Unfortunately not 😩
  9. [quote name='Crawford13' timestamp='1495388699' post='3303405'] Have you changed the power supply? If the pedal wasn't getting enough power (ma) it might cause it to have that type of problem [/quote] No change to power supply. It was Daisy chained, took it out and isolated it so that power only went to it. Didn't make a difference
  10. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1495379836' post='3303330'] You using the effect out? [/quote] Yes-but to be sure I tried both outputs. No difference
  11. Erm okay! I'll give it a go! How long are we talking? Couple of hours or overnight?
  12. Hi guys-went to rehearsal Thursday and my POG has decided to stop working! The power light comes on and the dry mix seems to have an overall affect on volume but neither the sub or upper octave knobs work. It hasn't been dropped or otherwise as it's in a stagg flightcase/pedal board......I've taken it out of my effects loop and tried it on its own but no difference.....anyone got any ideas as to what it might be? Thanks in advance Matt
  13. Hi all, I've got a POG and it's been brilliant-love it....went to rehearsal Thursday and it doesn't want to play anymore! Lights up, dry mix works fine but neither the oct up/down controls are working..... anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance Matt
  14. I actually suggested that a while back. I reckon that we set up a fund to which any BC'er can dontate and then buy one......genuinely appraise it at a bassbash.... [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1452216749' post='2947811'] We should all chip in buy one. Evaluate it (properly no piss taking) then leave appropriate feedback. Anyone else down for that?. [/quote]
  15. He actually threatened legal action?? 😳 He's bloody lucky no one took legal action in respect of those pieces of sh*te he passed of as 'improved'!!! [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1452167826' post='2947150'] We used to have a good old laugh at his incredible "Improvements" Until he threatened Basschat with legal action. [/quote]
  16. And yet another! Just picked up a VM P bass from Karl. Held it for me for two weeks as well. Absolute legend! Thanks Karl!
  17. [quote name='the hand of john curley' timestamp='1474202454' post='3136205'] On in its way! [/quote] That should have read 'PM' on its way! Should be with you now!!
  18. Goddamn!!!!! My very first bass......sh*t, the temptation may......prove......too.............much! 😳😂
  19. Dude-I've got someone able to collect for me! Check my pm and let me know. Cheers Matt
  20. What makes this a Deko bass? Tbh I'll have this in a heartbeat for my school if you were prepared to post it? £40 for a decent beginner bass is still top notch!
  21. Hi-what are you looking for in terms of trades?
  22. How do I upload photos? Do I have to do it from laptop rather than mobile?
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