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Fat Rich

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Everything posted by Fat Rich

  2. Nice, wheres the springy thing that releases the ball? Looks like a pretty cool instrument, hope it's successful.
  3. Status Hotwire Halfwounds when I want a lot of low end ooomph plus some toppy brightness too, quite scooped in other words. D'Addario ENR Half Rounds for when I want a brighter and more middy sound.
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1229838' date='May 13 2011, 12:21 PM']Speed bumps. Sleeping policemen. Frets. Call 'em what you like... Given fodera charge more for a fretless, does that mean it'll cost me $35,000 [i]not [/i]to own one?[/quote] Depends what options you don't specify.
  5. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1229644' date='May 13 2011, 09:09 AM'] That... That is Amazing! I am a huge Twinspirits fan! Make him join the forum! [/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115285&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115285&hl=[/url]
  6. I've no problem with extra strings, but when the fingerboard is so wide you can't reach half of them without resorting to two handed tapping it all gets a bit pointless. I'm happiest on five strings, then four but I can't seem to get the best out of six for some reason. I've been listening to some Jeff Ament recently and I'm slightly tempted by an 8 string.
  7. Sometimes raising the pickups a closer to the strings can help liven things up a bit, it will raise the output level of the bass too so be a bit careful when you plug back in! As long as the strings don't hit the pickups when you're playing you should be OK to keep raising them. Or different make of strings? DR Hi Beams have lots of character and last for ages, Elixirs are bright and last forever (almost). Both expensive strings but the long life makes up for that I reckon. Good luck
  8. Voted red, but they both look fantastic!
  9. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1227979' date='May 11 2011, 08:18 PM']...It's because I am in..... [b]Bass heaven! [/b] [/quote] Very nice collection, but the frets are all wonky.............. on the four string.
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1226772' date='May 10 2011, 09:47 PM']I have loads on my low B, but you can't hear it in a live situation. I find it bothers beginners, but that seems to be down to technique. Does it bother you?[/quote] Are you getting the buzz on sustained notes or just when you stop the note? I've noticed I seem to help out muting the B and E strings with my right hand, the extra weight and momentum of the lowest strings makes them buzz a little when I only lift off and mute at the fingerboard. Generally I try and play as cleanly as possible but sometimes a bit of buzz here and there sounds good, depends on the tune.
  11. If you've got enclosed Gotoh / Schaller type tuning pegs you could try tightening the screw that holds the turny bit to bit that's fixed to the headstock so that the pegs are harder to turn and therefore less likely to be moved by the bag. Don't overdo it though or you might split the nylon washer. But seriously, get a tuner too
  12. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1223247' date='May 7 2011, 02:29 PM']Not strictly all it is, as the sequence is II-V, therefore from a modal perspective it's mixolydian too. If you laboured the dorian sound over the second chord in the sequence you would really miss the importance of the C#-G relationship of the A7 chord.[/quote] True enough, but the first half of the riff is about as pure dorian mode as you're going to get.
  13. Dorian = Good Times [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTusMLs9SJE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTusMLs9SJE[/url]
  14. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1221256' date='May 5 2011, 04:56 PM']Sorry,i forgot myself for a second.But thanks anyway.[/quote] No problem, and go and learn to read music!
  15. [quote name='Doddy' post='1220905' date='May 5 2011, 12:26 PM']Why don't you transcribe them yourself instead?[/quote] Yup, you'll get much more benefit from working it out yourself. And not just the basslines, work out the chords and how Macca's lines relate to them. It's good stuff.
  16. It's actually as easy as 1, 3, 5, 7. Chords are built in 3rds... root, 3rd, add a third to get the 5th, add another third to get the 7th. But on the bass it can sound muddy and confused hence your playing the 3rd an octave up. You'll need a few different fingerings to start outlining dominant and 7th chords (and more exotic stuff), there was a book by Jonas Hellborg called Chord Bassics which you could probably pick up used somewhere but it has some weird and wonderful chord shapes that can be agony to play. There doesn't seem to be any chord books for 6 string bass surprisingly. Using harmonics to outline chords can be fun too but that's a whole new area to get into. Good luck!
  17. It looks like the answer to "What are really unfashionable at the moment?" is...... Status players Thanks guys!
  18. I had an old japcrap bound and blocked neck that had been defretted (badly) for £5. There were a few buzzes around the blocks, also any slides over the blocks sounded brighter than the rosewood giving a slightly out of tune tone apart fretted sound It was the 80s so they were [b]big[/b] slides So I whipped out the plastic blocks and replaced them with maple and coated the whole lot with epoxy to solve the problems while still looking quite cool. Can't say I got distracted by the blocks but I tried not to look at the lines anyway because it doesn't matter what your fretless playing looks like, if it sounds out of tune you're in trouble!
  19. It'll be interesting to see if Chris Wotsisname from Muse will make Status fashionable again..... I hope not
  20. Any gig with Stanton Moore on drums is usually worth a look, particularly Galactic: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJtmDQBvF8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJtmDQBvF8[/url] (this clip has George Porter on it too)
  21. [quote name='Wolverinebass' post='1215562' date='Apr 30 2011, 09:47 AM']On a personal level, I wished they'd make more all graphite instruments. The constant volume of different Kingbasses has now started to grate a bit on me. I mean, how many models do you need? Naturally they're brilliant instruments, but do we really need 7 different versions when the options are all there anyway? Don't get me wrong here, my buzzard is the best instrument I'll ever play and status make fantasitc cakes so to speak, but I'd be holding out to see what Rob's new B1 is going to be like.[/quote] There's an all graphite Chris Wotsisname from Muse S2 Classic coming fairly soon which will be a quite a bit different to the prototype S2s that are out there already, but it might be a long wait for the a new B1 as Rob's a busy man at the moment.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1215517' date='Apr 30 2011, 08:39 AM']Its German for Lion Heart. Got nothing to do with Hertz. The switches are for switching each of the six pickup coils.[/quote] Doesn't one of the switches turn the fountain on from the lions mouth? Or did I dream it?
  23. Learned this stuff about 20 years ago at the Bass Institute... but can't remember the details anymore, I just play the notes in my head these days! The turnaround is very common but doesn't have a name as far as I can remember, I've a feeling you may have added some extra chords to the progression in a couple of places where it's more about chromatic approaches than substitutions. So still Finnbass 1 - Basschat 0 unless Finnbass have scored again in the meantime. Hopefully someone like Bilbo will be along to put one in the back of the net. Edit: It's all to do with Tritone substitution I think [url="http://www.apassion4jazz.net/tritone.html"]http://www.apassion4jazz.net/tritone.html[/url]
  24. Rarely use the tone control, usually either: Neck pickup at max with the bridge almost at max, between about 85 to 95% depending on the volume controls or Bridge pickup max with neck at 85 to 95% On the very rare occasions I slap I run it through a Sadowsky outboard preamp with the bass at about 60% and treble at about 20% for a really fat smooth sound.
  25. Was going to post a thread this afternoon asking the same question but got overrun by work... Thanks to both of you, that's exactly what I was after.
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