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Everything posted by mart

  1. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1345213286' post='1775083'] The whole thing is counter-intuitive. If I have two sacks of spuds they are twice as heavy. If I have two light bulbs they are twice as bright. .... [/quote] Counter-intuitive, yes. Spuds, yes. But are two light bulbs really twice as bright as one? They are brighter, sure, but are they twice as bright?
  2. If I've understood correctly, it seems that you are assuming that two 100W amps will be twice as loud as one of them. This simply isn't the case. The two amps may pump out twice the power, but the result will not be twice the loudness.
  3. They're cheap enough: buy a few different ones and see what works for you.
  4. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1345049705' post='1772902'] Hm, I don't agree that everything ends up in the same key. It's more about making sure everything is in the same [i]range [/i]for the singer..... [/quote] I agree that it's the [i]range[/i] that matters, not the key, but I suspect the point still stands: if all your songs are in the same range (especially if that range is narrow), then they may all sound a little samey. But I don't think that's a good enough reason to force the singer outside of their natural range. Samey songs surely sound better than screechy singing. And, fwiw, in all the bands I play we transpose all over the place according to what our singers prefer.
  5. Just downloaded, and I look forward to grappling with this later on. Thanks for all the work you've put in to this!
  6. Didn't Tony Levin used to play with just 3 strings? Mind you, I think it was the bottom 3 that he used. Still, you could break new ground by just playing with the top 3!
  7. mart

    Strap Locks

    [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1345038795' post='1772717'] Well, they have been fine for the last 3-4 months. its the buttons that were loose (the screw was coming loose from the guitar) not the locking mechanism. [/quote] Oh, ok. Curious - the last Warwick I got the screws were in so tight I had to cut the button off and use mole grips to get the screw out!
  8. mart

    Strap Locks

    [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1345022369' post='1772339'] I checked mine yesterday, I use the warwick locking buttons with the dunlop locks and found that both the warwick buttons had worked loose. I don't know why this has happened, but I replaced them with the dunlop ones and there is now a satisfying click as they go in, seem solid enough. [/quote] That would be because the Warwick locks and the Dunlop locks are different sizes (even more than the Warwick ones differ among themselves). They are not compatible - the Warwick parts are very slightly bigger. So if you try putting a Warwick lock in a Dunlop button it will not fit, and if you do it the other way round then they are too loose. ([url="http://forum.warwick.de/showthread.php/15484-Dunlop-Warwick-strap-locks-interchangeable?highlight=Dunlop"]http://forum.warwick.de/showthread.php/15484-Dunlop-Warwick-strap-locks-interchangeable[/url]).
  9. As said above, the Asus7 chord should have A-D-E-G (so there's a typo in the list of notes) but the chart is correct. The Amin7 chord should be A-C-E-G (so the list of notes is correct), but there's a typo in the chart, because open D isn't part of the chord. That black dot should be on the G-string instead.
  10. mart

    Strap Locks

    I've used Schallers for twenty years without any problems. I've always had the lock connected to the strap (with the U the right way up!). But some people prefer to put the strap on the button as normal, and then put the lock on afterwards. That way, if the lock fails, then the strap should still be connected to the button as usual, albeit no longer with any kind of lock. I've used Dunlops for a few years (having bought a bass with recessed Dunlops) and they seem fine. Grolsch are still doing their straplocks-with-a-free-bottle-of-lager. I bought some in Morrisons a few weeks back. Warwick straplocks are very dodgy. I've had one new bass where the factory fitted straplocks weren't even interchangeable between top and bottom buttons! One was too tight, the other so loose I could easily pull it out. I quickly swapped them for Dunlops. After testing a few different Warwick buttons and locks I found that this problem was quite prevalent.
  11. Ok, I see where you're coming from. Yep, a stacked vol/vol pot (with two independent controls) does seem best, albeit possibly fiddly, as you say.
  12. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1344944019' post='1771384']... due to an old sporting physio I once had a tilted pelvis .... [/quote] Please tell me there was a typo in that sentence, because I'm getting wierd images of the night you and the physio had an exciting and memorable time together
  13. [quote]Must be dedicated, have own gear[/quote] Ok, I've got a Strat and an AC30, can I be your bassist?
  14. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1344858781' post='1770118']I think this will be just two volume controls, one for each pickup just like a normal Jazz Bass, except they are stacked. [/quote] Could you explain a bit more what you mean by this? Cos a standard blend control is only one pot, so as you dial it one way you turn one pickup down, while if you dial it the other way, you turn the other one down. So it isn't two volume controls - it's just one control affecting two volumes in a preset way.
  15. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1344723781' post='1768548']... A bit like this: [attachment=115396:DPDT.jpg] ...[/quote] That's a fair way to do the job, but it can be tweaked to be slightly more robust. As it is, it relies on all four parts of the switch working, so if one of them goes, then you have a problem. If, instead, you wire the right-hand legs of both caps to the middle tag on the right (the same one that the black wire is connected to) then you are only reliant on half the switch working. Sods law will dictate that if any part of the switch fails, it will be one of the parts that you need, but then, at least, you can know that you've done all you could, and it really is that the gods are out to get you
  16. There is a diagram for a balance + master vol set-up here: http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Pots/i-4137.html
  17. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1344805524' post='1769439'] Use a regular 250k blend pot but wire it up as two separate sources as in the 'stereo' diagram here (3rd diagram from top): http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Pots/i-4137.html [/quote] But then what would you do with the two outputs? You'd have to link them together, in which case you're back with the traditional blend control, and no overall volume control. I'm sure the OP will find a stacked vol/vol pot which, yes, would just be wired up like two separate volume pots, like on the diagrams you'll find on the Seymour Duncan site.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1344723575' post='1768545'].... Knowing something of a second (or third or more) instrument can only be beneficial. [/quote] +1 Tbh, the first thing that comes to mind is that when I'm playing an unfamiliar song, because I can play guitar, I can watch the rhythm guitarist's left hand and see what chord he's playing, and thus work out what notes to play. I'm sure it helps in other ways, but that's the one I'm most conscious of!
  19. Como no me satisfizo la experiencia sexual Se me hincharon los vapores, me converti en huracan. Di unas tres o cuatro vueltas y a la quinta me canse. Este cuarto es muy pequeño para las cosas que sueño. Mecano, Aire. Just one example of their brilliant lyrics. I'd quote the whole of Stereosexual but it wouldn't be "1 or 2 lines", and it'd get me in trouble with the PC brigade.
  20. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1343329723' post='1749131'] I will be wearing a shirt! I have boobs for starters .... [/quote] Best reply ever! PMSL (And now I'm waiting for Discrete to come along and say "ooh, boobs for starters, eh? What do you have for the main course?")
  21. The Hotrods are fairly rare. You'll find a fair bit of information (and a lot of love for them) on the Warwick forum, but they won't be able to give you an objective comparison with the Bongo or any other (non-Warwick) basses. They'll give you plenty of comparisons, but none will be objective .
  22. Everybody else seems to be persuading you to keep the gear and keep playing, so here's an opposite view. Yeah, go ahead, sell all your gear now. With a few months of not having anything to play on you'll soon find out whether you miss playing or not. And if you do (and I suspect we all think you will ), then it's a great opportunity to build up your rig and gear from scratch, with no guilt. You can get something completely different, or you can enjoy the fun of hunting down exactly the stuff you used to have. (Although at least you'll know where to find that Bongo - stingrayPete will have it!). And then you'll probably enjoy playing that much more, for having had a break from it. So go for it!
  23. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1343255862' post='1748046'] Totally agree. But it's good to see other opinions. [/quote] +1. It's great to hear people talking and enthusing about stuff I hadn't heard of or enjoyed. Listening through somebody else's ears can really help appreciate something that you wouldn't otherwise.
  24. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1343233768' post='1747521']....In the old days they'd take a pen or brush to photos where the detail is a bit fuzzy. Particularly when you want to draw attention to something like Mary Ford's redoubtable embonpoint but Les has spoiled the shot by leaning forward and trying to cop a 'quick graze'....[/quote] Ah, that explains it! You live and learn.
  25. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1343228265' post='1747401']Well, he's stood next to his wife* in those pix .... [/quote] Is he really stood next to her? The light on the left of her chest looks to me like the photo was combined from two individual shots. Not that that observation is at all relevant to anything, even if it's true.
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