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Everything posted by mart

  1. There's two schools of thought on this. One is that obviously you can use any three 8 ohm cabs, and TC just say to use their own so that you'll buy more of their cabs. The other opinion is that there is something special about the way their cabs interact, blah blah blah, different frequency and impedance curves, blah blah blah, and it just won't be safe with any old cabs. Since it's not my head that'd be at risk, I'd say you should definitely go and try using any old three cabs. And then report back to us.
  2. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1332597861' post='1590494']...What Dunlop could do with making is some sort of adapter that would fit into a recessed fitting but end in a button so a standard strap can be fitted (patent applied for). [/quote] Mmm, that's a pretty good idea!
  3. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/109356-just-bought-a-dingwall-afterburner-d/page__st__20__p__1013047#entry1013047"]http://basschat.co.u...47#entry1013047[/url]
  4. mart


    Is that Jonathan King in that photo?
  5. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1332270665' post='1585922'].... @steve-bbbThey also make a recessed (in the body) version (as fitted to my Skjold) which takes the same strap fitting & the strap fits right up close to the woodwork. [/quote] Those recessed locks have some advantages, but also a few practical disadvantages: 1) It's going to take a bit of woodwork to put those recessed locks into a bass, 2) You can't use any other strap on that bass unless it's fitted with Dunlop straplocks, 3) If you sell it, it's likely to be an issue for many buyers, 4) It will slightly change the balance on the bass. For many basses that won't be a problem, but many old Warwicks have flush-mounted Dunlops, and for some of their designs neck-dive is a real concern, and I suspect the Dunlops exacerbate it. (Although it may be that if both buttons are flush-mounted then they cancel out).
  6. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1331847242' post='1579966']... It'd be interesting to know when they stopped (or which models aren't removable) doing the removable rods! [/quote] As you know, with Warwicks there's never a simple answer to that sort of question. But the rule of thumb seems to be that if your bass has a volute then the trussrod is probably not removable. Volutes seemed to come in around 1997, so anything after then probably doesn't have a removable trussrod. Most basses from before 1997 probably do have a removable rod, but I'd guess that might not apply to the early ones; we'd need someone with lots of experience of early Warwicks to be able to tell us. So, WH, what's the story with the old ones?
  7. And he's now changed the listing to make this completely obvious. Respect to him for coming clean, and huge respect to you, Jabba, for getting him to do it.
  8. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1331831511' post='1579647'] Probably a really daft question, but are you sure that the contacts on the Neutrik socket are laid out in the same order as the original Warwick one? [/quote] That actually sounds like a pretty sensible question to me. Last time I changed one of these I think the tip/ring tags were pretty hard to tell apart on the Maplins socket, so I used a multimeter to work out which wire to connect to which.
  9. Yep, I think it's only the older Warwicks that have replaceable truss-rods. It's difficult to see how it's better to make it impossible to replace, but I guess there must have been other benefits.
  10. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1331825629' post='1579534'] The first amp I ever owned was a Laney just like the one in your photo. I attached castors to the bottom and took it to gigs on the bus. Sounded really awful. [/quote] Yeah, but what did it sound like after you got off the bus?
  11. Yep, it'll be a Rockbass, and he has deliberately not shown the headstock because that would show the Rockbass logo (albeit in small letters). Someone should ask him for a photo of the headstock!
  12. +1. Mind you, we were a bit disappointed that they didn't play Invisible Touch.
  13. That's par for the course I'm afraid. I remember a review of a bass where the main negative point, repeated about three times in the review, was that the bass only had 20 frets, not 21. The problem was the pictures very clearly showed that it had 21 frets!
  14. Yes, they seem to have all the Lamb costumes, and a very impressive cloak. They also claim to have all 1140 slides from the original production. But unlike the original, they put the slides on in the right order and at the right time. And the singer nailed Gabriel's accent almost perfectly, and kept it up very well through the lengthy spoken introductions. A good night out!
  15. I remember noticing that before, and seemed to recall Thomann deleted their OCD clone when the original Freakish Blues fuss blew up. They seem to have it back now though. And the quality is obviously far superior to the Joyo pedals: check the spelling of "voice" on their character pedal clones: clearly the Germans can spell better than the Chinese!
  16. No, but I am going to see them in Bristol tonight. But don't worry, I won't spoil your suspense by posting a set-list.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331634806' post='1576114']....Or even 'Iceland' and 'Bejams'..? *babbles incoherently* ...[/quote] Wasn't it also Dalgetty at some point? Ooh, that takes me back. And makes me extremely worried for myself, if I can get nostalgic about a frozen food shop.
  18. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1331598865' post='1575778'] Adidas stands for All Day I Dream About Sex [/quote] Ah, ok, er, thanks. That clears it up nicely.
  19. [quote name='dave.c' timestamp='1331552701' post='1574509'] I've never puked or had puke on a bass before, howerver I have thrown up in a full face crash helmet whilst riding a motorbike, not recommended! and probably off topic as well! [/quote] Yeuch! That beats my favourite puke story which was from a summer when I was working at a funfair. A mate was in charge of a ride where you were strapped into a seat on the end of a long arm, and the arm spun round horizontally and then vertically. When a girl vomitted on that ride it was quite spectacular.
  20. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1331377166' post='1572019']....PS: I'm off to start a new thread about how to order beers correctly in Madrid. Don't make the mistake an English friend of mine made when all she wanted was a "caña" [/quote] My favourite mistake like that was when a friend of mine saw some cake she fancied and ordered "gato chocolate".
  21. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1331382708' post='1572117'] A bloke down the pub said that Spanish speak spoke "z" as "th" as in "chorizo" (which apparently is pronounced "choreetho"), so it must be true! ..... So are you saying that it should be pronounced "ihb - an - ess"? .....[/quote] I think the point mcnach is making is that eff is different from eth. Coming from Croydon I never learnt this until I moved to Spain and people couldn't understand me. Mind you, I still don't know how Saaf Lunnoners manage to understand someone who can't distinguish the word "free" from the word "three". [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1331397861' post='1572393'] I have learnt a little Spanish, albeit I speak my Spanish in Mexico or the Canaries more than in Spain. I thought the 'gui' would have been nearer a 'wee' than a 'gwee', so 'ah-wee-larr', with the very slightest of guttoral stops on the g, rather than emphasising it?.... [/quote] But you're still overlooking the main fact that in "gui" the u is essentially silent (it is merely there to make the g hard), so just as you don't say "gwitar" or "gweetar", so you don't say "agweelar". If you pronounce the u there you'd be talking some sort of guirigay, I think. If, on the other hand, the u has an umlaut on top, like in "güira", then it becomes a "gwee" sound.
  22. [quote name='1SHOT1HIT' timestamp='1331352567' post='1571807'] Ok lets see if this works. Fingers crossed [/quote] I'm getting a serious Rolf Harris "Can you tell what it is yet?" vibe.
  23. [quote name='gub' timestamp='1331320228' post='1571475']....only down side is i get a bit lost after the 12th fret but dont play up there much any way so not a big drawback! [/quote] I think I played fretless for about 15 years before starting to hit the 12th fret, and even now I rarely go above the 15th. But there are some nice sounds to be had up there - try it out!
  24. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1331312637' post='1571292'] so you won't mind when italian bikers say triumph like tree-oomph [/quote] Is that the only way to get some oomph out of a triumph? *ducks and runs away*
  25. So how should I say Adidas? In the '70s it was simply ADDY-das, and then sometime (in the '90s? the decades started blurring then) it seemed to become a-DEE-das. And then (in the '00s?) Wikipedia said that it was short for Adi Dasler, so it should be Addy-DAS. Or have I got that all wrong? And, in any case, should I just go and buy Puma instead?
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