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Everything posted by mart

  1. I guess some audiences are simply more conservative than others. I read an interview with someone who'd turned up for a session with Chris Rea with a 6-string Warwick and got told to go and get a "proper" bass! And yep, I can see the Thumb not going down at all well in the Sabbath gig, although that's pretty ironic seeing how many people are using Thumbs for hardcore metal these days!
  2. It's hard to see any of the basses in your sig fitting in at a Sabbath gig, whereas the Cort looks just the part. So on that basis yes, you do need it!
  3. [quote name='eude' post='1195673' date='Apr 11 2011, 01:19 PM']Wow! Well at least they're being consistent with their crazy pricing structure! How on earth is that bass worth that much!? Don't see this selling all that well then... Eude[/quote] I don't suppose they're counting on selling many of these high-end sig models. I guess they value them for the profile they bring to the brand, but I dunno - I'm no business expert! Btw, there is an interesting thread on TB, starting with a long statement from Steve Bailey about his sig models: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f28/steve-bailey-speaks-warwick-fender-759381/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f28/steve-ba...-fender-759381/[/url]
  4. [quote name='eude' post='1191840' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:35 PM']....I wonder what amazing price point Warwick will pluck out of the sky for this one...[/quote] From a photo taken at the Frankfurt show, it looks like the RRP is a mere 6749 euros.
  5. [quote name='Doddy' post='1193258' date='Apr 8 2011, 08:23 PM']On the 'Modern Electric Bass' video he says hat he never practised on a fretless because the strings would eat the neck up.[/quote] Thanks; yes that was what I was trying (but failing) to quote, at least indirectly - I'd just been reading the Haynes Fender Bass manual which has two relevant quotes: [quote name='Haynes Fender Bass manual']However, as he stated in his instructional video, he never practised with the fretless because the strings `chew the neck up'.[/quote] and it has the following quote from Jaco talking about the epoxy used on his fretless: [quote name='Haynes Fender Bass manual']I used Petite's Poly Poxy, it's boat epoxy ... You apply it with a brush ... I used about six coats ... It's essential, it saves the instrument from getting eaten up by the roundwound strings ... I use Rotosound "Swing Bass".[/quote]
  6. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1192963' date='Apr 8 2011, 03:29 PM']I don't think he was too bothered about rounds eating into the fretboard, as he put so many coats of lacquer on it.[/quote] Actually, I remember reading a quote from him that suggested he was worried about it. I can't remember exactly what it said, but I think the gist was that he used flats for practising, because the rounds chewed up the fingerboard so he only used rounds for recording and for gigs. Unfortunately I can't remember where I read it, so can't find the exact quote. Anybody else read it?
  7. I'm not usually good at following a long complicated sequence of instructions. But I made it through your list, did them one by one, and was duly rewarded with a big belly laugh. Thank you!
  8. That really does look nice. You have excellent taste GW! Am I the only one thinking that these are a more fitting 60th anniversary P than the official Fender jobby?
  9. [quote name='skhatru' post='1192552' date='Apr 8 2011, 08:21 AM']...I'm geeky to the extent, that when I hear a track, I like to try and guess what bass is being used (anybody else? lol), and usually, it's easy to recognise a P bass, but invariably that's because it's the "stock" sound I don't really like. Then again, you get tracks where the bass is pounding away, gorgeous sound, plenty bottom end thump, nice clarity, and low and behold, it's a P bass....[/quote] From this paragraph it looks as if there are some P sounds that you enjoy. Perhaps you should find out what specific type of P is being played on the tracks you like, and what sort of amplification. It may be that your Trace rig wasn't bringing out the best in the P bass you tried, but another amp would. Sounds like you need to spend a few hours in a well-stocked shop!
  10. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1192564' date='Apr 8 2011, 08:31 AM']I don't get the almost rabid anti-guitar vibe of some in the thread. Don't you generally play with guitarists - so why the hatred of the instrument?...[/quote] Isn't that the problem? The anti-guitar feelings come from having played with guitarists whose attitude/ego outweighs their abilities. Personally I've been really fortunate - the only guitarists I've played with have been lovely blokes. But I've known of others who are rather harder to work with, and I'm sure folk on here would have a few stories to tell.
  11. [quote name='bassbora' post='1192238' date='Apr 7 2011, 08:52 PM'].... Over on the Warwick forum you will see that the main moderator thinks the Thumb NT 5 are among the best Warwicks there are. ...[/quote] but he, himself, plays a Streamer In fact he plays a custom Streamer that is designed to sound like a Buzzard [quote name='mojobass' post='1192453' date='Apr 8 2011, 12:18 AM']... i guess the thumb would hold value more? ...[/quote] I'm not sure a Thumb would hold its value more - the 2nd hand prices of the more expensive Warwicks (Thumbs, Streamers) and the cheaper ones (Corvettes, Fortresses) aren't very different, so it looks like the cheaper ones hold value better. And they'll certainly be faster to sell. Talking of which, my impression is that Streamers are easier to sell than Thumbs, although I don't have a lot of evidence for that. And who wants to buy a bass just because it'll be easier to sell on?
  12. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1192120' date='Apr 7 2011, 06:52 PM']... In fact, Stuart Spector designed it....[/quote] Er, wasn't it Ned Steinberger? (And for some reason, when I first read your post, I thought you were saying Stuart Zender designed it ... brain not quite functioning tonight )
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1191640' date='Apr 7 2011, 12:47 PM']I usually content myself with faint sobbing and hiccups... [/quote] Personally I only need to do the hiccups - usually the audience supplies the sobbing sounds
  14. I play guitar, but strictly rhythm - I don't want to make it cry or sing (which is just as well, cos I can't). For a long time I wanted to play guitar and kept getting bumped to bass because there was another guitarist and no bassist, and I started resenting it. But more recently I've really got into it, partly because of talking to other bassists, cos that has helped me recognize the importance of the bass more. Ironically, our guitarist has left so I'm now going to be playing much more guitar. And unfortunately I'm now [b]really[/b] fussy about what the bassist does when I'm playing guitar
  15. They are Rockbasses, and they still have the branding on the headstock. It's just a lot more discrete than it used to be:
  16. Warwick fretlesses always use tigerstripe ebony (i.e. not pure black, so cheaper). It'll have position markers on the side where the frets would be (not inbetween like on a fretted bass).
  17. I don't avoid open strings religiously. But when I'm playing with other people I'm usually reading, and the tunes are often transposed, in which case I'll usually avoid the open strings.
  18. [quote name='chaypup' post='1177940' date='Mar 27 2011, 09:04 AM']I'd call it 'Ydw' and sing all the songs in Welsh! Guess the song! [b]Yn ac o amgylch y llyn, mynyddoedd yn dod allan o'r awyr, ac maent yn sefyll yno. Un filltir dros ac mi fyddwn ni yno ac fe wnawn ni eich gweld. Deg hafau a byddwn yn dychwelyd ac yn chwerthin hefyd. ar dau deg pedwar cyn fy nghariad i Mi fyddai yno i chi![/b][/quote] That'll be Cylchfan, won't it! I couldn't understand anything of the first few lines and only got it when I spotted "deg" and "hafau" and then "dau deg pedwar". My Welsh doesn't really go beyond numbers and seasons! (So I had to get some help to write the title in Welsh. Btw, I thought the thread was about a Yes tribute band that kept splitting up.
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1176435' date='Mar 25 2011, 07:44 PM']How come I go away from the PC for 5 days and stuff like this goes by! Had one of these and has been said it's often referred to as a 'Streamette' and as Mart stated they are not as urban myth would have you believe, the earlier 91 Ltd Ed 'Infinettes' with the necks chopped off (among other things for the reasons that Mart outlined). The numbers of this bass vary depending upon who you listen to (if it is a seller you are listening to there are only 20 in the world... ) but seeing as how I've owned 2 and seen a dozen or more for sale I don't think that there are as few as people say! [/quote] There was a recent thread on the Warwick forum trying to establish how many there were. A clever chap pointed out that since these show up as Vampyres in the online serial number tool, any other serial numbers from that period that come up as Vampyres on the online tool are probably also Streamettes. Some fool* then spent some time typing in numbers and found that there were at least 60. Btw, there's another Streamette on ebay.com atm: [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/2001-Warwick-Streamer-LX-4-String-Special-bass-rare-N-R-/120700173563?pt=Guitar&hash=item1c1a4a7cfb"]http://cgi.ebay.com/2001-Warwick-Streamer-...=item1c1a4a7cfb[/url] * Yep. It [i]was[/i] me.
  20. Am I the only one who saw the title of this thread and thought of Theremins?
  21. [quote name='wrinkleygit' post='1173905' date='Mar 23 2011, 09:21 PM']Warwick jack sockets can be unreliable with age,try a "wiggle test" on the jack plug if it makes the noise in question a new jack socket is an easy fix, best of luck, mike b.[/quote] +1; I hadn't thought of the jack socket, but this is right - lots of people have problems with old Warwick sockets. And you can get a Neutrik replacement from Maplins for only 2 or 3 quid. (Just make sure it's a stereo socket!)
  22. The Fender Bassman was a very good guitar amp, but a few people used it for bass too.
  23. Well, if it sounds like plugging a jack in or out, then that's a connection being made and broken. So I still reckon it's a poor connection - check all the soldering, and re-do anything that doesn't look rock-solid.
  24. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1173763' date='Mar 23 2011, 07:59 PM']You have to weigh up the pros and cons.[/quote] I was wondering who was going to weigh in with the first such pun.
  25. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='1167588' date='Mar 18 2011, 08:14 PM']..... Schaller lightweight tuners 3+2 chrome, as new £50 posted...[/quote] How light are those tuners? If you could give a weight in grams per tuner, that'd be fantastic.
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