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Everything posted by BassPimp66

  1. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1354823417' post='1890988'] Resting on me gut, that way the bass is angled slightly so that when I look down I can see all strings comfortably!! I'll be b#ggered if I ever lose weight! [/quote] Same here and the main reason why I've grown a gut.
  2. Here's a 14 year old going a little further than his pentatonic and blues scale... http://youtu.be/owAj5LiXG5w
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1354363230' post='1885178'] Congratulations that is beautiful overall, although there's a couple of details that annoy me about the look, first the knobs, don't like them, they look like something you get on a Made in Indonesia bass, secondly, I find those string retainers bars on the headstock to be both ugly and a pain when changing strings as you need to feed the string under that bar and then it is a mare to keep the string taught as you wind it around the peg for the first time. They've could have done what Fender did and put 2 "dime" trees or angle the headstock more to do without them altogether. [/quote] Fair point on the knobs. Roger provides the same plasticky knobs on the NYC models he sells for $5,000 . I think it wouldn't be too much to ask for matching chrome knobs here. The string retainers work and look fine for me.
  4. Groovy !!!!
  5. Do what the sound engineer recommends.
  6. Buy a Fodera, you're not suitably equipped with a simple G&L.
  7. Alas, Leeds is a bit far for me. Shame, I'd love to oblige. I propose the following : You call me on my cell and you mic' your phone to the PA or a guitar amp. I will sing the bass lines over the phone, something like this: dong, dong , doooong, dong dong doonnng, do-dong (in A, in E, possibly in G, but no other key)
  8. I don't like the header of the post. It says "Please help out bass legend Joe Osborn", but it's not about helping him. So, a tad misleading here!
  9. Best store ever: The Bass Gallery / London Worst store ever : The Bass Centre / London
  10. You'll be fine! Who needs a bass amp?
  11. Behringer copy/reinvent classic designs using crap component. Some of the stuff is worth exploring. But, do not expect good components and a solid construction from a GBP 20 pedal. It's all plasticky and made in the far far East.
  12. By choice ! I started on piano actually simply because there was one in the living room for decoration. It took me a while to switch to bass.
  13. I lover her. Thanks for sharing!
  14. I got my lanyard. Wooow, it's beautiful.
  15. Can you damage an [u]amplifier[/u] when pairing a small wattage amp with a big wattage cab? YES/NO I am not mentioning speaker damages here or tales from 60's. Just asking about damaging the amp.
  16. I wish I could take a break like you. But, I don't play any other instrument. Good choice going back to bass, and welcome back to the brotherhood.
  17. I was told by an industry insider that valve production has move east because of environmental concerns. Valves are pretty nasty for the environment. So, gradually no more made in Europe or made in USA. And, with that a significant drop in quality.
  18. I just saw this eBay link. It is advertised as a SWR SM 400 S. I note there is no"transparency" button on the pic, which makes me think it's a SM 400, the older version. Any thoughts? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SWR-400S-BASS-AMP-PRE-FENDER-AWESOME-/281029133645?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item416ea4454d
  19. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1353830704' post='1878727'] im confused, are there some spelling mistakes here? shouldn't Jimi-1985 have said he likes the assurance that he[b] shouldn't [/b]drive the cab too hard? He should be ok with a 1000w power amp if he's careful not to drive the cabs too hard shouldn't he? [/quote][quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1353810232' post='1878710'] Doesn't really work like that. You can drive an amp too hard with an amp with a lower watt rating, because that isn't the thing that drives amps too hard. [/quote] What is meant here is: small amp wattage + big speaker wattage = DANGER for the amp. If you try to drive a 500W cabinet, with a 10 W amp, the amp may burn/explode/disintegrate trying to keep up. However, if you have bigger amp wattage , say 1000W amp, compared to 500W cabinet, that's fine.
  20. Yes, that's a Metro. These japanese guys are seriously good !!!
  21. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1353794546' post='1878616'] So £9.50 for a plectrum eh? Glad I use me fingers :-) [/quote] Well, inflation is totally out of control, £9.50 for a basic plectrum may become the norm in couple of years. I may have also to downsize my rig to a 5W amp coz I can't afford electricity bills already.
  22. I found this one the other day about Flea's rig. GK all the way ! http://youtu.be/3ARZGwfhC_U
  23. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1353762243' post='1878200'] Clever bit of engineering, but am I the only person that thought it just sounded like a sequencer? [/quote] [b]It sounded better than Adam Clayton !!! [/b]
  24. Define "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]reasonably priced".[/font][/color]
  25. It's not a problem if your amp rates higher than your cab. Just don't push the amp all the way and listened to any sign of the speakers being worked too hard.
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