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Everything posted by BassPimp66

  1. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] £300 wow!!!! That's half the price of a decent amp... is it that good?[/font][/color]
  2. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1353686448' post='1877490'] You could also consider not charging me 9 quid extra for a set of strings in the shop when I have no need of any advice and simply want to buy those strings. I accept some difference to on-line but 9 quid is incredible (Rotosound). I was too embarrassed to walk out but that's what I wanted to do. [/quote] The 9 quid extra are needed to pay business tax and rates. Something Amazon is avoiding via dodgy tax evasion schemes.
  3. Genius... in a mad sort of way...
  4. It looks like sh** . On the other hand, at 99p start price, I may consider buying it for 5 GBP for spares
  5. [quote name='ashevans09' timestamp='1353714310' post='1877869'] Ooh lovely, new arrival? [/quote] I got it 7 months ago. Still feels kinda new.
  6. I'm a bit [b]cheap[/b] with valves. I bought a JJ Tesla at GBP10 for my SWR SM 400 and I liked it. I also bought a 2x cryo EHX at GBP 15 each for my Trace Elliot V-Type preamp, and I like them as well. I am tempted with some exotic General Electric or Telefunken NOS stuff. But, can't justify the spend, and again the cheaper range works absolutely fine.
  7. Thanks Andy! I am a bit partial to funk ...
  8. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1353667972' post='1877109'] It isn't so much the choice of timbers which makes for a heavy bass, but the size of the body and headstock. Fender basses are needlessly fat and bulky with very little contouring. The big ungainly square heel alone must weigh more than most modern basses (probably). Guitars in general suffer greatly from traditional ideas which are hard to break. If fender suddenly started making fodera style basses they would fold in a second. Most people want the same bass as such and such plays (flea, geddy lee, marcus miller etc), which doesn't bode well for change. Wood is good! It affects resonance, and does not need to be back breaking or have stupid 4 in line tuners. [/quote] I believe the craftsmanship that goes into building the bass is more important than the choice of tone woods. If the luthery is perfect... the bass will resonate beautifully. If not, you can spend an arm and a leg on coco-bolo or mahogany, and it will still sound like rubbish. So, on ash vs. alder, light vs heavy, just pick something that is properly built in the first place.
  9. All of the above, and more German stuff please ... it seems far better value these days compared to US made gear.
  10. My bass is made of ash and weights nothing. It sounds big and full, acoustically and plugged. I don't think going for a lighter wood will give you a lesser tone. I have seen a video of Brian Beller where he recommends highly his Mike Lull over what he calls "coffee table basses" in reference to these heavy exotic wood basses.
  11. [center]I have finally figured out how to post photos from URLs... hehe!!!! --- --- --- [/center] [center]--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---[/center] [center][/center]
  12. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192590-gratuitous-sadowsky-porn/page__fromsearch__1
  13. That's all I need : (1) PitchBlack tuner (2) Markbass Compressore . Done!
  14. I find that having multiple rigs helps me with mental sanity. 1) [b]Minimalist[/b]: my Markbass compressore + Radial DI into the PA 2) [b]Minimalist plus[/b]: Line6 POD Live XT + Radial DI into the PA 3) [b]Mini[/b]: EA iAmp micro + Markbass Traveller 102P. 4) [b]Regular[/b]: SWR SM400 + Markbass Traveller 102P + borrowed extra cab (note to self: buy another Traveller cab!!!) 5) [b]Deluxe 1[/b] Trace Elliot V-type preamp + Markbass MB1000 poweramp + 2 borrowed 8x10 cabs (note to self: buy 2 8x10 cabs!!!!) 6) [b]Deluxe 2 [/b]Fender TBR1 preamp + Marbass MB1000 poweramp + 2 borrowed 8x10 cabs
  15. Salutations bassistiques!
  16. I have a set of SD Antiquity II, for me, they do the business for vintage and jaco-esque tones. Not sure what this new edition is about. Expensive!
  17. I saw him at Koko/London couple of years ago. I noticed then he was able to use the mic like a proper singer would. That is, move away from the mic when shouting and closing the gap on quiter moments. I don't think he could achieve the same effect with a mic strapped to his head, as the distance would be constant. As for having a mic stand, then it would prevent him from jumping around the stage. So, I think he got the best solution here.
  18. I am really fed up with eBay. I used to report misleading titles in the past and it used to be removed or edited promptly. But, they have given up now. They don't do anything about it. So, any search brings a whole lot of rubbish... Not to mention all the junk posted from the US... GRRRRR
  19. [quote name='RMacd1' timestamp='1353167110' post='1872330'] I have a Fender Aerodyne Jazz (Japan model) with set of EMG PJX pick up's and with having had EMG active pick up's before i knew that i wanted 18v but i also did not want to go down the route of trying to fit the two batterys into the cavity already there (which i dont think you can or if you can would be pretty crammed) so i decided to try an idea i thought of (its probably been done but it will have gone straight past me!) which was to fit the two batterys inside a box thats mounted to the side of my amp (as i first attempt i took the cheap option wiith everything) so that i could power the pick up's with 18v with out butchering the guitar to make them fit aswell as being much less hassle to change the batterys in the future, so instead of having the normal cable and jack to the guitar i have a DIN 8 pin socket on the guitar, matching DIN 8 pin plug on the cable (the cable i used is shielded with 3 twisted pairs) which goes into a box (metal) mounted to the side of my amp with a regular jack on it then into the amp, you will see in the pictures that the box looks pretty rough which it is as this was just a try out i did today also the control place is an old non fender part i was happy to drill. when i tried it on there was no hum or interference or any unwanted effects of having power and signal in one cable. Not likely to be a great idea to everyone but it works well for me and also means i dont have a slightly less valuable guitar on my hands! [/quote] You can no longer use a regular jack. Personally, I would have butchered the bass instead. Just to keep my gear compatible with any jack out there.
  20. I just love this thread. I hadn't laugh like this for a while... I give credit to the guy for being an endless source of bizarr fun.
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1352881109' post='1868650'] flea. his right hand technique is shockingly rough. listen to any RHCP bass master track. [/quote] +1 You beat me to it !
  22. The fact that he photoshopped the headstock to hide the Bongo logo shows the guy is a mega-scammer.
  23. The decline started after the suicide of Kurt Cobain. This was the last time I heard music on the mainstream radio, before rap and r'n'b took over the waves for good. Kids today do not care about electric bass. Most of the music now comes from a computer, add a few lyrics and spend all the budget on the music video. No money, no time for a pre-historic bass player. Same goes for drummers. It's disappointing because it's never been so good being a bass player in terms of technology. The gear has evolved tremendously over the last 2 decades. Sadly, music has not...
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