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Everything posted by BassPimp66

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1349302033' post='1824614'] At the risk of driving this topic into genital comparisons, it ain't what you've got, it's what you do with it that matters... [/quote] Your bass is a partner. And, since you throw genitals in the mix, consider this: who would you like to play with (1) Gemma Arterton or (2) Jacqui Smith ? Rightly or wrongly, I believe my enjoyment & resulting performance will be enhanced by playing with Gemma, not Jacqui. I like the idea of doing stuff with the former, not the latter. So, I see a connection with what I have and what I can do.
  2. Maple is great !!!!! Good bass, well priced.
  3. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1349281265' post='1824261'] In a miraculous burst of fertility, the singer/keyboard player, the drummer, the accordian player, and the guitarist, in my band (or their partners), all had babies within 2 months of one another this spring/summer). [/quote] You have to stop playing Power Rock Ballads. They are getting all the girls knocked-up...
  4. Do you really need 2,500 watts? I played his little brother - the SVT-3, rated at 450 watts in to 4 ohms. I did a few gigs with this model. It does not feature the "power amp emulation", but it's a great sounding amp. And, powerful enough to rock a 4x10 at very loud volumes.... oh, and it's a LOT cheaper too.
  5. This keyboardist deserves the death penalty ... the blasphemy starts around 30s http://youtu.be/R-803w-jA7M
  6. Thanks 51m0m! Yup, a bit of an attitude problem... Or, maybe they are very very very very very very professional
  7. OK, the story is as follow. I hook up with a group of musicians and for couple of weeks we tried to put a date in the calendar to audition me. After a few attempts, we locked a slot. The evening before I confirmed I would be attending the audition on the next day. Then, I got a call from my pregnant wife who told me she was going early into to labor. I spent a sleepless night at the hospital and witnessed the birth of my baby girl in the early hours of the morning. While my looking after my wife, I called the guy I arranged the audition with to cancel, explaining the Force Majeure. Now, it's been a week and they are ignoring my attempts to reconnect and put a new date in the calendar. I think I've been marked as unreliable... come on! Anyone with similar experiences?
  8. Doug Pinnick / King's X > Monster Tone, Monster Groove, Great Albums, never really took off
  9. I got that a lot with some of the funk band I played in. It's usually a mess sharing the same part of the frequency spectrum. KEYBOARDIST STAY AWAY !!!
  10. Looking at how crazy some of the gear depreciate in value, you may not be far off by declaring super low value.
  11. I don't think my Sadowsky is going anywhere. I love her to bits. I have kept my Fender JB Deluxe for 12 years now, being the longest owned in my current collection. But, it's mostly because I think of her as a veteran who deserves a good home, not because of my current use.
  12. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1349256465' post='1823810'] Sorry for the diversion. In all honesty the date (and location) of manufacture of a particular bass is neither here nor there. If it feels and sounds good to you, then it IS good and if you like it enough then you should buy it. It doesn't matter one jot what "round the campfire" talk exists about certain periods of production. [/quote] Agreed, but Fender did introduce some upgrades in 2010 to their P and J models. These upgrades may appeal to some players. For instance, I like better their new bridges , versus the old flimsy ones. They have made graphite rods standard, on all US models, etc...
  13. I recall Bass Player magazine writing a review on the 2010's J and P. Sometime around when new USA features came out, i.e. heavy mass bridge, new lacker, etc... They were described as great sounding instruments. I tried a J in a music store and I was also really impressed. I think generally Fender have picked up their game with USA axes.
  14. Super cool 5 string bass. Very useful to practice how to "jump" strings I like it.
  15. I use a cheapo Maplin PSU for my pedal board. Never had any hum, with plenty of amperage for a daisy chain.
  16. I don't know what's the funniest, the pics and narrative (as usual) or the fact that the guy manages to sell his s**t . I wonder
  17. All the steel and the nickel comes from ArcelorMittal. So, if you like or dislike your strings, blame/praise Lakshmi Mittal.
  18. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1349166309' post='1822498'] I think our healthcare is a bit of a bargain compared to the USA though, makes up for slightly dearer bass strings... [/quote] My comment was about the retail sector/infrastructure difference, not the tax system. If you set the taxes here at US level, or vice versa, the US would still be cheaper for consumers due to the structural differences. And for the record, I am happy to pay higher taxes in the UK. God bless the NHS!
  19. I bought a set of EMG pickups from Pablo. Top chap and the item was delivered at the speed of light. Highly recommended.
  20. Everything is incredibly expensive in the UK. Consumers are getting milked. The lack of cheap land together with incredily complex planning rules do not allow for big logistics/retail structures like in the US. Smaller market... etc... "Stack them high sell them cheap" does not work here.
  21. Pichtblack!!!!! Great display and also accurate.
  22. I've used a Bass Pod Live XT and a radial DI when I was gigging around London. Very transportable and it always made the sound engineer happy. Now, I have downsized and I use a VT Bass, a mark bass compressore, and a radial DI. Who needs an amp????
  23. I got a custom one done from these guys ( [url="http://www.simscustom.com/"]http://www.simscustom.com/[/url] ) for my jazz bass deluxe. I just drew the pickguard accurately on a piece of heavy gauge paper. The result was fantastic and it was very good value versus buying in the US or ebay.
  24. [b]Amitiés Bassistiques de Londres [/b]
  25. OK, so they are generally trending cheaper. But, £55 retail price for a 5 set quoted by Amazon is the price from 8 years ago...
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