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son of frog

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Everything posted by son of frog

  1. I am going to represent youth here and say that from all the guitarists & bassists i know, It seems Fenders / Gibsons are obviously timeless, so they can't really be put in fashionable / non fashionable, but at the same time you cant really put guitars / basses into fashion terms... its more about function... I see a lot more classic shapes / colours popping up amongst musicians especially those early 50's and 60's basses, It seems though as stated before, brands like warwick and spector are less seen and less loved, Its mostly about respect, in the world of musicians, Brands like Ibanez i often see, but in terms of fashion, you dont get the same respect for owning one, as say a Fender Theres so much stigma with the brand of instrument you buy these days from other musicians, If you buy an Ibanez usually youre instantly seen as a Metalhead, But to be fair half the time its probably about right. Basically The Make defines what bracket of Genre / Music people assume you're into, which shouldnt be the case, but sadly it is, as people have a lot more choice these days of the instrument they buy, It used to be about what you could afford or what your local store sold, once again the Internet has ruined everything.
  2. So i have a huge collection of transcriptions, sheet music and tab etc. all on hundreds of sheets, And i have a Leather Zip up Ring-binder, and of course am using clear plastic sleeves to keep it all organized in there, Although at this rate i may be expanding to another ring-binder, But i was wondering, does anyone know a good, and preferably reasonably priced store, be it online or on the high street where i can get these plastic sleeves, but semi or fully Rigid? but still with the 4 holes to attach to a standard A4 ring-binder? Also they need to be clear to view said sheet music on both sides, The main problem is i cant tell which ones being sold online are rigid and which arent, a lot of manufacturers / stores are very vague, and it would be miles easier to find someone on here with something similar, than to try and email each individual company asking 20 questions about the size / thickness of their binder sleeves. Thanks in advance for any help, I've never failed to get a helpful answer yet on this Forum. -Tom
  3. been in a foo fighters mode in recent days... Learned the new single "Rope" and "Best of You" note for note i might add...
  4. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1216761' date='May 1 2011, 06:55 PM']Not recommended IMPO. The block inlays have a habit of not staying in the same plane as the surrounding wood, giving rise to potential buzzy areas. Also when glancing down at the fingerboard the eye is taken by the 'busy-ness' of the inlays rather than the line you should be hitting. I'm sure some people will have tried this conversion and coped with the results (playing by feel for the intervals) but I thing the best playing surface is a blank face with the side dots in the right place i.e. where the fretted note would be.[/quote] +1 for this, Keep it fretted, and find another neck to de-fret if you have to, Or just get an already fretless neck.
  5. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1215932' date='Apr 30 2011, 04:44 PM']I've never used it with 2 basses but yeah, you can plug a bass into each of the 2 inputs. The far right hand footswitch then selects between the 2 inputs and the other 3 switches select between the 3 presets for that input. If you just have one bass plugged in then you can use the right hand switch to give you another 3 presets for that instrument, a total of 6. The right hand switch also controls the effects loop with a double tap, but again, I've never used it so don't know if it's any good or not. Hope that makes sense.[/quote] Yeah that make so much more sense, I'm really pleased with how much you can do with this pedal. I've ordered one now, I can't wait.
  6. [quote name='skej21' post='1215771' date='Apr 30 2011, 01:09 PM']Going to try the diet cola thing today on an old neckplate and see how it goes![/quote] Im sure diet coke is even worse, And of course i would never waste real Coke on this... this is what Tesco own brand Cola was made for right?
  7. [quote name='andyonbass' post='1215828' date='Apr 30 2011, 02:27 PM']I'd be interested to know if they dropped straight in, or whether any routing to the body was needed. I've noticed that they come in two types, a [url="http://www.projectmusic.net/fender-scn-jazz-bass-pickups-5-string-purple-pack-4915-p.asp"]Purple pack[/url] and a [url="http://www.projectmusic.net/fender-scn-jazz-bass-pickups-5-string-green-pack-4914-p.asp"]Green pack[/url]. Anyone know what the difference is?[/quote] I'm pretty sure his was a Mexican deluxe so they already came fitted, But if you buy Genuine Fender pickups i dont think youll have any fitting issues, i highly doubt they've ever changed their pickup dimensions. [b][color="#9932CC"]Purple[/color]:[/b] Bridge - DC Resistance: 14K, Inductance: 4.4 Henries Neck - DC Resistance: 13.3K, Inductance: 4.3 Henries [b][color="#008000"]Green[/color]:[/b] Bridge - DC Resistance: 11.6K, Inductance: 3.8 Henries Neck - DC Resistance: 11.6K, Inductance: 3.8 Henries What all these ratings mean, i have no idea, but i'm sure it affects tone in some way, i'm sure someone with more techy knowhow will come along soon.
  8. Hiya I have no experience with pickup fittings in these 5 string Jazz basses, But i know a gentleman with a fairly recent 5 string jazz, MIM i might add and he uses those "Noiseless" pickups by Fender and they sound fantastic, plenty of punch and low end clarity, especially holding up against a band with a couple of guitarists trying to drown him out.
  9. [quote name='icastle' post='1215700' date='Apr 30 2011, 12:17 PM'] I can remember doing an experiment back in the olden days, we dropped one of the old style ringpulls into the remnants of a can of coke - three days later it had dissolved into a grey sludge in the bottom of the can.[/quote] Coke is evil... And yet i'm still addicted to the stuff... May give this a go on some "useless bit of hardware" first, Are you guys saying that it will just remove the chrome plating leaving the flat / dull nickel look underneath? if so sounds like a good idea.
  10. With the VT bass, much like the BDDI Deluxe Am i right in assuming the 2 inputs can be used for 2 separate instruments (If the pedal comes before the Amplifier)? Also it has 6 effect channels, How do you switch between the first 3 and the other 3? does it depend on which input is being used? I.e you have 3 programable presets per input? Cheers
  11. [quote name='topo morto' post='1215445' date='Apr 30 2011, 12:17 AM']Confusingly, the Bass Driver does have both a [url="http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassdriverdlx.html"]Deluxe [/url]and a [url="http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassdriverp.html"]Programmable [/url]version... even though the Deluxe is, of course, programmable![/quote] Yeah, i believe the Deluxe (Like the VT Bass) also has 2 separate switchable inputs, an FX Loop as well as a Parallel Out, whereas the Programable is just the 3 selectable custom user defined tones.
  12. [quote name='Tech21NYC' post='1215080' date='Apr 29 2011, 04:36 PM']A simple way to look at the difference between our Bass Driver DI and VT bass pedals is in terms of modern versus vintage sound. There is some crossover between the two but the Bass Driver has more of that modern mid scooped bass tone with the ability to get some vintage tones as well. The VT Bass on the other hand is designed to emulate more of those vintage Ampeg SVT and B15 sounds. What I've noticed is that many younger players (at least here in the US) have never really played through a valve bass amp and are sometimes a little overwhelmed when presented with that type of tone. They are used to ultra clean solid state bass amps that are similar to playing direct with the benefit of some speaker coloration and perhaps a bit of compression. If you are unsure, you may want to go with something like our Bass Driver or Para Driver DI pedals as these provide the ability to "blend" in you straight guitar tone with the SansAmp tone. This is similar to the way bass has been recorded for years in the studio. They mic an amp and take a DI of the bass and mix or blend it to become one sound. This is not to say that you can't be happy with a pedal like our VT Bass. You just need to remember to be very judicious with the drive control until you get used to that analog valve type of tone.[/quote] Thanks for the great in depth reply. The BDDI is probably better in respect of using it as a DI, And what i'll probably end up doing is Getting the VT Deluxe using that live for those great vintage tones, And then if i'm not 100% happy with the DI sound i'm getting from it, Invest in the BDDI either the single stomp-box, but since theres only about a £15 - 20 price difference may end up with the 3 programmable version. Thanks again. Tom
  13. I have a focusrite saffire 6 interface i'm selling at the moment if you'd be interested, Mint as new with box etc. Great piece of kit, its just a shame it doesn't get used enough for me to keep it. PM me if you do. -Tom
  14. [quote name='topo morto' post='1213679' date='Apr 28 2011, 11:47 AM']I'd like to see a bit of consolidation in Tech21's product line - e.g. a deluxe-style pedal with switchable BD / VT mode (or just with the controls of both.) The ability to have both BD and VT presets in one programmable pedal would make it a 'must-have'...[/quote] Very true, but it would probably cost the earth... I reckon for me a DI would be really useful, with all my recording equipment being upstairs would save a lot of effort lugging amps up and down the stairs Both the BD and VT Deluxe have a DI, but for what i really want, ie. using it live, getting that growly Ampeg / Tube tone the VT is probably the one to go for, and hopefully when i get it i will decide i no longer need the BDDI and i'm really hoping this will eliminate my urges to buy an Ampeg SVT Classic and 8x10
  15. [quote name='wizbat' post='1214241' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:44 PM']Well thats it really, my mates getting married and needs a good rock covers band for the evening in a castle( eirith). If anyone can do this can you pm me. ta[/quote] PM'd
  16. [quote name='topo morto' post='1213344' date='Apr 27 2011, 11:37 PM']"Fuzzy and round, Like a tennis ball"[/quote] GAHHH. I want them both, But i've seen and heard only good things about the VT bass so i might trust my instinct and cough up the extra cash for it. I wish i had more money... Becoming a full time musician has near Bankrupted me. I suppose its worth it.
  17. [quote name='topo morto' post='1213306' date='Apr 27 2011, 11:06 PM']Disclaimer - my experience is with the bog-standard VT Bass and BDDI, so I may be missing a trick or two that the posh versions can do.[/quote] Thanks so much for clearing this up a bit. And i think the Deluxe is pretty much the same but with 3 presets and an FX loop, so your advice is probably still relevant. Would be interesting to hear from others who have or have owned both, I may end up with both and i fear this may just be a very long winded WHICH ONE DO I BUY FIRST! Im only going on what i've heard, the VT bass sounds awesome, i suppose i should try and find someone with a BDDI and give it a go.
  18. Hi again! So i've been speaking to one of the tutors / session musicians at my Uni, And he says that he uses a Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver Pedal through every rig / amp he uses. The original black one, And i was just on the verge of purchasing a VT Bass Deluxe, but now i'm not so sure, I want that Tube tone and possibly a mild overdrive and a heavy overdrive, So the 3 footswitch models are the ones im looking at But do they essentally do the same thing? Or are they very different. they seem like the same product: [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/tech21-sansamp-bass-driver-programmable-di--27780"]Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver (3 Presets)[/url] [url="http://www.electromusic.co.uk/Sansamp-Bass-Driver-Deluxe.html"]Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver Deluxe (3 Presets & FX Loop)[/url] [b]OR![/b] [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/tech21-sansamp-vt-bass-deluxe--70968"]Tech 21 Sansamp VT Bass Deluxe[/url] Could someone plese clear this up for me, Because i dont really fancy buying both... even though i'm sure they're both great bits of kit. -Tom
  19. [quote name='RhysP' post='1212468' date='Apr 27 2011, 11:46 AM']Use Brasso. Put a bit on a soft cloth, rub it on the the bridge & the gold plate will come straight off.[/quote] Alright cheers, well Brasso costs virtually nothing, So i'll give it a go, i'm sure it will retain the original colour better, certainly better than with Hydrochloric Acid! And i have a dremel, And i'm pretty sure i have the felt edge wheel never used it i don't think so nice and fresh, would be good if theres any difficult spots left over, or just polish it up nicely. I'll post on here how i get on, for anyone else considering this.
  20. Ive recently got a Peavey Bass Case, When i got it ot was the last one they had in stock, and i got it for £40 and its really good, other than the bolts that bolt the swing mechanism of the handle on, But i quickly put some strong bolts on and loc-tite'd the nuts and washers on. [url="http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/115897/Peavey+ABS+Bass+Guitar+case+00478970"]http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/115897/Peavey...r+case+00478970[/url] Unfortunatley theyre now going for £55, if its an expensive bass your protecting, then its worth getting a proper hard-case rather than a Hard/Soft case. I can reccomend Hiscox as well Highly, I know several Session Bassists who have flown all over the world with them and never had a problem, And unlike a flight case you wont have to pay extra money for going over your weight limit.
  21. So i have this Bridge with Gold plating, Obviously not real gold i hope... But its wearing away on the edges and starting to look unsightly, Plus it doesn't match any of the other hardware on the bass... So obviously the gold (coloured) plating is really thin, And i want to instead get a nice shiny new Chrome / Silver colour from underneath... So whats the best way to go around this without scratching the Chrome surface underneath, I was thinking that if its thin enough that it wears under use then maybe something like wire wool will strip it back easily, But i dont really fancy doing that if it might scratch the chrome. So any suggestions / Possibly chemicals? i looked into it, well Googled it... and all it came up with was removing thick plating from watches and jewelery, i don't think this needs such harsh chemicals, and certainly not ones that will leave the nice chrome colour underneath looking dull... Although i may be wrong, Wire wool will / will not damage the chrome? Cheers.
  22. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1210500' date='Apr 24 2011, 11:23 PM']IIRC he said around the £5-600, but that's an early prototype and it's subject to my memory so that could be way off. He says around $1,000 in the video so it could be more.[/quote] hmm that is a little pricey, Especially as you no longer get to wow people with how bass like your ukulele is.
  23. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1203844' date='Apr 18 2011, 05:32 PM']I had a go on the one at about 2:30 in this video: It was fun, I might be tempted to pick one up when they come out later this year.[/quote] Wow, that is awesome, Do we have any rough idea around what price these will retail at?
  24. Probably cause half the paints missing... also he doesnt mention what state the electronics are in, Probably quite bad, Also he isn't the original owner and so i expect its quite hard to tell if it has had any aftermarket parts fitted. Yet still its quite nice for that price... I wish i had a bigger wallet.
  25. [quote name='RhysP' post='1209218' date='Apr 23 2011, 03:05 PM']Drink lots of of red wine. Vomit on hardware. Leave overnight. Chrome will be completely f***ed in the morning - believe me, I've done it. [/quote] If anyones interested i found a guy who will relic any type of hardware he sells, does it really well too. these look nice, all custom done by him. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280665088332&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en#ht_1039wt_975"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...n#ht_1039wt_975[/url] those are quite expensive, But he has some really nice 70's ones not too badly priced and some other great hardware like bridge / pickup covers.
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