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Posts posted by thumbo

  1. [quote name='dougal' post='1247222' date='May 27 2011, 03:35 PM']How [b]could [/b]you leave out:


    Also excellent read.

    I've got Keith's autobiography on my bedside table that I keep meaning to start too.[/quote]

    That's one of the next ones on my list to read :) I spotted it on Amazon the other day for £4.50.

  2. [quote name='Norris' post='1245416' date='May 26 2011, 11:51 AM']That's a very good read. More downs than ups, but then that's probably likely when you have had a serious habit like that.[/quote]

    It's a bit pain staking towards the end of reading it when he's continuously relapsing! But it is a very good read :) I find his upbringing quite fascinating.

    My girlfriend takes the piss out of me for only reading biographies about musicians with drug problems, but on that note, Motley Crue - The Dirt, The Nikki Sixx Heroin Diaries and Slash autobiographies make for great reading.

  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1245272' date='May 26 2011, 10:01 AM']Bless Norwood.

    There are loads of bands that were improved by the use of drugs - look at the sh*t the 'clean' Chili Peppers are putting out these days.[/quote]

    Keidis had been off smack for 3 years when they recorded Blood Sugar Sex Magik (although he did relapse within a couple of years after). Supposedly Flea and Frusciante were smoking a fair bit of weed around that time. From what I gather Chad has never been interested in drugs, although it's always the quiet ones :)

    BSSM is arguably their best album, it's certainly what got their name out there, and I'd say their drug use around that time isn't prolific at all. Although, that's not to say their drug use didn't have an impact on their approach to music.

    But Freaky Style on the other hand? Now there's a drug induced album if ever there was one.

    Californication is another interesting one for the "drug influenced" idea, because Frusciante was on the back end of a very long heroin addiction and Keidis was dabbling with the stuff all around that time.

    I'm having a bit of a RHCP relapse at the moment. Just got done reading Keidis' autobiography and I've watched the Funky Monks documentary a couple of times in recent weeks because I love that geeky stuff! :)

  4. I'd be interested to have a play with one of these. Although as others have mentioned, the size is potentially a downfall. The regular whammys weigh a bit too, so I can only imagine this weighs considerably more.

    The momentary switch seems like a great idea.

    I'm not sure about the down tuning features. Do many people even use the down tuning part of the regular whammy? Perhaps it's better suited to guitary peoples.

    Why don't they just bring back the bass whammy? :)

  5. I had a bit of a disappointing EITS experience at the 10 Years of ATP event a couple of years ago. They played on the biggest stage and I really don't think it suited them at all. I imagine they'd be much better suited to smaller more intimate venues.

  6. [quote name='paul h' post='1224963' date='May 9 2011, 12:08 PM']Chemistry.[/quote]

    Couldn't have put it better :)

    Nothing makes me happier than being in a band where all the members are getting along well, all working towards the same goal and producing music that we enjoy playing. The icing on the cake is then getting good at performing this music live.

  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1222047' date='May 6 2011, 10:56 AM']Only [i]you[/i] can say what settings are going to work for you.[/quote]

    Spot on! I've used various compressors over the years and they all have different characteristics. It's very hard to say what would work well with your setup because there's so many factors to consider. I think your best bet is to play around with the compressor as much as possible, the more you do this the more you'll realise what you like the sound of and what effect the compressor is having on your sound.

    I used to use a DBX 160a with my Markbass rigs. Strangely I found that I preferred the sound by running it in my amp FX loop. Although with every other compressor and amp I've had I've used a compressor somewhere between the bass and amp.

  8. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1218218' date='May 3 2011, 12:06 AM']If you're wanting to try out effects & see what you're gonna benefit from, then my advice is to start off with a multi FX unit as it's a much cheaper option.

    Have fun if you do! :)[/quote]


    You'll quickly realise which effects are to your liking and it'll give you free roam to play with loads of different effects mixed together.

  9. [quote name='fragglefart' post='1217749' date='May 2 2011, 05:04 PM']Anyone have any thoughts on the MXR M181 Bass Blowtorch?

    I like the look of the Fender Sublime pedal too, but again, no reccommendations here, it seems.

    Trying to decide between those two and a bass Big Muff. I have the Little Big Muff and find it lacks... [i]something[/i], fancy having a go with something else.[/quote]

    The Bass Blowtorch has a very apt name as it can do some pretty full on searing distortion. It offers a lot of control over the distortion tone, although the one I tried was a bit on the noisy side with unwanted hum. I think there's quite a few peeps on the forum that use the Blowtorch, it might be worth having a search and PM'ing for some opinions from people that have used the pedal a lot.

    It's worth bearing in mind that the Blowtorch is a distortion whereas the other 2 pedals you mentioned are fuzz. They're quite different beasts.

  10. Are there any bass players whose tone you'd like to emulate a bit? I find that's a good place to start when looking for drive pedals. What kind of band are you playing in?

    The Big Muff and ODB-3 are very different pedals. You'd do well to try these out as you'll see how different they are instantly both in terms of sound and the controls.

    I haven't tried out many drive pedals, at least not compared to some of the folks on here, but I've been very happy with my Fulltone Bassdrive. It's a versatile drive pedal, from old school grunt to quite full on gain. I find the separate boost switch very handy.

    Recently I've been very impressed with demos I've head of the Catalinbread SFT, but I'm yet to try one out.

  11. 2 hours ago I had a banging head ache, the only thing that appealed to me was sitting in a darkened room and playing some bass. So I picked my Fender P, got a nice dub sound going on, stuck some dub tracks in a playlist and noodled along. Now I'm head ache free! win! :)

    Does anyone else indulge in self prescribed bass therapy? If I'm ever feeling stressed out picking up a bass will have an instant calming effect on me.

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