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Everything posted by thumbo

  1. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='25348' date='Jun 30 2007, 06:23 PM']It actually sounded like w*nk when I first got it... after a setup and a change of pickups (origional high gain ceramics were horrible... changed to lower gain alnico Vs), I can say the same in that it's my only 6 string I need [/quote] My SG needed a good setup when I got it too, funnily enough I've also been considering changing the pickups. Anyway, back the the original topic of this thread, I could talk about how filthy my guitar sounds with my tiny-terror all day...
  2. That's a crazy looking thing! I've not seen a bass quite like that before.
  3. I've just stuck a set of Ernie Ball Extra Slinkys 40-60-70-95 on my Streamer Stage 1 and it sounds and feels the best it ever has. I've tried Warwick Black Label, Elites, Rotosound, D'addario EXL's and Coated EXP's (most of which in several different gauges) on this bass but none of those brands sound or feel anywhere near as good as these for how I like my sound and setup. Now I'll just have to see how well they last if they last me as long as a set of D'addario EXL's, which is about 3 weeks on average, i'll be happy. I've not seen much talk of Ernie Ball strings on bassworld/basstalk in past, is this because the general consensus is that they're a bit poo or something?
  4. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='24721' date='Jun 29 2007, 12:42 AM']thanks guys that's an older model Pedaltrain board (got it in a sale). Medium sized I believe. The case in the background is indeed a Gibson case... holding a '67 reissue V [/quote] I bet that V sounds nice! I've got an SG standard, it's the only guitar I'll ever need. Looks like it's the medium sized pedal train i need then!
  5. Here's my board, it's an old pic and the contents of it are very different now but this seems to be the clearest pic I have of the entire board. I made it almost 2 years ago, it cost me less than £20 to make and took under 2 hours, including the trip to B&Q for the materials. -The base of the board is MDF, it's about 2cm thick. I rounded off the corners and all the edges so that it wouldn't chip too easily. -I cleaned the MDF and stuck sparkly (oh yes!) self-adhesive Fablon all round it to protect the wood. -Next I added 4 strips of fluffy side velcro to allow space for two rows of pedals. -I made wooden feet 2cm in height for the bottom of the board, screwed them into place, one on each corner and several others so that the board wouldn't flex when I press on the pedals. This has proven very useful for running cables underneath the board to prevent them from being kicked out. -Next I added 4 drawer handles to the sides of the board which are useful for two reasons; lifting the board in and out of the SKB softcase that I had for my old board and also to prevent my singer from kicking into the side of my pedals whilst he flew around on stage. -The pedals are all attached using hooky-side velcro. I've used this board a lot over the past two years and it doesn't show any signs of wear, that Fablon stuff has proven great for protecting the board.
  6. Nice board bigbassbob, which size of pedaltrain is that? Is that a gibson case in the background? it looks suspiciously like an SG case.
  7. [quote name='finnbass' post='24528' date='Jun 28 2007, 04:45 PM']Oh dear! There is something funny going on, because I have number three sat on my lap as I type Mine is number 3 of 178 however??? Could it be that different countries/continents had different allocations? Or have we all been shafted? That auction looks genune to me...[/quote] The auction looks genuine to me too, it's collection only so enless the guy plans on mugging the winning bidder when he meets up with them I reckon it's fine.
  8. Schism by Tool is packed full of great bass lines. I can't pick just one bass line, i find it too hard, so I say ALL the bass lines in Schism.
  9. [quote name='ali-stare' post='23599' date='Jun 26 2007, 04:12 PM']the other night i was playing on a mates Orange rig. My god it sounded fantastic, however at around £2000 a shot its a bit out of my price range. I was wondering if anyone had tried the cheaper Crush series and what are they like compared to their bigger valve brothers? ali[/quote] The Crush range are nothing like the valve amps, they're good though. I think the 35B sounds a lot better than the 20B because the 20B has what sounds like some kind of built in limiter that kicks in at relatively low volumes (some people might like this, I don't). They're simple, well built, sound pretty good and they're cheap. Don't expect them to sound anything like the AD200 though... that amp is £1200 for a good reason
  10. [quote name='MB1' post='22697' date='Jun 24 2007, 05:55 PM']MB1. F**k The bass, lets all play gripmasters, and change the forum to gripmasterchat. If the gripmaster doesnt work for you HELLO DAVE , you can always sell it on ebay.right im off to learn Baba o riley on my gripmaster. MB1.[/quote] I've got a mate who's a wicked gripmaster player, he can play two at once. He's got the gripskillz fo sho!
  11. thumbo


    I use a Fulltone Bassdrive. It sounds especially phat with my 70's P-bass. It's nice!
  12. "And the best part about this bass? It is a working bass!!" No, that's not the best part about this bass. There really is no best part about this bass.
  13. [quote name='BassJase' post='22235' date='Jun 23 2007, 01:06 AM']I've been a big Primus fan since about '93, and i think they're bloody great. Recently in one or another american bass mag they listed big bad Les' discography. He's recorded something ridiculous like 22 albums in the last 15 years. How the hell do you remember all that? Oh yeah, and the video with the big rubber cowboy suits in is the best music video ever. period.[/quote] Wynonna's got herself a big brown beaver and she shows it off to all her friends
  14. [quote name='Rich' post='21990' date='Jun 22 2007, 04:59 PM']I bought Sailing the Seas of Cheese out of curiosity, because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with this Claypool fella I kept hearing about.[/quote] Me too!... I now have 106 Primus songs in my iTunes library
  15. Has anyone got a plectrum that they like the sound of but find the grip of said pleck to be crap? I've found a cure! Hole-punch
  16. Great idea! I'm well up for that!
  17. Have you seen/got Blame It On The Fish MB1? If you like the Primus DVD's then I recommend this one too, it follows them on tour.
  18. I play with plectrums a fair bit. I've just switched from using Dunlop Tortex .88's to Tortex .88 'The Wedge' because they're a bit more pointy. I also use Dunlop Ultex picks, the big tri-angle ones.
  19. [quote name='Buzz' post='21367' date='Jun 21 2007, 01:37 PM']You probably could just use t-cut to get rid of the buckle rash. I'd say it'll be down to the toughness of the lacquer.[/quote] T-cut? Are you sure? I've got a feeling that stuff might do something nasty to a bass. Fender make a 'swirl and haze' remover, that might be worth looking into but it depends on how deep the scratches are.
  20. This thing is "brutal", apparently... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Supro-High-Gain-Mini-bass-amp-See-Video_W0QQitemZ230120697135QQihZ013QQcategoryZ38079QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Supro-High-Gain-Mini...9QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  21. I use a comfort strapp, a couple of big wide leather levys straps, a padded leather fender strap and a wide planet waves strap. They're all good straps but some seem to feel much better with certain basses.
  22. Nice basses I've got a Joodee acoustic guitar that's about 25+ years old, it sounds great but I've never found much info on it.
  23. I like your family tree mike! That's quite a bass family you've had/got!
  24. and don't they just play like nothing on earth too?! You must be proud one day I shall own a GB!
  25. They're great basses for the money. I particularly like sound and feel of the Fortress 4 with the P + J pickups.
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