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Everything posted by thumbo

  1. Here's my current setup. It runs in this order- BASS > Bassdrive > Deep Impact > EBS Bass IQ > Small Clone > Harmonist > Phase 90 > DD20 Giga Delay > RC20XL Loop Station > DBX 160a rack compressor > AMP The Tone Bone is either at the beginning or end of my pedal board, depending on how I'm using it.
  2. I want I want I want... Gibson Grabber Dingwall Z2 Orange AD200 + some kind of 8x10 thankyouplease
  3. It might be worth looking into the Aerodyne Jazz, for that mix of P bass and J bass.
  4. Timmy C's sound on the self titled RATM album always does it for me.
  5. thumbo

    21 Grams

    Hey folks, Some feedback would be nice on this if anyone fancies a listen- www.myspace.com/es21grams I've currently got one tune up on there. I'm fairly chuffed with the quality of it, for it being a very on-the-fly recording. I used the following stuff- Orange Tiny Terror guitar amp, warwick streamer S1, gibson les paul premium plus (borrowed unfortunately!), Boss RC20XL, Boss Digital multi-track recorder and a cheap n' cheerful audio-technica mic. It was all done in one take through my orange guitar amp, I looped the bass line, then built up a few loops with guitar and then mostly improvised a few things over the top. Lemme know your thoughts. I'm trying to work on my live looping skills at the moment, so any feedback or suggestions regarding live looping would be appreciated.
  6. thumbo


    I love MB stuff! I use a TA503 and it's the first ever amp I can say I'm 100% happy with. I'm a fussy bugger when it comes to amps! Just watched that you tube vid, that's some tasty finger tapping
  7. That looks wicked! Congratulations
  8. The Warwick blue line are pretty good amps at good prices- [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/warwick/blue_series"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/warwick/blue_series[/url]
  9. Ahh frick... i've clearly failed in my mission to construct a poll there. This thread might as well be deleted!
  10. Just out of interest. I think I've covered all the main brands there.
  11. thumbo


    I tried both before I bought and went with the RC20XL, mainly because it feels much more solid than the jam man.
  12. thumbo

    akai deep impact

    great thread! I'll have to give those settings a blast at a time that doesn't wake up everyone else in my house!
  13. I've played both and much preferred the MM Jazz because of the 2 band EQ and it seemed to feel a lot slicker than the Geddy, however that might have been a bad Geddy that I played. You never know with Fender
  14. Do you enjoy maintaining the myspace and itunes sales? If you're selling this music, people are enjoying it. I think that's good enough reason to keep it going. However, if you get sick and tired of it then leave it be, there's not much point in carrying on with it if you're not enjoying it.
  15. I've heard that Gibson EB3's can do some nasty damage to weedy amps. Maybe that ashdown amp had issues? Although, I do think that some basses can sound pants through certain amps, but a lot of it comes down to personal preference.
  16. Stunning! Could you tell me a little more about that Dolphin? What year etc? What are they like?
  17. Check out the Ken Smith Design jazz basses [url="http://www.kensmithbasses.com/KSD/KSDdefault.htm"]http://www.kensmithbasses.com/KSD/KSDdefault.htm[/url] They're distributed by Bernie Goodfellow, if you need any advice on them then give him a call, he really knows his stuff and he's a top notch bloke. EDIT: Here's the link to the GB Basses site [url="http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.gbguitars.co.uk/[/url]
  18. There's no such thing as too many IMO. Just enjoy it
  19. I have a 4U rack that's housing a Markbass TA503, DBX160a Compressor/Limiter, Korg DTR1000 Tuner. Simple but effective with minimal fuss or set-up time at gigs.
  20. Bring the pictures over here!
  21. [quote name='woodenshirt' post='2037' date='May 19 2007, 09:29 AM']Great basses Thumbo, Love the '74 Precision......looks like one I used to have a few years ago. I see that the red in the sunburst on the front has started to fade, the same thing happened to mine - I think it gives it a great look. Also I found that on mine, when outside in direct sunlight the black on the 'burst had a greenish tint - is that the case with yours? (I wonder if it was something to do with the paint they used at the time - had it with a Ric from the same period?) Anyway, one mighty fine looking bat! Mart.[/quote] I really like the fading too, it looks kind of more tobacco sunburstish! I know what you mean about the greenish tint too, mine does that. It's not that noticable, but under really strong natural light it's visible. bass_ferret, I wish I'd gone for the neck without fretlines TBH! I actually find it easier to play fretless without the lines because it forces me to rely on my ears for intonation. My ears work better than my eyes. Thanks for the comments folks
  22. Here's my current crop- Fender 1974 Precision (all original) MIM Jazz (with EMGs, Badass and NO tacky white scratch plate), 74' P, Stealth Jazz Stealth Jazz Bass (fretless)- made of various bits n' pieces NS CR4M Warwick Thumb bolt-on (98' model with wenge neck) Streamer Stage 1 (with ebony fretboard, black hardware, d-tuner)
  23. Markbass TA503, DBX160A, Korg DTR-1000, Markbass 4x10 and 1x15 cabs. The Eddle Board featuring... Fulltone Bassdrive, Akai Deep Impact, Boss DD20, EBS Bass IQ, EHX Small Clone, MXR Phase 90, Boss HR-2 and Boss RC20XL (on vacation the day that pic was taken)
  24. Those are some very fine instruments right there! They look awesome too! Nicely done The black/maple thing always looks great.
  25. I've owned a couple of Markbass amps. Currently I'm using a TA503 and for the first time ever I'm happy with my rig! I've not experienced the older stuff but I've played the majority of the new stuff (except the REALLY new amps) and I've been very impressed with all of it. The general idea behind Markbass is for the amps to not colour your tone and give you a lot of volume from a light, small package (ohh err missus!). It's incredibly reliable gear and does the job very well IMO.
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