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Everything posted by thumbo

  1. How many hours practice per day do you think is 'serious'?
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362313223' post='1998171'] I'm nearly 50 now, I'd rather just write and play. [/quote] I'm 27 and I'd rather just write and play There's only 2 reasons why I might practice: if i've come up with an idea that I have trouble playing or I'm going to record something, just because I have little patience when it comes to sitting around in studios and I don't want to be doing loads of takes.
  3. This should be in the ebay forum (obviously) unless there are prices listed
  4. [size=4][quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1362223919' post='1997130'][/size] Arguably, yes, you're right, but listen to players like Sharay Reed. One of the best players alive (IMO of course!) and plays on extremely cheap gear. [/quote] I thought he'd played an Fender American Deluxe Jazz?
  5. I use a Radial Bassbone, it's not going to colour the sound in the way a Sansamp does, however it has a really nice clean tone to it. It sounds good on recordings too. [url="http://www.tonebone.com/tb-bassbone.htm"]http://www.tonebone....tb-bassbone.htm[/url]
  6. This has probably been mentioned on here before numerous times, but I always begrudge the price of batteries in supermarkets so if I remember to I try to stock up - I've just bought a pack of 9v batteries this morning and I'd forgotten how cheap they can be online: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-Duracell-9V-Procell-Batteries-MN1604-6LR61-PP3-block-/160507757092?pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_Batteries_SM&hash=item255f020224 There's nothing more annoying than hearing your bass fart out it's dying note at a rehearsal, or even worse, on stage.
  7. This is the first I've heard of these, some demo videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5772xfxc52E&list=UUDR7U1tBeQMGBToik9RsfDw
  8. Dread Bass, I can see from your sig that you own a few basses, the honest thing to do would be to add a P bass to that collection. I don't think you'd be disappointed because it would add a completely different kind of thing to your collection.
  9. Flippin' eck... the difference a nice pic and a white pick guard can make [size=4] Good work sir, I imagine that pickup combo sounds really good. [/size]
  10. Bargain [size=4] [/size]
  11. It's the quality and feel of Lakland instruments that does it for me, which seems to be something you can't rely on with Fender. Nothing beats an old mojo'd Fender though
  12. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1361672990' post='1989209'] Yes it is, thanks for the link I'd forgotten the early days of Napster and tiny download speeds before broadband. It makes you wonder where it will all end... [/quote] I used to use Napster not long after it first came about. At that time I was about 14 and just starting to discover all sorts of music that sparked a real interest in music for me. I'd hear people talk about bands and wonder what they sounded like, so I'd go on Napster and download a track (never an album, would have taken weeks on my 28k modem!), Napster also became something I used for getting music I couldn't get hold of in any other way, particularly bootlegs and live recordings. Having access to music in that kind of way meant that I got into a lot more music than I would have otherwise, and I dread to think how much money I've spent on albums, merch and gigs as a result of this! [size=4] [/size]
  13. There's some good documentaries on the iPlayer at the moment, one of which is the Pirate Bay doc I mentioned earlier in this thread, which is definitely worth a watch if you've got an interest in the copyright issues talked about in this topic. There's also a doc called Google and the World Brain, which I haven't yet seen but it's about google scanning millions of books that were still in copyright. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search?q=storyville On an unrelated note, The House I Live In is also a fascinating documentary in the storyville series.
  14. [quote name='graham1945' timestamp='1361390299' post='1985302'] You guys are cruel, I've now got to read seven pages of this stuff before I put my next ad up! [/quote] Pics?
  15. The analogies in this thread are hilarious, now if you're all quite finished I must get back to downloading all this free music I found online.
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1361313142' post='1984555'] Do it . My Stache is an odd one, I have 3 diode options (as opposed to 'no diodes'), Germanium, LEDs, asymmetric LEDs (huge). The oscillation is also a different type to accommodate the gate, more white noise than 'feedback' ...... tis awesome [/quote] I'm really tempted by the gate option, especially since seeing Shep's video of it with this mod, but I don't think a gate really suits what I'm going for with the 'Stache. Too many options [size=4] [/size]
  17. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1361348373' post='1984762'] im totally pumped for the arrival of my rat tail! the black bart simpson and garfield artwork is amazing [/quote] I saw Ryan posted this up on facebook a couple of days ago, looks awesome!
  18. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1361278833' post='1983740'] So which mods did you decide on? Si [/quote] I think it's gonna be oscillation and diodes (germanium and 4001), I'll be placing my order tonight. Then it's the waiting game...
  19. I'm about to buy a Grey Stache, I would have bought one weeks ago if I wasn't being so indecisive about which mods to go for! I'll report back once I've made my mind up.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1361190263' post='1982389'] I wouldn't dream about trying to make a career of being a musician. Far too unstable, and barely anyone truely makes it. [/quote] I think this is a realistic stance. I started playing music and making music because it's enjoyable for many reasons - particularly the pleasure I get from writing new stuff and performing live and the social life that goes with it. You don't need to be earning money out of it to achieve those things. I've always had a job or some other focus that I'd consider a career, music is the part that keeps me sane (kind of [size=4] ).[/size]
  21. The way that musicians make (or made) money is completely flawed, mostly because the internet has rendered it an out dated business model (of course this excludes merch and gigs). If you spend your time creating something that others use or get enjoyment from, it's completely fair to expect to get paid to do this so you can carry on doing it, but how people draw an income for this needs a complete overhaul. I have no idea how this can happen, perhaps it can't. If you're interested in all the copyright shenanigans associated with file sharing [url="http://watch.tpbafk.tv/"]The Pirate Bay - Away From Keyboard [/url]is worth a watch. You can pay to watch it from that link, or alternatively you can [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTOKXCEwo_8"]pay nothing to watch it on youtube[/url], what a moral conundrum
  22. The difference in time between the original post and the first post is 1 hour, could this be the longest a Compact has ever been for sale on here?
  23. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1361055289' post='1980568'] never really used chorus on bass but i've just bought this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3VNgNsHK10 its beautiful. [/quote] I want to buy one just for the artwork! What's it like with a bass?
  24. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1361067219' post='1980685'] the fella they designed the thumb for.... and where he played his, it's not that high up [/quote] Not that high up? If it was any higher he'd be playing a violin.
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