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Posts posted by thumbo

  1. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1361672990' post='1989209']
    Yes it is, thanks for the link :)
    I'd forgotten the early days of Napster and tiny download speeds before broadband.

    It makes you wonder where it will all end...

    I used to use Napster not long after it first came about. At that time I was about 14 and just starting to discover all sorts of music that sparked a real interest in music for me. I'd hear people talk about bands and wonder what they sounded like, so I'd go on Napster and download a track (never an album, would have taken weeks on my 28k modem!), Napster also became something I used for getting music I couldn't get hold of in any other way, particularly bootlegs and live recordings. Having access to music in that kind of way meant that I got into a lot more music than I would have otherwise, and I dread to think how much money I've spent on albums, merch and gigs as a result of this! :D[size=4] [/size]

  2. There's some good documentaries on the iPlayer at the moment, one of which is the Pirate Bay doc I mentioned earlier in this thread, which is definitely worth a watch if you've got an interest in the copyright issues talked about in this topic. There's also a doc called Google and the World Brain, which I haven't yet seen but it's about google scanning millions of books that were still in copyright.


    On an unrelated note, The House I Live In is also a fascinating documentary in the storyville series.

  3. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1361313142' post='1984555']
    Do it :).
    My Stache is an odd one, I have 3 diode options (as opposed to 'no diodes'), Germanium, LEDs, asymmetric LEDs (huge).
    The oscillation is also a different type to accommodate the gate, more white noise than 'feedback' ...... tis awesome ;)


    I'm really tempted by the gate option, especially since seeing Shep's video of it with this mod, but I don't think a gate really suits what I'm going for with the 'Stache. Too many options :D[size=4] [/size]

  4. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1361348373' post='1984762']
    im totally pumped for the arrival of my rat tail! the black bart simpson and garfield artwork is amazing

    I saw Ryan posted this up on facebook a couple of days ago, looks awesome!

  5. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1361190263' post='1982389']
    I wouldn't dream about trying to make a career of being a musician. Far too unstable, and barely anyone truely makes it.

    I think this is a realistic stance. I started playing music and making music because it's enjoyable for many reasons - particularly the pleasure I get from writing new stuff and performing live and the social life that goes with it. You don't need to be earning money out of it to achieve those things. I've always had a job or some other focus that I'd consider a career, music is the part that keeps me sane (kind of :gas:[size=4] ).[/size]

  6. The way that musicians make (or made) money is completely flawed, mostly because the internet has rendered it an out dated business model (of course this excludes merch and gigs). If you spend your time creating something that others use or get enjoyment from, it's completely fair to expect to get paid to do this so you can carry on doing it, but how people draw an income for this needs a complete overhaul. I have no idea how this can happen, perhaps it can't.

    If you're interested in all the copyright shenanigans associated with file sharing [url="http://watch.tpbafk.tv/"]The Pirate Bay - Away From Keyboard [/url]is worth a watch. You can pay to watch it from that link, or alternatively you can [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTOKXCEwo_8"]pay nothing to watch it on youtube[/url], what a moral conundrum :gas:

  7. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1361055289' post='1980568']
    never really used chorus on bass but i've just bought this....


    its beautiful.

    I want to buy one just for the artwork! What's it like with a bass?

  8. Another vote on the Yamaha RBX170. Having previously worked in a guitar shop for quite a few years the RBX170 was the most consistent entry level bass we sold in terms of build quality, plus they generally came out of the factory pretty well setup, which is something I can't say for the other entry level basses we used to sell. I'm not sure how the RBX170 compares price wise to other entry level instruments these days, it used to be the case that the RBX was a little more than some like a Squire, however I generally found that people could see the quality difference between the basses, hence we sold many RBXs!

  9. I've never had neck dive problems with my Thumb BO, but it does however weigh a lot and I find the reach to the first fret uncomfortable for some bass lines. It's interesting that you mention you don't find the reach any different to a P or J, as those are two other basses that I own and play about as much as my thumb, yet I have no discomfort with the reach to the first fret on those. Perhaps it's to do with the height of the bass on the strap? Who knows... witchcraft by the sound of things.

  10. Having owned an NV610 for a few years now I've tried a number of different amps through it. I'm currently running a GK 800rb into it and I've got no intentions of changing that any time soon. I've always been very impressed with the clarity and definition I get from this cab, even when I'm running all kinds of dirty sounds into it. I imagine you'll find pretty much any half decent amp will sound good through this cab, as long as you're not looking for a particularly hifi tone.

    [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1360785297' post='1976573']
    When I owned this cab I used an Orange AD200B which gave a great tone.

    I used to run the same setup, it sounded incredible - especially with a p bass.

  11. I heated up a couple of plates in the oven the other day, which is something I do regularly because our kitchen is always near freezing. I left the plates in a bit too long, grabbed them out of the oven and it took what seemed like a good few seconds to realise they were very hot, leaving me with large blisters on my index and middle finger tips of my fretting hand. Whoops! I won't be doing that again in a hurry.

  12. My current scruffy looking setup. These pedals have been the mainstays on my board for a couple of years, other pedals get swapped in and out as I need them. The Barge loop is only used for the Bass Octave Deluxe as I prefer the sound of it in the loop and it's useful being able to blend the octave into the mix. I recently purchased a Diago 18v adapter for the Bassdrive, I should have done this 6 years ago when I bought the pedal, it seriously makes a difference to it.


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