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Everything posted by Dodge

  1. 89 PRS Curly Bass 4 in whale blue, birds and the premium 10-top. Purchased more for the investment than a player, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. [url="http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/paul.stansfield/PRSCurlyBass"]http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/paul.stansfield/PRSCurlyBass[/url]
  2. Dodge


    Lots of PM's, but no firm offers. Anybody want to make me one? Cheers.
  3. Dodge


    [quote name='Frusty' post='144177' date='Feb 21 2008, 07:52 AM']What are the necks like on these things? Any thicker/thinner than most Warwicks?[/quote] Hi Frusty - it's pretty standard Warwick sized, but being all wenge it feels fantastic to the touch. Probably the nicest Warwick neck I've played. Any interest out there? I don't really want to Ebay it but i will if I have to! Cheers
  4. Dodge


    Whoops - forgot to mention it's the passive version. Cheers.
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='143488' date='Feb 20 2008, 12:28 AM']jamerson's funk machine would be cool...but really..... only one bass would get me really excited. play this and you'll know which one i mean G --------------------------------------------------------------- D --------------------------------------------------------------- A -------- --5-5-5-5---- -----5-7-5--7---- ---7-7--9-7-7--9-7-7----- E --3-3-3-3-- -------3-3-3-3----- -----0-0-0--------- -----------0--[/quote] Adored?
  6. Dodge


    Pics here: [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/paul.stansfield/WarwickFortress"]http://picasaweb.google.com/paul.stansfield/WarwickFortress[/url] Great condition - I love this bass, but trying to make space for a new purchase which is winging it way across the pond right now. Comes with the generic hard case. £350 - I'm based in Oxfordshire, and for obvious reasons I'd rather it was collected. Cheers.
  7. I was given it for an Xmas pressie - it's fantastic isn't it? Really well put together.
  8. Bump - this is still here. Cheers
  9. I thought you got kicked of Ebay?
  10. Ask the seller for the weight and dimensions of the package and do your own calculation. For something that small, USPS will be cheaper than $60 for sure. I had the same problem with someone sending me a Hicks Mender from Canada - he wanted me to part with £40 for postage but I logged onto Canada post and paid him £10 recorded delivery. In his defence though, I don't think he was trying to rip me off, he was just stupid.
  11. It's SO wrong this hasn't sold. Warwicks must really polarise opinions - this is an absolute bargain for any Streamer, let alone one that's rare and going to go up in value due to collectability. Is it Warwicks in general, or is it the Streamer? If I had the cash going spare, I'd have had your arm off - but I've just shelled out for two PRS's. Madness!
  12. [quote name='Toadonroll' post='125664' date='Jan 22 2008, 07:17 PM']But he's not finished yet.... oh no he still thinks there’s some more belittling to be done here (he's a teacher!). He informs me that speakers can't reproduce these low frequencies and that 5 strings is totally pointless. I said something about Hertz, 15inch cones, fret positions and that he clearly had no idea what he was talking about. He left pretty sharpish. I forgot to mention that he fancies himself as a bass player and has on numerous occasions told me I am an amazing player! Shame I can't believe him about the latter [/quote] You should have demonstrated by suggesting he places his ear right up to said 15" cone, pull that low B an inch off the board and let go. Then ask him just how many Hertz hurts.
  13. Dead: Moony - Purely for the entertainment value. Alive: Stanton Moore - The funkiest, most creative drummer I've EVER seen alive or dead. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJtmDQBvF8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJtmDQBvF8[/url]
  14. I use Ableton Live, I believe a new version has just come out. Cubase SX was just a bit too complicated for me, I think it's aimed more at pro-users. I found Ableton just a bit easier to find my way around - and you want to get stuff recorded, not sit there for hours on end navigating around a bloody PDF manual. For Cubase money, Steinberg should really be shipping printed manuals.
  15. Hi guys, Put my USA Hamer Archtop Studio and my G&L Legacy up on Ebay. They're up for £700 and £600 respectively, but will listen to offers from any guitar playing Basschatters. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110205134803"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110205134803[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110205134841"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110205134841[/url] Cheers, Dodge
  16. And another one - and being early 90's is a little more desirable: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=220175333233&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=012"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=012[/url]
  17. Can't believe this hasn't sold at that price, someone's missing out on a bargain.
  18. Dodge


    [quote name='Ba55me15ter' post='86204' date='Nov 9 2007, 08:03 PM']This is my current fave, and I've tried a few! [url="http://www.bteaudio.com/software/Juicy77/Juicy77.html"]<a href="http://www.bteaudio.com/software/Juicy77/Juicy77.html" target="_blank">http://www.bteaudio.com/software/Juicy77/Juicy77.html[/url]</a>[/quote] That's brilliant! I used to own a Soldano SP77 and that's pretty good! It's a bit nicer if you use something a little more sophisticated on the cab sim, but that's great fun - thanks for sharing. I've got it set just as a preamp running into Amplitube 2 with a 100W 6L6 power amp, modern 4x12 cab mic'd on axis with a Neumann U87 (all emulated of course). Sounds immense! The TS9 sim is also quite good - not as accurate as some I've heard as it lets through a little more bass (which is a good thing) but very nice sounding. Right - back to my other PC, it's gonna be a long night...
  19. Dodge


    Amp modelling on a PC has come on leaps and bounds in the past few years - but the best for guitar is currently Amplitube 2. the first version of Amplitube was a bit average, but the current version is fantastic. I've also just got the new version Native Instruments Guitar Rig (Version 3) - it's better than version 2, but for realism it can't hold a candle next to Amplitube. Guitar Rig is pretty good for weird effects - it has a pretty funky step sequencer that you can assign to any control - whether it's a wah pedal or a gain control - you can get some really groovy sounds happening. I'm a bit more old school though, and Amplitube 2 takes the prize. I've also got the evaluation version of Amplitube SVX (the Ampeg one) and it's pretty cool too - still undecided whether to part with some cash for it though. THD endorsed Amplitube 2 for the Bivalve emulation, and Ampeg put their name on Amplitube SVX. For me, that speaks volumes. Download the demos - you'll have hours of fun.
  20. [quote name='andy67' post='83891' date='Nov 5 2007, 11:12 AM']I have started looking at items and bidding within the last few seconds, if I feel that the auction is valid, allowing me to observe the bidding trend.[/quote] Exactly what I do - I pick what I'm prepared to pay for it and bit at the last moment. That way if I win, I get it for a price I'm prepared to pay and I don't really care if there's been any shilling / weird bidding patterns. If I lose, so be it.
  21. Free bump for a gorgeous guitar. The early 90's Streamer Stage 1's were the nicest of all the Streamer derivatives for me.
  22. [quote name='cetera' post='71573' date='Oct 9 2007, 02:25 PM']Those old Streamers (80's) are lovely..... and that's a very nice example. [/quote] Thanks man. It's a pretty one for sure - still think the 90's ones are nicer all round though. I LOVE Streamers - best guitar Warwick never designed.
  23. For passive pickups, try www.wizardpickups.co.uk - fantastic quality for peanuts. If you fancy going active, sent a pm to gareth here on the boards, he might still have his active Duncan APJ-1 set for sale. CHeers.
  24. Piccies for your viewing pleasure. 1991 Streamer Bass, 1987 Streamer bass (note the cherry body, the wenge through neck, the one-piece bridge, the non-angled tuners and the EMG's) and a 1994 Fortress One passive.
  25. Sold.
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