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Everything posted by Colledge

  1. are the jubilee cabs those cool white/silver ones? and have you got any pics? also, where are you based? those white cabs would look great with a terror bass.
  2. i havn't got any abm stuff on hand to try out, but according to ashdown, the mag cabs are slighly smaller at 468 x 604 x 420 vs.474 x 610 x 420 thats only 6mm width and no difference in depth. the cabs are felt covered as they are (i think) second gen cabs as they have the abm style grille but retain the blueline speakers.
  3. according to parcel2go (at ashdown quoted weight and dimensions) postage will be around the £20 mark per cab. on another note, if i dont get any offers for trades i might have a go at building my own 2x12 neo cab, either that or have a go at the fabled feaful 15/6 cab
  4. bump, £75 ono each for the ashdown cabs, £150 ono for the trace cab + case £250 ono for the mag600 hit me with any offers, not really sure what i'm after on the cab front, something more portable than the trace cab but otherwise i'm wide open. i'll put the ashdown stuff on the bay in a few days if theres no takers.
  5. i'd be interested... but unless i get rid of the cabs i already have, i think my mam would kill be with the nearest blunt object.
  6. thanks for the offer, but i'm really looking for something with atleast a tube pre. i'm in a classic rock / blues band with a loud as hell drummer so i need something with alot of power and i'm after some tube tone/crunch. i'm not expecting much to come up in the respect, i'll probably just buy a terror bass from soundslive. heres some pics of the trace cab+flight case. the amp grille has been brush painted by the previous owner, the handles have tape on for extra grip and the speaker clamps have a bit of corrosion on them but otherwise its a solid cab.... definitely feels like a tank.
  7. [quote name='Davy' post='831392' date='May 8 2010, 01:12 PM']Must go this weekend otherwise Ebay buyers might bid. BUMP[/quote] Still available? I've got either an ashdown 210/115 rig or trace 215 cab up for grabs. I'm pretty close too
  8. i'm open for decent offers on anything, looking for 100ish for each ashdown cab, maybe 250 for the head and as for the trace..... i have no idea what its worth, the only place ive seen one for sale is in america for $900 so hit me with any decent offers. i'm in durham by the way and can deliver within a reasonable distance for petrol money.
  9. ive got some gas and want a chance of scenery in the backline. Ideally for trade but also open for offers. (ashdown rig now sold on ebay) Trace elliot 1528 - I just bought this a few weeks ago on a whim, its a great cab with lows you can really feel in your gut and surprisingly good sizzling highs but i have some major storage issues and the 'rents aren't too happy, so it has to go. It looks pretty beat up but is in perfect working order... + comes with a really rugged flight case. sorry, only iphone pic at the moment, i'll take better when i get it out of my car tomorow. (just fyi, in the flight case the cab just about fits in my fiat stilo) i'm pretty flexable with offers. idealy would like a couple of 210, 115 or 112 neo cabs, i've got some money to put into the right deal too. Buying a terror bass (unless something else catches my eye) to couple a light-ish cab with.
  10. Colledge


    i did a defret on my old stagg crappy bass and it went pretty well, just pulled the frets, filled the holes with polyester resin (from halfords) and sanded smooth. i wouldn't suggest doing this to a maple board unless you're going to epoxy or ca coat it as rounds will rip up the maple pretty quick.
  11. Just thought i'd pop in and say hi. Been on talkbass for a while and fancied something a bit closer to home. I'm playing in a newish rock band called spectrum and we're just about ready to gig. current bass is just a washburn force 4. also just about completed a custom built 5 string fretless. I'm playing an ashdown mag600 though a trace 1528 (just recently acquired) and still have my mag210 and 115 ready to be sold. i'm fancying a orange terror bass to replace the mag head and also some lighter weight cabs. i'll get some pics of my stuff and some point. hope to get to know y'all, cheers.
  12. before you connect the amp to the cab you should inspect all of the wiring first.... you don't want to end up with a low impedance and blow up your amp. i'm not familiar with the wiring setup of the cab but if the missing speakers where in parallel then this shouldn't cause no sound, but in series you'd have to short the wires over.
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