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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Indeed. My first attempt some years back went badly and put me off for a while, but PA advances and getting a set of custom moulded made all the difference. I really prefer to have the IEM’s - though I do still need to resolve the issues that came with upgrading the radio system recently, but it’ll happen
  2. Well yes and no to your last. The venue may have monitors but I would still go with IEM’s if that were feasible, which is another question. If you’re using house pa how are you going to manage the aux feed and set your mix? Will you have time to set a mix with the sound guy, or ability to connect and set your own? When we did a local festival last year on a tight change over schedule it just wasn’t practical to use my IEM’s and get set, so I just went with the flow and what the monitors were giving. Otherwise you’d probably be looking at wireless to the xvive on a large stage, and just hard wire to a P2 on a confined stage - well that’s what I do anyway. If you’re stuck in a corner with no space to move then hardwired takes potential wireless drops out of the equation. On a stage with space then hardwired is another cable to trip over - my favourite trick is to step back onto the IEM XLR
  3. I’ll be adding an xvive to for sale shortly having got the G4 😁. It works fine, and others use them with no problems, but I found that it needed careful placement of the transmitter that had a tendency to wipe out the connection between my phone/ipad and the desk and I often ended up switching to hardwired with the Behringer P2. I don’t think I have had a drop on signal
  4. Do you mean one out of the aux splitting to a pair to feed L&R inputs of the G4? Like this: Splitter I think I have something like that in my IEM bits bag
  5. Trying to work out what I am doing wrong with the new Sennheiser EW G4. I’m running a single Aux from the A&H desk to the L(mono) input and have the transmitter set to mono. Receiver only has option for stereo or focus but however I set things I only get output to my left ear and it’s starting to drive me a little mad. I spent some time in the week running through use and setup at home and thought I was sorted but last nights dep I had the same issue from their Soundcraft desk. Nothing I tried made any difference 😢 Ended up running left plug in, right plug part out but not ideal and didn’t really get the mix properly sorted. It’s my one annoyance as otherwise with my main bands A&H desk last week it was the best and most comfortable sound I’ve had. I have been backwards and forwards in the manual and with setup videos and cannot see what I am doing wrong
  6. Dep reasonably close to home. Small venue with an odd layout with us off in one room off the main bar playing through an arch. All seemed to go ok. A few flubs and nowhere to hide as the second guitar I have played with depping with them in the past was not there so just guitar, drums, Vox and bass. All good fun and generally got through ok with a good bunch of guys that it’s easy to work with with knowing nods 🙂 Having used the old skool (and heavy) Hartke LH500 last week it was back to Class D this week and I do find that the latter always seems to start sounding great but after a prolonged group of songs they ‘go off’ and need a break between songs to get their puff back, whereas the LH500 ‘seems’ to be more consistent. Maybe that’s just my ears ‘going off’ and needing the break, but it’s odd. Still living the FrankenJazz and the S2 didn’t get a look in. Still working out the new IEM’s and despite working through menus and setup in the week I was still only getting signal on one plug which I don’t understand, so more to do there.
  7. BRACE BRACE BRACE…Assorted For Sale threads incoming. I have too much gear not getting used.

    Also I have a hankering for another BF cab 🤦‍♂️🤣

  8. Aaaaaargh Jim lad ‘tis Anchorface Al 🤣
  9. Last night I was engaged in a little light piracy with the Punk Pirates in Fareham. Crazy set. Crazy crowd. Many scary women. All good fun banging through a bunch of punky covers with not a great deal of concern and many Eric Morecambe moments. Loud and fast were the main objectives for the nigh. Decent wedge at the end of the night as well as only a four piece with no extra costs for pa/soundman etc.. 🙂 Guitarist from the main band came down for support and pointed out that the song I struggled with most we used to cover - in my defence it was in an earlier band and probably 30 years ago. Took the Hartke LH500 and only one BF BB2. I had considered a second but didn’t bother in the end. The second cab wasn’t really required, as one made a righteous sound 😁. I don’t normally get to be that raucous but it was fun and solid as… I am coming to the conclusion that I should probably sell the second BB2 I picked up here last year (or maybe the year before) as it only really comes out as an alternate for a run out and never as the full rig (only been done twice in all the time I’ve had it) that would free up for a Three10 🙄
  10. Find the mic cable and surreptitiously stick a pin through it, or as we used to do years ago have a roadie roam the venue with a mains tester searching out a socket that didn’t trip while the drummer hit the snare and run *everything* from that socket on a long cable 🤣
  11. First of two nights for me. Main band tonight at a favourite venue that did not disappoint. Not rammed but busy and well up for it. Sets were mixed up and worked pretty well including the new songs. Crowd well up for it and singing (loud enough for me to get a feel for it through the IEM ambient mic) & dancing all night and three encores so that was good. Drummer was tired from lack of sleep with family problems chasing round to help out with one of his sons pregnant girlfriend who had problems and had to go to hospital, so fingers crossed for that, also I missed rehearsal last Monday so we both had a few moments through the night, but nothing that couldn’t be caught. Plenty of compliments in the break and at the end of the night, and a reasonable wedge from the bucket in addition to general fee so that was good. First night with the Sennheiser G4 IEM which went well, though I should have completed my tests and properly read the manual beforehand. Running into it mono but didn’t seem to have switched something and was only getting signal one side for soundcheck. A bit of poking around in menus before first set and managed to fix that enough for a good night and pleased with that acquisition - anyone need a barely used xvive system 😁 Tried the C4 synth with a Gecko midi switcher, having spent a while setting/tweaking patches on Thursday. I need a new pedalboard and power supply as there was a horrible buzzing of a ground loop I am presuming was the separate power supply running them. No time to tinker so just took them out of the chain and that seemed to fix it. Used the FrankenJazz acquired from @Beedster late last year. Still loving it over the S2 at the moment and only occasionally thrown by the missing string and D-tuner. A bit of soundcheck - https://fb.watch/y2eOQVwafA/? A bit more - https://fb.watch/y2eUzC4GNi/?
  12. Missed the 5string Status neck that showed up at BassBros at the weekend 🤬Been after one for yonks, more so since I got the FrankenJazz with a Status 4 neck 😢

    1. Rich


      I feel your pain. Don't you hate it when that sort of thing happens?

  13. Did the venue survive? 🤣
  14. I was expecting questions after the second set on Saturday as I noticed a chap apparently peering at the FrankenJazz trying to work out what it was, but nothing. Maybe I was just being particularly bad 🤷‍♂️🤣
  15. I normally get blamed for that and delaying exit, usually because my gear goes in the stuff gets put around it and I can’t get near to pack down
  16. First gig back last night and down a guitarist who was away on a delayed holiday following a family bereavement. We can cover one or other guitarist and drummer either as a four piece for guitars or with one of a couple of drummers. Not for vocals and whilst I have been covered for a couple of times it was not possible for next weekend after I got diaries mixed up and booked a weekend with family too far away to sneak back and do the gig. Thought we’d found cover but he decided it was too much work to prepare, which is fair enough. The week after I have a gig with my band, and a dep the following night, with a dep with a different band the week after that, so other than the mess up for next week it’s a busy month. Last night went ok for the first play in anger for the year. Vox says to me just before we start “how many songs am I going to forget?” Not too many as it turned out. 🙂 First set with the Status 5. Second with the FrankenJazz 4 with a Status neck that I am currently loving. I do need to sort out a new slightly larger pedalboard and have a rejig to fit everything. Currently I have to rearrange bits to fit the OCX Boost and last night added the C4 synth (though I couldn’t work out why the midi switcher wasn’t working until after the gig when I remembered I had forgotten to fit the midi link 🤦‍♂️). I also need to get a different IEM setup as the xvive seems to wipe out my connection to the mixer wherever I put the transmitter. Switch that off and go back to hard-wired with the Behringer P2 and everything is fine 🤬 Gig went well with plenty of crowd participation and no major gaffes on my part, and we ended up slightly overrunning with “just one more”.
  17. Club band had a small coach split to store the gear in the back. Everything had to come out for its MOT and a sink and camp bed installed and called it a motorhome. I had to drive it back from Camber Sands with the brakes barely working and relying on the exhaust brake and someone hauling back on the handbrake when going down the hill to Hastings seafront. The new wave bands transit caused us grief for a while refusing to start or conking out until one night one of our roadies who was also a motorbike mechanic took the carb to pieces with just a screwdriver (IIRC) at the side of the road halfway back from Eastbourne, took out a filter and gave it the weeeee test. Van was fine thereafter 🤣
  18. Tales mainly from the rest of the band in their previous incarnation back in the 70’s and 80’s running a big stage show in pubs influenced by The Tubes and Alice Cooper: Guitarist ended up in A&E having got too close to a flash pot (the neck of his guitar bore the mark of his hand in the lacquer for years after). Nurse says “there’s some weird people out there tonight “ - referring to the dancers and lead vox still in stage gear and covered in stage blood - “yes they’re with me” Part of the stage show included a chainsaw with the chain removed. “Stay away from me tonight” says lead vox and comes on with the saw with chains on and saws a table in half 😱. He still has nightmares about that and what could have happened. Tha prog band I was in used flash pots and I remember the gig where they were due to go off and guitarist was a bit close. Mush gesturing and calling to try to get him to move to no avail and in the end the roadie fired them anyway. Guitarist was so ‘relaxed’ he barely noticed and didn’t flinch. 🤣 My tale pre mobiles. Went up to Denmark Street to record demos for a record company. Should have cancelled the club gig in the evening or found a dep, but you know… it’ll be fine. Got to the studio in the morning and worked up the songs just bass and drums as it was a deal for our vocalist. Got sorted and started recording the three songs but not finished and I had to leave to drive to the south coast for the gig. Got there and found the rest of the band had broken down and not made it. So rang the studio and drove back to London to finish the tracks in the middle of the night. I really had a useless idea of priorities and tried to fit in without letting down anyone - only to screw things up for everyone except me 🤦‍♂️
  19. Mine do. Well the handful of tablets daily and fortnightly injections 😁
  20. My guitarists Jeff Beck story by association from when he worked at National Trust and was chatting with one of the gardeners day. Gardener says "Oh you play a bit of guitar don't you? I was at a do at the weekend and got chatting to a guy who apparently plays a bit... I didn't know him ... have you ever heard of Jeff Beck?" 🤣
  21. …or get an sfx Microthumpinator and put it last in line either on your board or sat on top of the amp as last link so you save a slot on the Stomp or don’t need to remember to add to every patch?
  22. Still seriously thinking of moving my two One10’s on to get Three10 😁
  23. My son used my mid 60’s version jumped as his guitar amp for a few years 🙂 Joan, Win and Mary involved in testing but no date on the faded, sepia test sticker 🙁
  24. TwoNotes BassRevolt and headphones with whichever bass comes to hand and a feed from my iPad to play along.
  25. Chris Been so busy I’ve only just seen this. Yes would have been great to have more time and a chinwag. I have to say I ruddy love the bass and neck. Added a Hipshot and it’s all good. Plenty of range, nice neck and just the right amount of zing for me. So glad we managed to get the deal done eventually with all the problems arranging a meet after the op on my ankle in September 😁
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