In a similar sort of dilemma.
A few years back I went over to using a Bass Pod Pro XT straight to the PA which sound awesome out front and through my IEM, but have had a few mutters re on stage monitoring, despite the foldback strewn about. So I have started carrying round my TE 122H combo and sending a separate feed to that.
Trouble is whilst it works OK it doesn't fit in the car easily ([i]what the hell sort of decision making reason is that!!! [/i]) and is a bit big to use for smaller acoustic gigs possibly on the horizon for which I was toying with getting an EUB. I also have to bear in mind the fact that my joints are slowly but surely giving out & being replaced so weight / portability is a factor, as is size in the smallest of gigs.
So I have looked at a GK Backline 112, and Markbass CMD121H to date. I have also seen but not tried the Silver series Edens & wondered. I have even considered a s/h TE BLX combo, which certainly seemed a possibility. Lastly there is an EBS 1x12 Drome
Either of the first two would fit the car bill & both sounded good in the shop at least.
The BLX knocked out the power sufficiently for onstage monitoring, but the two I found in shops looked expensive for the state they were in!
EBS I have not had a chance to try yet in the combo version. Eden I merely threw into the pot
The GK has the benefit of the kickback & is quite a bit cheaper than the MB, but almost certainly does not have headroom that the MB would. There is of course nothing to stop one using a lump of 2x4, or even the MB fold away stand. The MB combo is [i]incredibly [/i]light but certainly seemed to pump out bass. Is it a one trick pony as I have heard suggested - pass. Chances are if you can find a good tone, which certainly seemed possible, that's enough isn't it? Certainly live with the Bass Pod I really only use 3 main patches with a couple of other for short boosted sections.
I really need to take my bass along and stick it through the GK & MB. There was very nearly a "SODIT" moment this morning for the MB, but I have a few weeks off for other band members hols so there is no huge rush just at the mo.