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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH CR@P! I am going to miss this after all as I have to go to the Wirral this weekend I think there's a Streamliner coming anyway, but I can leave the Tonehammer 350 with Nik to plug in if anyone wants a listen to that. I could also leave the keyboard, Korg bass pedals & synth if anyone wanted a play with that I 'spose. I'll have to wait for the SE Bash at the end of the year
  2. [quote name='julietgreen' timestamp='1405975853' post='2507214'] Yeah but maybe we played it badly! And then we play bloody Guns N Roses, Sweet blah blah... and everyone loves it. [/quote]Fear not. The punters sadly know sweet FA in most instances, just what they want to hear that every other band does Walked off a month or so after a car wreck of a first set dep (definitely NOT all down to me by a looooooong shot) as was told by most of the crowd how brilliant we were. That was a night I came close to giving up after, even though the second set got slightly better!!
  3. Currently having fun with[list] [*]Thunder - Dirty Love & Backstreet Symphony [*]Little Angels - Too Much Too Young & Way That I Live [*]Rival Sons - Pressure and Time (where the triplet loop kills me at rehearsal, but Saturday night just flowed) [*]Queen- Now I'm Here (and what possessed me to say over the intro guitar chug in cod strine "Kin ya till wut it is yit?". I 'spose I can't do that anymore) [*]Chickenfoot - Dubai Blues (easy but keeping the space and getting a bit funky with the drummer was good) [/list] Probably not very difficult, and not well known enough (mostly) but with the right crowd in a receptive frame of mind bloody good fun. The Queen song in particular went an absolute storm as the second set closer DAMN was it fun & still on a little adrenaline/good gig bubble I've not had often enough recently. Now wait for my second gig report without the friendly crowd to hear the downside
  4. First full gig with the new drummer, and the old drummer (who is will a great mate) was there as well, so the fact that it was a good night was pleasing. Aggie & Super12 sounding particularly wonderful with the L2500. Some new songs some old (very old for us for some) but all went well and with a friendly crowd was a great star for the new lineup. From a long layoff and a tail end of the previous lineup that got 'difficult' with pussyfooting around song wise we have got back to more what we're happy with and the fun was back again - noticed & commented on by MrsW
  5. Unfortunately I sold my BH250 the day before I got the first email about these ... DOH!
  6. I have a Streamliner 600 which is a great warm amp and have just acquired a TH350 for smaller gigs. Loving both of them even though I'm still getting the sound on the TH350 at the mo. Used the 350 for all this weekend's gigs and it was sounding nice. Think I should really be changing the Elixirs to get it fully sorted. Currently in the do I need to change them or not window
  7. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]01. Silverfoxnik: Levinson Blade B15, Schecter Diamond P5, BC Rich Eagle, Hughes & Kettner Bassbase600 head, SWR Triad, Schroeder 21012 and some FX[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]02. JapanAxe: Ampeg SVT 3 Pro, BF Compact & Midget, '73 P, G&L L1505, Fender Pawn Shop Mustang [Marshall AVT20 + skinny-string guitar][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]03. KiOgon[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]04. kristinaelias: 'Clarence' my Squire CV 50s P, Epi Thunderbird Pro iv, Fender Bassman TV10.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]05. WalMan: Streamliner 600, Aguilar TH350 [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] , Barefaced Super12T, Wal, G&L L2500's, synth & bass pedals[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]06. chimike[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]07. Hen barn: [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Status kingbass artist, [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Status s2 classic 5 string, [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Genz Benz steamliner 900, [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Vanderkays 2x10 & 1x12 [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]08. jhk[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]09. 51m0n[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]10. olliedf89: GK700RB /210RBH, Ibanez ATKs- 300/400/500, 1981 Ibanez Musician, Lakland 44-01, 2x Pedaltrain JRs worth of pedals.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]11. bassninja[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]12. Bassman Steve[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]13. Andyonbass: AGC Recurve, AGC J Type fretless, ATS LBA500, EAD Foundation 212 (Subject to space!)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]14. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bassman666[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]15[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]sockdeluxe_mikey: Lakland 44-01, Warwick Corvette ProLine 5, Fender-ish Jazz Bass, Barefaced Compact, MarkBass SA450[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]16.[/font][/color] Updated my list following Thursday's acquisition Now then, anyone bringing a Micro Thumpinator I could try. Not sure I really need one. Definitely for the Streamliner, as it has something similar built in already, but possibly for use with the Aggie?
  8. Got the Gruv Gear Duo installed on the L2500's & Wal now for any with knackered shoulders who want a try & see how they work. Managed a 3 hour r/h Monday night & could still walk & function without painkillers the next day!!! So I'm loving it at the mo, even if it has worked out a tad on the expensive side. Health not wealth!
  9. 01. Silverfoxnik: Levinson Blade B15, Schecter Diamond P5, BC Rich Eagle, Hughes & Kettner Bassbase600 head, SWR Triad, Schroeder 21012 and some FX 02. JapanAxe: Gens Benz Streamliner 900, BF Midget, '73 P, G&L L1505, Fender Pawn Shop Mustang 03. KiOgon 04. kristinaelias 05. WalMan: Streamliner 600, [i]or possibly Aguiler TH350 if I've pulled the trigger by then[/i] , Barefaced Super12T, Wal, G&L L2500's, synth & bass pedals 06. chimike 07. Hen barn 08. jhk 09. 51m0n 10. olliedf89 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 51m0n - it's also close enough that if I forget I can go home and get the HDD feet for the Alesis!!
  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1401750626' post='2466592'] Er.... Who, what, where are 'Groutys Boys up the road'?? Sounds a bit scary!! [/quote] Clumsy Porridge reference to 'Genial' Harry Grout & Ford, Nik [url="http://youtu.be/5xOldHAIXXo?t=1m33s"]http://youtu.be/5xOldHAIXXo?t=1m33s[/url]
  11. My prog rig: Roland PK5 pedals > Roland A300 > Dave Smith Industries MoPho
  12. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1401740075' post='2466455'] How's this going to differ from the usual format? We'll plug this at the Herts Bash too and hope that we can raise the numbers too... [/quote]It'll be a much smaller affair. It's a little country village hall that you could probably fit into the main hall at the SE Bash a couple of times over Just wondering Nik, will the cricket season be over by then or might it be out as a venue ... and will be getting a visit from Grouty's boys up the road if we make too much noise!?
  13. I really should log in / come back more regularly!! See you there 01. Silverfoxnik 02. JapanAxe 03. KiOgon 04. kristinaelias 05. WalMan 06 07. 08. 09 10.
  14. Another fun night of prog @ The Holbrook Club along with hAND, but some [b][u][i]REALLY[/i][/u][/b] wierd gremlins. MIDI cable between the bass pedals & keyboard came loose during the first set. All the cables were neat & tight to start with and I was hardly rocking the keyboard like Jon Lord or Keith Emerson Then at the end of the second set for no obvious reason between the end of Day for Night & Roundabout the second stage input gain pot on the Streamliner got turned from 12 o'clock to off. So the bass went and I could not see why in the panic of wondering WTF!!!? That pot is relatively inaccessible to accidental adjustment and nothing else changed so HOW THE #### DID THAT HAPPEN!? Spent most of Roundabout trying to work out what had happened & ended up plugginf the amp DI XLR into the Wal, which got something going, though I could not hear what I was playing an nbothing was coming through the monitors
  15. [quote name='Gary Williams' timestamp='1399373940' post='2443494'] I use the Ernie Ball straplocks on the Duostrap and they squeezed on just about.... [/quote]Oh dear more expense. Sorry to divert this thread further re the use of the Duo, but do you swap it around basses & is so how much of a faff is resetting for each one? Last slightly OTQ I promise!!
  16. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1399317888' post='2443118'] Would still like to see Epsilon sometime, ever get beyond Watford gap? [/quote]Would love to mate. LA on Saturday was the first time we've played more than 5 miles outside Horsham since I joined Would have been nice to have a few more bodies in the venue, but it wasn't too bad & response was generally favourable. Good thing is the chap who is there for most every gig & does photos & multicam vids. His pics are really good and the vids aren't too bad either
  17. [quote name='Gary Williams' timestamp='1399217353' post='2442154'] Thanks Walman - I got pretty good results with the (cheaper neoprene not leather) Duo strap but had to do a bit of research. I didn't want to drill another strap button onto the back of my basses so I was left with the remaining option of using the canvas strap that stretches between the 2 strap buttons on the bass (left to right) and use the leather loop to support the right shoulder strap. This canvas strap was a so flimsy it felt quite loose so I ordered the leather version of this strap from BassGear in the UK for £8 or something (which comes as standard with the more expensive leather Duostrap) and this made this left to right support much more rigid so I got a usable setup with this strap. I did struggle getting more weight onto the right shoulder strap than the left shoulder strap without the bass shifting sideways into an unnatural playing position.... But to anyone who bought the cheaper Neoprene version of the Duostrap, I highly recommend to upgrade to the leather version of this "left to right" strap. BassGear stock these and as I said, only £8 or so. [/quote]Bugger I ordered the nylon strap with it rather than the leather as I thought that the strap locks I use wouldn't fit the leather verson May have to go back to Dunlops to fit
  18. ... And the evidence from the night of prog in General Henry's, LA (that's Lil'Ampton to you mate) Epsilon - Time (Pink Floyd) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptxnsC24UR4
  19. Got one of those stands for the prog gig to put a guitar on. Not entirely sure I'd want the bass to be on it, but it looks safe enough in your pics. Just ordered a Duo strap & hoping I can get more comfortable than with the Slider I used 7 or 8 years ago before the shoulder replacement. Seeing the rheumatologist later this month for the half yearly check & will hopefully get the results of the MRI on my lower back, but I fear that the shoulder replacement is eroding the bone around it so hopefully the Duo will work better than the Slider for playing position and will be back to full gig fitness!!
  20. Not been on with a report for a while (not been on much at all recently) Then again there's not been much to report. Only just back from a gig that is 2 mins from home ... I suspect te others who had hour plus drives were in before me - that'll be something to do with being sent by 'er indoors to collect #2 son from the station and drop him home before getting to crack down the reeeeeediculous amount of gear I took. Wal, BF Super12T & GB Streamliner was the easy bit. It was the bass pedals & synth & keyboard, guitar with piezos and a normally good acoustic model split out between the model, and a PODxT and sub mixer for all that stuff that took forever ... and after all that the guitar that had sounded great at soundcheck went technical on me when it came to be used. Still a danm fine night of prog was had & it sounded pretty good from where I was. Floyd, Genesis, Yes, Asia, UK, Porcupine Tree, Spocks Beard, Rush & others I forget, and it went down pretty well. Got a bit lost on one song we've not played in a while, but I think we got away with it. Now what I have to do after the shower is order a GruvGear double strap as my replaced shoulder is/was REALLY giving me gyp after two hours with the Wal. There should be photos & video to follow. Hopefully that won't make me change my view of how the night went! I ruddy love a prog workout me
  21. PROG ALERT!! A bit late in the day, but tonight my proggy covers lot will be at The General Henry, Littlehampton, and the ludicrous bass pit will be in action (hopefully if I can get it all linked up and working!!) Bass, bass synth & pedals, skinny guitar on a stick, PODxt. You name it. I'll be setting it up...well perhaps not the last, but I think I'm gonna need a bigger bit of floorspace than usual. [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/216974218511559"]FB event[/url]
  22. Bank holiday w/e bermp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3UP2FraDCU&feature=youtu.be&t=1m14s
  23. Another bank holiday w/e bermp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3UP2FraDCU&feature=youtu.be&t=1m14s
  24. Surely not! Cheers. It's sort of a repeat of last years birthday gig I think, which was heaving on the night & various people got up & did a bit - not sure if this year will be a repeat on that front or not. I was almost stuffed in my plans to go away as the place we normally stay at was fully booked and there seemed to be something on that weekend that meant that any rooms were scarce, but I shall definitely be away nw as we managed to book the last room somewhere else nearby last night
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