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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. A teach yourself Spanish cd ... ola This morning started on a Peter Frampton show that was on Sky Arts recently. Good stuff and a great band behind him.
  2. YAY!! Holiday booked and (flights willing) we land back in the UK @ 21:15 Friday 20 Sept, so I can make this year. I may, however, flag in he afternoon Still undecided as to how much & what to bring (or indeed what will fit in the car!). I do have the TC BH250 to add to the list & will probably bring the Wal, synth & bass pedals. Will take a final decision on the L2500's nearer the time
  3. Learnt the wrong song for a dep (Freedom - George Michael instead of Freedom - Wham, my fault in seeing the former come up on an internet search & thinking 'that'll be the one'). Got to the run through before the dep & realised my error, but thought 'How hard can it be I've heard it often enough' so just said 'Let's give it a go see how far I get' and proceeded to get right through including catching their missing the end and following them round. Finished. The drummer looked at me & said 'Have you [i][u]really[/u][/i] never played that before? .... How the #### did you do that!?' - well it's only four strings isn't it Most memorable gig. Live Aid [size=1]Worthing [size=4]- mind you looking back at the crap video that was produced of the night I often wonder WTF we thought we were doing with an extended instrumental intro before the vocalist came on when we only had something like a 20 minute set. Other than that I just remember a full hall well into our set & joining in in all the right places. [/size][/size]
  4. Sold Phil my Zoom B9.1. Pleasure to do business with him and a nice easy transaction concluded in three days offer-payment-delivery. Happy to do buiness again
  5. WalMan

    Feedback for sk8

    Just received the BH250 from Mike. Nice quick and easy transaction done and dusted in under a week start to finish:-) Would be happy to deal with him again
  6. Seen one used with a guitar and it was good, but reporst elsewhere suggest that it does not translate to bass
  7. Any updates on how people are getting with this? I have a hankering for one, but it's a lot to shell out on a whim! :-)
  8. [quote name='phil625sxc' timestamp='1375186877' post='2157779'] hi - still for sale ? [/quote]Yup still here at the mo
  9. It's showing as 'coming soon' on music and will be downloaded just as soon it's there. I fear it'll make me want to sell all my gear and give up though
  10. Give the Streamliner a go if you can find one to try out and want to go the amp change route. I have one & A/B'd it with a Shuttle before I got the Streamliner. They are [u][b]VERY[/b][/u] different beasts and the Streamliner is much warmer, but still with some nice top snap through my BF S12T
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1375036163' post='2156018'] Always take your own food as a precaution! [/quote]Actually it probably did me a favour as I've been feeling bloated all week. Better get me some activia (mmmmmdanone - other yoghurts full of bacteria are available )
  12. [quote name='WAYNESWORLD' timestamp='1375004029' post='2155559'] Can you tell me what the octave is like on this . [/quote] like [url="https://soundcloud.com/aka_walman/zoomb9-octaver"]https://soundcloud.c.../zoomb9-octaver[/url] Recorded as:[list] [*]Overwater ClassicJ into the B9.1 on patch DOUGECHO [*]Zoom mono line out into Mackie Tracktion on the Mac. [*]Render to MP3 [*]The only effects are the Zoom [/list] First time through is all efects off, then add the Octave, then a distortion & finally the synthy sound. The wahs are with the main pedal up & down plus the secondary side to side Hope that helps.
  13. Well that's that then. All went off OK. Remembered all the songs, though forgot I started one of them. Typical wedding gig. Not much reaction early on but at the end good. Shame the DJ came straight in with a song as we finished the last set, when I think they could have done another. Still... It would have been nice if when I was lending the keys a tuner for his guitar the others had come and found us to say the food was on, instead of coming out smacking their chops and saying we're back on in 5 - so yesterday I had a bowl of cornflakes & a cheese sandwich but never mind. Should have more deep work as required, so that's good, a couple of first calls is useful to have, even if they're not often, its something else to do.
  14. [quote name='WAYNESWORLD' timestamp='1375004029' post='2155559'] Hi Can you tell me what the octave is like on this . Cheers Waynesworld [/quote]I'll dig it out, give it a go and get back to you, but I think it was OK. Will be later this evening as I have to head off to a family do shortly
  15. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1374966557' post='2155399'] Huh? CB [/quote]I mean on the guitar, open G at the third fret, D with th shape around the second fret and open E or Emin
  16. Back from this weeks dep. A new dep, but there might be more as it went well played both the fretless (which doesn't get used enough) and fretted L2500's & they sounded sweet through the rig - well to me anyway. Another set of songs to learn, most of which I've heard but never played before, so it was fun to do some different stuff. Everything from Van Morrison to Van Halen so a fair old cross section, but nothing to drastically difficult & I am a sucker for a bit of cheese. Nice & local so early bck - though I still need to wind down. Wedding & in a marquee so the sound was a bit ... but it came together. Now then. Wedged up and off to the For Sale section
  17. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1374960405' post='2155348'] As a musician the most important skill is to learn to listen and grow good or 'big' ears. [/quote] Well quite. It's what I relied on for tonights dep, 2/3 of which we hadn't done at the run through session last week so it was watching, listening & knowing nods [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1374945879' post='2155129'] Done so many covers over the years that a lot of the time i can visualise the chord changes. Play the track on stereo whilst driving and then just imagine where the next chord is. Add to this that if you have a starting key, the minor/major stuff works itself out by just knowing a tiny bit of theory. Some songs are just weird but you get a sense from listening to them and do a bit of a run through alongside YouTube to get it. Works most of the time but have been caught out on occasion. Then i find its best just to stare at the keyboard player and pretend that its their fault. [/quote] Yup playing stuff I've never heard before in the car & I can often visualise changes. Things like the G D E type progression on the guitar (3 2 0 on the neck) just jump out at you
  18. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1374842828' post='2153948'] Very tempted, and close.... [/quote]ditto ... well tempted. Just need to sell, though tonights dep might tip the balance
  19. In a thread resurrection this has been bouncing around the cavity my brain is supposed to be housed in recently rying to get a s***load of songs under my fingers for tonights dep. Variously I have used:[list] [*]Initially finding mp3's of the tracks to play along to [*]for anything thats a bit more fiddly try to find the dots (if available) and work with them [*]play along to the MP3's [*]slow down twiddly bits (the bridge in Cee Lo's Forget You?) in Xgear to about 80%(ish) and play along to that speeding up as I get comfortable [*]have a loop of MP3's on a memory stick in the car & listen to them on the way too & from work visualising the neck & positions [*]generally wander round in a semi daze humming basslines (possibly internally but I fear I [i]may[/i] be the loonie on the bus & be a bit more vocal) and again visualising the neck and wiggling my fretting fingers [*]for a few I also sat and charted out the chord / root from memory (not the actual line, just the gist) [/list] That seems to have got them to sink in over the last week. Time & tonight will tell!! Lots of looking & listening to what's going on around me & toes crossed (my fingers will hopefully be hitting the right notes!) Edit - so in terms of the vote that'll be all of them
  20. A little bump for the weekend. Too much even with the bag?
  21. [quote name='lazzer' timestamp='1374651866' post='2151228'] Have done 2 different deps the last 2 sat nights.... As I refuse to use a music stand I just wrote the set list in marker & gaffered it to the monitor, with keys & notes next to the titles! Both gigs went very well, I always remember more than I think I'm gonna! [/quote]Yup, I think that's what I'll end up with this time
  22. Well that's one out of the way. Took some notes & managed to busk through the correct song from memory of listening to it on the radio & at parties, having found a completely different song to take notes for - Freedom : Wham was what I should have worked out, Freedom George Michael was what I had worked out ... DOH!!! Dep drummer to work in for a different band tonight, then more to do to get close for Saurday's dep. Like I said - I love a challenge and, more to the point, getting out & playing
  23. Another go at selling this chorus. Pics here - http://m904.photobucket.com/albums/AlEebee/Boss%20CE20/ Demo here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFtiacEqnek& - hopefully! Gives you three programmed choruses plus one set as you go, and a number of different Boss chorus types Price negotiable.
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