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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Another +1. Have had covers for the old MB combo & Epifani cab, and now the BF S12T. They also made a great cover for my Roland PK5 bass pedals after a very prompt response to an initial query through the site and exchange of emails with dimensions. I had the custom bag, which I think was added to the site as a previous custom option, within a week IIRC
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1371119896' post='2109991'] Pick!!! Or fingers if you must [/quote] Fixed it for you Though actually, of course, it's whatever best suits to job at hand
  3. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1370947009' post='2107721'] I do sometimes when I can find some TAB but they are always more complex.. I haven't done any transcribing yet :-0 [/quote]I always find TAB completely confusing as 99% of the time there's no real indication of note length, added to which most of what I have found on t'internet is utter blx.
  4. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1370941792' post='2107620'] fight back by playing a 5 string that really gets the guitarist going if their trying to follow you [/quote]better still get a Hipshot D-tuner and do the odd song tuned DADG
  5. [quote name='Jellyfish' timestamp='1370896613' post='2107205'] Here's a reason not to use them too, at least. [url="http://btpub.boyd-printing.com/display_article.php?id=1115676"]http://btpub.boyd-pr....php?id=1115676[/url] [/quote]Never experienced that & IIRC it was the D’Addario I tried & hated. Hey ho
  6. I still have a couple of sets in stock, and they do last a long time. I did try a different coated brand a couple of years back but they weren't a patch on the Elixirs. IIRC the price is possibly gettting back towards where they started years back. I still love'em and think they have the edge for me once you take longevity into account. A set that lasts getting on for twice as long come out the same as two sets of another brand if you look at it that way
  7. Just got an email from Strings Direct - see [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co/stringmails/june2013/Elixir_Price_Rise/Elixir_Price_Rise.html"]HERE[/url]
  8. For getting on for 20 years my Pro1 was my only bass and came to all the fleapits & dives we used to gig with - to date & please God without tempting fate - no problems. It has always been insured, though as a passive->active conversion hybrid Wal I think I would have a virtually impossible job to replace it. It had been semi retired, but just sounds so good and plays so easily that it's been going into the twin bag for gigs more & more again recently. Gigged with a chap recently who had his prized basses and his pub gig basses, the latter being bargain buys on Ebay
  9. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1370811468' post='2105947'] I can't work out what the car has got to do with the story. [/quote]Oh good. I'm glad it's not just me
  10. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370638028' post='2103934'] Yep.... It's either a brilliant idea or completely mental....can't decide which.... But it'll certainly be an experience We have the first slot on the Friday night, so if we stuff up there will be others behind us..... But in fairness, I hope we will go down well... Everyone is working hard [/quote]You've got to start somewhere, so why not - mind everything thereafter will be an anticlimax
  11. More of 'in the last week or so I have been learning/scoring/jotting notes for' this little lot for a dep. The list is from the dropbox folder of the songs run through at a r/h for the dep last Tuesday: 01 - Turn On Tune In Cop Out 02 - Super Duper Love 03 - Do You Want The Truth 04 - I Try 05 - Valerie 07 - Young Hearts 08 - Do Me 09 - Living For The City 10 - Superstition 11 - Not That Kind 12 - Love Foolosophy 13 - Signed Sealed Delivered 14 - Somebody Elses Guy 15 - I Want Your Love 16 - Rehab 17 - You Can Keep Your Hat On 18 - Come Together 19 - Master Blaster 20 - Teardrops 21 - Long Train Running 22 - Moves Like Jagger 23 - Mr Big Stuff 24 - Play That Funky Music 26 - Money's Too Tight 27 - Forget You 28 - Cosmic Girl 29 - Celebration 30 - Le Freak 31 - Seven Nation Army 33 - Sex Machine 34 - Disco Inferno Nothing too awkward, except possibly the run in Master Blaster. Some more fun than others, for example 'Moves Like Jagger' is possibly the most tedious bass line that I was at some points playing hammering on to the bass & doubling on the synth Got my disco flairs & glitter on for 7, 29, 30 & 34 Seven Nation Army was a busk having not heard it, or the version (from Jools) to be covered - my busk was[u][i]nothing[/i][/u] like the track when I finally came to hear it - more Madness than slappity funk - but hey it sort of worked though I need to go back & work on that
  12. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1370451449' post='2101142'] They should have paid you.... [/quote] well probably, but it's the usual thing; it was a guy I've known for years, might get a call again so don't burn bridges, but mainly I'm a pushover
  13. Resurrecting this thread this thread, it's been a day of changes. Last night I had a run through the 30+ songs I have learnt up for a dep coming up with a funky function band. Went having been through the songs and written out notes to varying degrees - some just a scribble of the basic chord pattern, or even just the first note / key, and others where I had scored out at least the main verse & chorus riffs and a rough map of the song. I know/knew I should have done a bit more, but it's not a style I normally play (that being classic rock & prog) and for some of the songs it's really just a two bar riff ad nauseam and more down to groove & feel, so for learning them it was a bit boring at times. Had a DropBox full of live versions of the songs as they do them, but in some instances I had not listened all the way through (I KNOW!) so there was the outside chance I had missed a change. I played with the keys player years ago, and the drummer is in my classic rock band who I have played with since we were 17, so as a unit we are generally pretty tight. Anyway, went along last night and, bar a couple of songs I knew I had to work more on and going back over a couple of bits, we played through the whole of both sets and it went pretty well. All seemed happy enough. Cut to this morning & the drummer copied a note he'd had from the keys: [quote]Hi Kev, great rehearsal last night and it was so nice to play with Al again. If he hadn't put in much work I'd like to see him when he has! Great choice and good on you for suggesting him[/quote] Nice to know & gave me a bit of a boost having been to the GP's this morning about the shoulder that has been giving me gyp recently (not helped by lugging the Wal for 3-2 hours last night) and my lower back pain that the physio has not sorted and which has been grumbling on for a month & a half now.
  14. Both of the last two auditions I did I was given a list of no more that 8 IIRC and 'pick a three from the list and we'll go through them. I did actually work through all of them, but mainly because 1) it was stuff I enjoyed; and 2) varied. 25+ does seem a tad excessive. I while back I to learn 25 or so for a dep, that actually fell through (was asked as "our bass players's dicking us around", learnt them, then having been drawing a blank on confirming the dates & a quick run through to top & tail, was told "sorry we don't need you now" which was a bit of a pisser) and have recently had to learn up 30+ for another dep, but those are deps with a view to possibly more work & not just an audition!
  15. Mine may join the throng, along with the case I got for it. Good unit, and I downloaded the editor and spent some time fiddling with patches trying to get a set of equalised patches for gigging, but in reality I'm too lazy to put the work into getting it all set up for what I want, and I am currently happy with my rig 'sans effects'. Presently keeping it because I sold the BOD a few months back and it [i]might[/i] be useful for some recording for the amp & cab sims, but even then I have IK SVX on the Mac so even there it is probably surplus to requirements
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1370193492' post='2097425'] I had one before my OTB. I found I was always fighting the EQ and it wasn't very loud due it's built in limiter kicking in far too early. Supposedly 600W but the 500W Terror felt twice as loud at 1/4 volume than the Streamliner did cranked! I could play the Genz in my bedroom at full volume but not dared to take the Terror over 30%! [/quote]Well there's interesting. Horses for courses I suppose. I'm always getting told to 'turn the **** down" Never seen the limiter light up & never had the input & gain past 12 o'clock & output past 10 o'clock. Kill switch (sorry boost) on. Possibly the Super12T's efficiency is a factor there, but it cuts through with a nice warm & solid tone. I would also add [i][u]don't[/u][/i]confuse with & try the Shuttle 6 as that is an entirely different beast and in my A/B test at least far less warm
  17. You might add a Genz Benz Streamliner 6 to your list
  18. I [i]think[/i] I have my sound sorted now after all these years. Dispensed with effects pedals & down to bass -> amp ->cab and the current rig is just hitting all the buttons for me [u]whatever[/u] bass I plug in Did a gig today , open air on a big stage & thought I was going to lose the bass, but it was there solid as, but with a nice bite to it. I am currently the proverbial pig in sh1t I really ought to start selling some of the mass of pedals I have, but perhaps we'll see ... you never know
  19. Well it was 1 o'clock lunchtime actually & to the WAGs & stage crew pretty much, but it was fun. Tried out the latest addition to the gear in the bass corner of the gig with a guitar on a stand, as well as the bass, bass pedals & keyboard. Only thing missing was the mic stand. The guitar on the stand worked pretty well. All for the intro to 'Wish You Were Here' but sounded OK Peavey running just the piezos for the acoustic sounds. I have plans to run the stereo cable from it and split between the acoustic & send the main pups into the Line6 PODxT - so that'll be another pedalboard in my ever decreasing space
  20. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1369388684' post='2088582'] Great suggestions Paul and Garry - I'll have a look at those myself - my sample library is groaning with stuff at the moment but one of the cool sources for me has been Future Music and Computer Music magazines as each month they come with a DVD with about 8GB of content on - admittedly it tends to be on the electronic side of things but it's worth a look once in a while: [url="http://www.musicradar.com/futuremusic"]http://www.musicradar.com/futuremusic[/url] It's also costs money... but hey thought I'd mention it - they often have useful tutorials and other stuff like pesky gear reviews that make you spend more money [/quote]If yu watch out for it in Smiths they certainly used to do a round up DVD every few months that gave you just the samples & loops but not all the other bits of demo software that are on the monthly disks (if that makes any sort of sense!?) IIRC it was a Smiths only special deal
  21. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1370017957' post='2095651'] Wasnt nick a bass session muso....played for elton amoungst others......may of dreamt that though?!? [/quote] No guitarist. I believe he may have been in Elton John's band (?as MD?) for a while
  22. Get Finale Notepad free. It's free & you can write stuff properly, then drag it onto a TAB stave below. Best of both worlds
  23. I think you are right re the Wal. I have a recollection of seeing one in TV clips - which is of course proof of absolutely nothing at all as regards the recording! His recent albums from 15 Minutes on are worth checking out too, as is the website, which is fairly tongue in cheek
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1369996758' post='2095297'] Are you a bassist or a manager? Either way this has to stop and all costs are to be paid out of earnings or are to be shared equally. If anyone doesn't like it they can f*** o**. Sorry, but I am going to belittle you again. Are you a bassist or a mouse? Either way this has to stop and all band members need to respect what other members of the band do for the band. If anyone doesn't like it they can f*** o**. It looks to me as though you are the one who doesn't like it and therefore you should be the one who f**** o**. [/quote] ... so to sum up then, everyone should just f*** o** Sounds like a plan. Been through it somewhat with the current band, arrange the bookings (along with the drummer who does the posters & hall bookings for r/h), bought the lights (after getting sick of playing under the stock 40W bulb in the corner of the pub. Last year we'd had enough and didn't chase gigs and the r/h bookings were handed over. We've also had 'the meeting', but the net result is nothing in the diary and I suspect a slide into giving up, which is sad but its had a good run. If it's a band that you enjoy otherwise/musicwise then the meeting to set some ground rules to go forward is probably your best bet, but if that has no net effect then as above
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