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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1369852573' post='2093580'] Pedals? Pedals? I'm a guitarist not a cyclist . . . . [/quote]Yes that made me chuckle when I heard the trailer
  2. I know I have reached the 'dedicated follower' stage when I find myself looking out for:[list] [*]the next album and preordering months in advance to help the album funding process [*]the next UK gig and being seriously pissed off if something else gets in the way that I just cannot rearrange, or travelling a lot further to at least catch one show if the nearest one is out [/list] There are really two that fall into the category completely and a couple more that are skirting the edges.
  3. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1368906799' post='2082963'] [size=4]The Bass guitar show looks really cool I would love to go never been to anything like this before.Does anyone know if kids are allowed (10 year old) as I would like to take my son he is a bit keen on the old bass.But think I will try and go will have to see about trains and travelling but it does look cool.[/size] [/quote]Yes indeed ... just make sure you have some ear protectors for junior (they do hand out the stock foam ones)
  4. Thankfully with me filtered out to prevent scaring the animals With the fretted G&L US L2500 & a cheesy grin/grimace
  5. I know I'm becoming a cracked record, but I'm loving my Streamliner 6 & Super12T for classic rock & proggy, country & even (I suspect) a funky dep in the offing. Light, loud & getting me exactly the sound I am looking for with no pedals between bass & amp. Would be a bit over your budget & you [i]might[/i] find it too 'warm' depending on the exact type of hard rock/metal you are talking of.
  6. Not a lot I can say other than 'stand on them one at a time' Depends what style of music you intend to use them for. This is my setup for the prog covers band: Roland keyboard->Roland PK5 bass pedals->Dave Smith Inds MoPho-> either Genz Benz Aux In, or the PA They are running the 'bass pedals' and 'Tom Sawyer' patches for low rumbles I did see the BP in another band covering Cult songs using the PKF into a Roland synth unit for the string parts. Neither use is really for lines that require a major dance routine
  7. I just know I had the IEM transmitter & an Aviom mixer fed by a CAT5 from the stagebox in my monitor rack. Not used it for a while now & looking to sell the IEM at the mo.
  8. Fair enough. It's the only one I know/knew
  9. Make sure[list] [*]you get really good 'phones or you'll lose the bass [*]you have a good means of providing your own tailored monitor mix with something like the Aviom units. I used to run a bit of bass, my b vox, kick & snare & the merest smidge of lead vox & guitrar [*]you try before you buy. It's not for some and an acquired taste. With well fitting plugs you run the risk of feeling isolated & losing ambience. [/list]
  10. [quote name='johnDeereJack' timestamp='1369158621' post='2085639'] Just found out about it this afternoon and read up a bit on it. I found [url="http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2013/may/15/ginger-baker-beware-mr-baker-interview"]this interview[/url] on Guardian website and had a read/look. Interviewer found him to be quite rude! Anyhoo it's not playing in Edinburgh til 30th as far as I can tell but me and a few 'muso' colleagues plan to go see it. Should be an eye-opener! [/quote]I was sent a link to that, and the video by the drummer in my proggy lot with the comment "aren't you glad I'm not Ginger?"
  11. Can't comment on the others, but I know my Streamliner 6 & BF S12T sounds marvellous for classic rock & prog and I'm expecting good results for the funky dep I have coming up. Review here - [b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206857-genz-benz-streamliner-600-barefaced-super-t/"]Genz Benz Streamliner 600 & Barefaced Super T[/url][/b]
  12. Can't say I've noticed on the L2500 fretless, and it makes it a bugger to find Elixirs that fit. It also removes 5 screws from the bridge mount so it is the strings & two screws that hold the bridge on instead of seven
  13. Did a dep ...........to about three people Completely forgot the words to 'All Right Now' ... AGAIN ... having taken it and known them in the shower this morning. One day I'll learn'em. Ah well, if the rig sounded as awesome out front as it did where I was stood I don't really care. A gig's a gig & the three seemed to be enjoying themselves.
  14. I have too many - though not as many as some - but tend to take just two into the shower, sorry gig, and will probably only use the one all night. It's just a different one depending on the gig. Last night for prog I had the Wal 4 & the L2500 fretless, but used the Wal all night. Tonight it'll be both L2500's but probably the fretted all night - remind me why I have/need a fretless? Probably 'cos it'll come in useful one day
  15. Quite a useful one on how to plug your guitar in as well
  16. Didn't go for £2k. Times must be hard I'd have thought it would get away as it looks tidy. It was on the Wal Owners FB group, but strangely seems to have disappeared from there now
  17. I ended up binning a load of International Musician (back to issue 1) and Beat Instrumental a couple of years back. This last weekend I totwo BIG boxes full of Guitar Player & Guitarist mags round to my parents to be shredded/recycled for charity (they get p/kg for paper). They've not gone just yet so if anyone wants any, let me know. Finally I have boxes of old BGM (plus the UK predecessor) & BP mags that are either going the same way, or to a secondhand mag trader in London if I can find the energy to sort out what I have there. For all of them it seems criminal to just take them to the dump, so if a trader will buy yhem or it helps out a charityso much the better. I shall crack eventually as I could do with the house back!!
  18. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1368365493' post='2076112'] Well the part in question is played C on the A string then its octave on the G string back down to C on the A and then the part I struggled with a quick leap to F on the G string hammer onto C on the G string so I am unsure how I could play this part with open strings [/quote]Fair enough obviously didn't watch it long enough to notice or realise which bit you're talking about. Like I say I've not played it so what would I know dumbass exits stage left
  19. [quote name='norvegicusbass' timestamp='1368357815' post='2076000'] I have tried this fingering the root with my index finger and the octave octave with my ring finger and I can get up to speed this way using the pad of my index on both the root and the seventh ( is it the seventh? not even sure about that ) . I have the fourth longest fingers in the UK so using the one finger one fret method even low down the neck is OK for me. Funny though how I can do it that way and not my pinky. Cheers for all your responses except for Twigman who is mean [/quote]It still sounds more likely to me that he is pedalling the open string and playing the riff along that string rather than across the neck & different strings, which would be a far easier way to do things
  20. Perhaps I misunderstand, but are you trying to fret it across the neck rather than using open strings & up to the 10th fret etc as this guy seems to be doing in his 'cover'? Sorry not played it but that looks to be the way to go so long as you don't have a vocalist that wants to helpfully change the key to suit his range http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVkbUWydQo0
  21. Scary a cappella vox are fun enough with DfN without a second to throw the crowd
  22. Still getting gyp from my back, but a gig tonight. Adrenaline helps, but I shall know about it in the morning Gig at a new venue and with a smaller PA (HURRAH!) as the sound guy was running sound elsewhere tonight and put together a desk, couple of small bins & top boxes to get us by. Went much better as a result with the light & shade from band members not someone on the faders ... which IMO was nice Gig went well. Not hugely well attended, but those there seemed to enjoy the newly revised old covers and the venue were happy and asking us to ring for followups. HURRAH x2
  23. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1368226929' post='2074809'] Yes the bastards even tax us on stuff that's been taxed already! [/quote]not in this country it hasn't, at least not until you get the charge from Parcelfarce, or whoever processes your import. And to be fair isn't everyone gettig their kecks in a twist about tax not getting paid in this country at the moment
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