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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1368116560' post='2073441'] To be removed and used as an ashtray, at least if Telecaster players are to be believed. [/quote]You beat me to it
  2. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1368087916' post='2072931'] Yeah I found out about that after I'd posted. They were looking for $25K and raised over twice that, I wonder if he's regretting it now! [/quote]Which is nice to see (that they beat their target by a long way that is!!). Looks like it'll be helping fund a pro video and presumably some enhanced PR (or perhaps just general keeping of body & soul together). I got the album on the preorder. My drummer has been humming & hahing, but did say it seems to be shifting even in atown (OK city) like Chichester. He went to HMV & saw three, but didn't bite. Went back the next day and they were all gone, but restocked a few days later, which is good for the third iteration of a slightly lesser known band. Has been garnering good reviews in the press and I really like it. Now all I need to do is get my proggy lot to cover one off it - currently favouring 'I Know Your Secret' for that - to join Day For Night in the set, or as an alternate.
  3. I must've been lucky, or a relatively early adopter. I don't remember my S12T taking too long. Nik's review of it with the Genz Benz Streamliner 6 is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/206857-genz-benz-streamliner-600-barefaced-super-t/"]HERE[/url] If I'd bought the Shuttle instead of the Streamliner the tweeter would have frankly been superfluous (IMHO) but the STreamliner is a much warmer amp and the tweeter half on just adds that little bit of top sheen. Using it for prog (classic and new), classic rock, country, and soon for a funky dep and it does sound great in all situations (again IMO). Good luck with the wait.
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1367652647' post='2067898']Noticed Dave seemed to have given up on the ric and think was playing an OLP. Still his rig and him playing so still sounds very much as before. Bit of an overlooked player but he was great last night. [/quote] The Ric went to fund the album It was one of the items in the [url="http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/spock-s-beard-11th-studio-cd"]pre order cash raising exercise[/url]
  5. Cr@ppy. withan ongoing lower back problem. It did end better with a good r/h & chinwag though. Slight change in tje style of the set and I have been trying to get back into fingers instead of pick for a lot of the new ones. Just need to work it up and around the arthritic twisted digits.
  6. +20% for VAT if it's total price is over £18 + variable Import duty, but probably around 3% - nothing if the duty is less than £9 + handling charge of £8 by Parcelfarce It might come through with nothing, or you might find it held up on the tracking to pay Customs duties, like I did for the Mbrace guitar holder recently which added £18>70 in total (which I had anticipated and allowed for) to a $65 item. Don't try to get cute by getting the seller to ship it with a reduced value or falsely declare to save money. Customs know what they are looking at and you could end up with the item confiscated, so no gear, AND no money laid out. It could also screw with an insurance claim if that were necessary. Otherwise, as above, factor in another 25% on the shipped price and if it's still worth it and you can live with the possible hassle of getting warranty repairs for on a grey import (which many manufacturers can be awkward about as they willl have messed with their own dealer network) then go for it.
  7. It appeared on here a while back with a request for a valuation but no pics, other than the Mick Karn sig. More pics were suggested as were some prices, but umbrage was taken and the thread disappeared. I think it may have got bitchy as IIRC I got notification of a reply to my innocuous comment, but whe I went to see hat that was the thread had gone.
  8. I have though of one of the Aggie TH's but the Streamliner is doing it for me at the mo. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1367750396' post='2068968']A pint soon sounds good - perhaps this week sometime? Before my little Op... I won't bring the RBV with me to tempt you, I promise! [/quote] This week is a complete 'mare Nik. London to see Spocks Beard tomorrow (back willing ... an it better had be!!) r/h Wednesday & gig Friday with the possibility of viewing the Hicksvilles in Chi on Thursday. Hope it all goes well matey. Take care & speak soon!
  9. Open air gig & late afternoon, but the sound was good on stage anyway. Seemed to go pretty well, though I did manage to fluff an ending & a couple of other bits, but noone died & had someone come up after & compliment me on the bass ... which was nice. Assorted small children looking a tad bemused at prog in the afternoon. My back held out for the gig - it's amazing how a bit of adrenaline makes the lower back spasms go away. Back with a vengance today, and I shall be REALLY pi55ed off if it escalates so I can't make the Beard gig tomorrow Good punky band.
  10. My pleasure Nik Sorry if it turned it into a potentially expensive test I am loving it as a rig. Light. Loud. Sounds marvy. Now the...about your Roscoe No I really mustn't. The Wal has come back out of semi retirement and I may revert to 4's for a bit. Anyhoo ... pint?
  11. Tuesday in London for me. Can't wait. I bloody love that band. New albums good too. There's a video on youtube about his bass for the tour (an OLP) and rig. I've been wondering how he gets that solid bottom with gritty overtones and it appears it's all down to the twin channel Eden head (and being a fine BP) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9-wxOL9HX8 - not sure why this is only showing as a link instead of embedded, still...
  12. My Wal was passive, then Pete added the Custom electrics
  13. The main one I do I tend to show up & know a fair few - as they're classic rawk tracks - and busk the rest. As long as I can see what the rythmn guitar's doing can get there on the fly. Biggest problem there is that there is some duplication of songs from one of the bands I am with but in different keys, which can be a bit of a trial at times. Had another - that fell through after I'd done all the work for it - where I was given a DropBox link to the songs in the set and worked through those for any awkward bits. May have one coming up with my drummers funky function band and should get a recording of their sets to work through. Got asked some years back for another with a three pice (so no place to hide) and was told it was chord charts. Fair enough I should be OK to busk it. Turned up and was handed a folder of flysh1t. That was not a happy night. As above a setlist with keys is a great starting point. If they have MP3's of a set that you can listen trough to for the gist of the layout and tops & tails then so much the better
  14. There have been long threads on this before. Do a bit of a search. I know I have put up long posts on this. before [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1366925121' post='2059209']The trick is to spend all your money on kit.[/quote] except when you sell it, or give up it comes back to bite. The proceeds (up to what you paid) come back in as income. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1366930825' post='2059285']If I remember correctly you can only depreciate things like guitars etc over a period of years so for example buying a guitar for £1000 would be depreciated over say five years therefore giving you £200 per year to set against tax.[/quote] [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1366976642' post='2059716']Think there is a "capital asset" threshold so if its under it is a running expense that can be offset in the year ( strings fuel etc ) and above it then it has to depreciated over a few years as it is assumed, quite correctly, that the item will be in use over several years ( PA, Guitar etc ) [/quote]As below for a short time it's £250k going back down to £25k in about a year...another of gorgeous Georges stoopid ideas - well possibly not the relief but the transitional rules that cover the changes. Still unless your getting a 60's P in pristine condition not likely to bother you [quote name='Kinder' timestamp='1366984584' post='2059901'] I'm an accountant and tax adviser as well as a very mediocre bassist. The mileage rate is now 45p per mile for first 10,000 miles. The annual investment allowance (the threshold for writing off assets against tax in the year you buy them, rather than over a number of years) is now £250,000. If you're spending more than that on kit, I really want to come and see you play!! I'd probably suggest you run it as an informal partnership, so each band member is self-employed. You should strictly register the partnership with HMRC and file a tax return for that each year, plus each partner's individual tax returns. I can't see HMRC getting upset if you instead draw up partnership accounts and then divvy up the profit between each partner, only filing the individuals' returns. As has been mentioned, most bands won't be making any cash after their kit and expenses so I wouldn't bother if you're never making profits. The tax man only gets upset if you're not declaring taxable profits. Taking it to the other extreme, you can offset losses on your partnership earnings against other income. The losses would have to be pretty big to make it worthwhile though! I might regret this, but if anyone's got any questions or it's causing them sleepless nights, drop me a pm and I'll help if I can. Andy [/quote] I've offered the same before so no doubt one of us can advise if needs be. And as above unless your running round doing deps then if you play with the same bunch of guys week in week out you probably are technically in partnership and should register that. That can have its own set of quirks to work through in tax law. Chances are for a pub covers band any profit, even excluding apital costs on gear, is the square route of bugger all. If you have to make a tax return anyway then cover it off with a note in the additional info section. Function bands might be more borderline as regards profit remaining and taxable. BTW it's actually nnot just 20%, there is probably at least another 2% on top for NIC's, but if registered you can defer those.[list] [*]Keep receipts for everything. [*]Keep a note of mileage to r/h & gigs & work out on the mileage rate of 45p/mile for yup to 10k business miles [*]take income from gigs, deps etc [*]deuct expenses for mileage, r/h room hire, strings, batteries, leads, basically anything you spent to carry on your music business, but ignore gear for the time being [*]are expenses more than income? you have a loss and [i]might[/i] be able to set it off against other income, but expect HMRC to refuse particularly if you make losses every year in which case all you can doe is carry them forward to set against future profit. [*]is income more than expenses? you have a profit & there may be some tax & NIC to pay. In which case what did you spend on equipment in the year? claim against the profit to reduce it to nil, always remembering that what you claim as a deduction for gear now will come back in as income later on (that is ato simple and not entirely correct statement but to give the gist of a future problem you could be storing up. [/list] The bottom line is that in very many cases the amounts you are talking about are unlikely to large enough to bother HMRC, which is not to say you should just ignore it. You need to keep your receipts and other records against a pull from HMRC, but one would hope that once you put the details before them they will recognise that there are bigger fish to fry.
  15. Played originals for years. Always enjoyed myself playing what I considered were good songs broadly written in a band context - though I'm sure if we had ever "made it" that might not have been the vocalists vision of the split of things and would have made years of friendship awkward, but he didn't so it wasn't. He emigrated years ago & the creative flame sputtered on for a while, but eventually died and turned into a covers band (itself looking to have its life support switched off anytime now I think) so perhaps the writing split would have been against us, but there was more to it than that. Still it never came to that. We had a good following in a smallish area, but never managed to break out. We would religiously rehearse / write every Monday night. Ideas flowed, sometimes from jams, others he (a basically non playing musician but with a way with words & vision) might hum the gist of a line and we would flesh it out - see examples elsewhere in your "basslines you're proud of" thread. Some of the happiest & most creative days in my life (child production excepted). Getting a collection of musicians that can put together originals that are not dervative and/or sh*te seems impossible, or perhaps I just move in the wrong circles. Nowadays I play in two or three covers bands, that sort of keep me amused, but all have issues (IMV). New project starting that produced an email recently that said amongst other things "[i]I've been doing some thinking and I believe we are better than the covers we're trying to do, and will flow far better if we just jam loads, record it all and use them as a springboard to really get cracking on some funky and bluesy originals. ... planning to get together ahead of this rehearsal and perhaps others to work on some concrete melody ideas, song keys and lyrics[/i]" so who knows, perhaps I'll find the spark again. I need to as what little playing I'm doing at the mo is killing me
  16. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1363645630' post='2015367'] The whole culture around tabs reminds me of this old French & Saunders sketch. "But it hasn't got those little dots, for your fingers".... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FroICbwvJII[/media] [/quote]Ah thanks!! I love that sketch. One that always makes me chuckle As for tab & requests for same I am afraid I come from the era of the record/cassette player and going over and over a track again to work it out. I also find tab difficul to read and would much prefer finding the dots. I have had occasion to learn a load of songs in a short space of time recently and thought I'd give the tab sites a go. Either they didn't have the tab, or they did & it was largely crap and of little help, Most recently ended up writing a mix of rough chord charts with some or all of the dots (or at least a reasonable approximation) for feel.
  17. I've always found that with the twist method it is obvious which way the gentle twist should be. Try in the other direction and you can feel that it is fighting to twist the other way. Years ago I occasionally helped a mate out with his mobile disco and was the only helper allowed to coil leads as I could do it properly and not get them into a rats nest. Had it drummed into me at that early age and it stuck with me. Now in conjunction with a decent hard case & velcro ties on everything gear goes away & comes out again the next time easily - and it does annoy me when someone [i]helpfully[/i] coils up one of my leads & I have to unwind it and start again. Thankfully normally it's a mains 4way and the old "wind the cable in tight loops round the board
  18. As the video shows loop the cable with a twist then invest in some of [url="http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_168196_langId_-1_categoryId_255230"]THESE[/url]. Cheap as chips and no sticky residue from gaffa or masking tape
  19. I love them & have used them for years. I have tried a couple of set of EB Cobalts recently, but while they are OK I am going back to the Elixirs. Have a set on the Wal which still sounded good at the last proggy gig I did, even though with hindsight I think that they really need changing. Whilst Mrs W still insists on telling everyone that I play in four bands, that is not actually true - rehearse with up to 4 bands might be closer to the truth - and I have not been playing much recently but still the Elixirs last for ages so as Thunderthumbs says going for a cheaper set that you have to change more frequently is just a false economy, unless you really don't like the more expensive set. I did try another brands coated set a while and really did not get on with them at all. Changed them for a new set of Elixirs very quickly, which IMO sounded so much better. I use a pick and you do get a bit of dandruff from the coating, but I have not found that affects the sound or longevity.
  20. [quote name='Commando Jack' timestamp='1362419143' post='1999429'] This is standard practise in classical music, where a transposing instrument such as a saxophone or trumpet will say they are playing a C, but really it's Bb. It's up to the composer to make sure everyone's playing in the right key when he writes the parts out. The only issue is that this method requires the bass to be tuned in 4ths to make any sense, and the OP is not tuning in 4ths. [/quote]Fair enough & what I was doing when playing the trumpet, which might have been a better example. So RTFQ then
  21. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1362342636' post='1998726'] Yes they are Proel UK formerly the UK's sole distributors of Mark Bass amplification, well Proel last year had a fall out with Mark Bass and are no longer their distributors, Mark Bass gear is imported by another UK company. Proel still exist very prominently in the amplification and PA field and they still represent a number of large manufacturers, and as you have rightly said their new project which is still secretly under wraps, (the only reason I know is that after my dealings with Proel UK I have remained very friendly with them as they are all from my same country, Italy so we keep in touch a lot) Well the Matamp project will soon go into production, they are planning to produce good quality bass amplification which will be badged probably with the Matamp name or whatever else they will come up with. In the meantime Proel continues to distribute Cort basses and guitars as well as many brands that do professional PA products. You can see a list of their brands on this link: [url="http://www.proelint.co.uk/"]http://www.proelint.co.uk/[/url] [/quote]Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, now it becomes clear!! Thought I recognised the chappie on the Cort stand as who had been on MarkBass for the last couple.
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362415836' post='1999323'] No. There are certain sounds and playing styles that altered tunings are best for. [/quote]For example Porcupine Tree - Blackest Eyes is best played (and so far as I am aware) was played DADG. The minute you do that it becomes infinitely easier to play - at least for a berk like me. My covers band play detuned a semitone to Eb because it makes the backing vox easier & better fits the lead vox range. I tend to leave the basses tuned that way - though with other projects tuned concert they do change back and forth a bit more nowadays. When practising detuned and at r/h we talk through songs as if we were tuned concert, not detuned. So I don't say Ab when playing fifth fret fourth string, I say A. Or perhaps I've misunderstood the question
  23. New Spocks beard album "Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep" to be followed by Andy Irvine's album picked up at LBGS13
  24. The prog covers band I play with is at The Holbrook Club in Horsham this coming Friday for anyone in the area and interested in a selection of prog rock tunes. Some classics - Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Marillion Some possibly less well known - Porcupine Tree, Spocks Beard, UK More details [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/435692663156760"]HERE[/url]
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