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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Saturday. Not too bad. Made more mistakes in the second set than the first after being jinxed by someone saying it didn't notice that I was depping DOH! Crowd were OK-good & I got to do my usual one song lead vox. Getting more confident with that. Might go for others in the future. Started with the Squier P but changed to the red L2500 after a couple of songs and had good sounds going with that.
  2. [quote name='zazz' timestamp='1361106937' post='1981084'] thats an oddball wal ....its a pro ...but with two pickups ...was it active?? [/quote]It has history Originally when I bought it secondhand (but I am pretty sure virtually new) it was a single pup passive Pro1, Volume, tone & a mini coil tap switch plus jack out on the tear drop control mount Then I got a Wal cover from Pete (amazing considering when I was looking to replace the bridge I would have had to take the old bridge off & send it back before he'd send the replacement) anyway got the Wal cover, Kent Armstrong made a pup to go inside & my local go to guitar man fitted it back at the bridge. The tone became a second volume as I tended to just run it full on anyway. It would have been this configuration for this video. Finally in '96 I took it up to Pete @ Wal for a general overhaul, but was shown another Pro1 like mine being retrofitted with Custom electrics and got that done instead, replacing the Kent Armstrong pup for a proper Wal, adding the updated all string tree (rather than the tree that only covered the A & D originally) and moving the jack to the edge along with an XLR out, that got used when I was having trouble with an old Trace combo cutting out at gigs, so I kept an XLR to the desk at hand and used it straight to the PA more than once to great effect. The controls went onto an enlarged panel and there is an access plate on the back for the micro switches & battery. Controls are the standard Vol with pull pick attack, sweep & 2 x tone with pull switches that narrow the tone Q IIRC. And that is how it remains to this day. My baby It was always a pretty solid sound as a passive but adding the actives opened it up to something else altogether. I was told by Pete that the original passive Pro1's were always intended to have the retrofit available to add at a later date, but I would never have known unless I had arranged to go up that fateful day in '96.
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360854958' post='1977475'] This video is older than me then! [/quote] You, young master (better say that, he's a mod) can do one [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1360854821' post='1977473'] Pretty much any music put on YouTube ends up linked via the NME site. My take on it is that they do it cover themselves, just in case the band turns out to be successful they can claim to have had them on the NME site way back when... [/quote] How to dash a persons hopes & dreams in one easy lesson [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1360861417' post='1977590']Damn that is one top class slug balancing act you've got going on there mate, you should be on the telly ...[/quote] Ayethangyou
  4. I do indeed have the Wal, though it morphed from the original Pro to Custom in '96. Still playing with the drummer & guitarist too. The porn star 'tache is generally a thing of the past, though facial hair does recur occasionally.
  5. ... well OK NME Online ... make that in the NME Online Video section ... OK it's just a link the the video I posted on YouTube, but still I'M IN NME [url="http://www.nme.com/nme-video/youtube/id/2nukvdXth8o"]http://www.nme.com/nme-video/youtube/id/2nukvdXth8o[/url] What a dodgy 'tache & hair cut I had at the time. IIRC when we recorded the clip for the show MrsW was in hospital awaiting the arrival of #1 son & I was praying he didn't put in an early appearance so I was called away (well that would have been difficult pre mobiles) or had to cry off at the last minute
  6. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1360771348' post='1976217'] And if I'm allowed to have a Bonzos song as well, I would like to have this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS4vUaNQKHk[/media] I hadn't seen this version before - found it on Youtube. Very silly and very funny. Spot the deliferate mistale with the lyrics at about 3.00 [/quote]ah yes. Do Not Adjust Your Set. We had proper kids programmes in those days didn't we
  7. Now there's an interesting thought to run the bass pedals through, or possibly to use with the Microbass II (or perhaps the Zoom B9 if I keep it) as a pre for a small(ish) rig, or just a monster with the Streamliner & Super12. Has more & more possibilities the more I think about it.
  8. Oh dear. Which Tubes song to choose!? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9mCA1he1zM[/media] for the beginning of the second verse or [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgjfi1DU1mQ[/media] which of course is where I nicked the first line in my sig from. Love this band and the bases they cover in styles, and always go to see them at least once on the rare occasions they make it over here
  9. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1360406262' post='1969823'] It's Saturday morning, I've just received my wages, actually remembered to order my ticket, got to the website and now the we wife's playing silly beggars and won't let me order one. Where else can I get one from? [/quote]If you're looking to go on Saturday, then possibly me as I think I [i]may[/i] have one to spare
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1359991369' post='1963079'] thanks - SOLD to a man from Shieffield who said it was a keeper. [/quote]YAY!!
  11. Selected basses for the night go in the double Mono bag with straps in the front pocket. Straps come off the basses for transport & always have. Leads & power supplies, batteries & assorted O&S are in a hard case with a small selection of screwdrivers, cutters etc (let's hope I never get done for going equipped by officious plod) Amp, + IEC, speakon + spare tuner short patch cable & spare ear plugs (for small gigs & r/h where the pedal board / hard case don't come along) live in a Gigskinz bag
  12. That's about the size of it and if you're prepared and it's still a fair deal factoring that in then go for it. Just don't get talked into, or let the seller undervalue to try to save money. HMRC are not fools & have people who know the value of things. If you try it & something goes wrong you're screwed on insurance claims and at the very worst could have the bass confiscated by HMRC
  13. I can't believe the price they are going for nowadays!!! Here's mine (along with a couple of others, one of which I still have (the Wal). Notice how similar the Wal & Shergolds are. They were virtually interchangeable in a fitted flight case that I had at the time We used to have a band's worth !!
  14. Have a look [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187878-london-bass-guitar-show-2013-2-and-3032013/"]HERE[/url] There's a fair few of us. I [i]may[/i] have a spare ticket for Saturday. It depends whether my drummer comes up with me or not
  15. Average. We have been going through a phase where I think the general consensus is we have got away from what we do by trying to cover all bases and please everyone, in the course of which we have managed to please noone. Until last night the previous gig was at the same place as last night, but at the beginning of December and as the drummer & I (who do pretty much all of the running around for gigs & stuff) had got sick of it we have no gigs this year. First r/h for the year was Wednesday which went ok & brushed off the cobwebs. We were supposed to have had a meeting but diaries clashed & nothing was said @ r/h until after (much burying of heads etc) when the drummer original guitarist & I were loaded up and ready to leave, the others having gone to get last trains, which i fine. SO. The gig. One of the issues that we have is that the sound guy brings so much gear for places that really dont need it. It's one of those difficult situations where we are all friends from school, and that goes back a long way, and all a bit too nice and not wishing to upset long time mates. The PA van turned up & he started unloading and there was a comment along the lines of "ooh me back. not been gigging much & feeling it" to which my reply out loud rather than to myself was "well get some smaller gear then" Got set up. Didn't get a sound check as time was getting on and the drummer just flat said "no. what's the point" First set started and the sound was terrible and didnt get any better. Kit was booming & the PA guy didn't seem to be able to hear it. I couldn't hear the bass and wasn't about to turn up as that way madness & volume wars start. Went out front and the sound was just a mush with no separation, or bass. Got to the break and there was much discussion. Sneaked a peak at the desk and found the bass was a horrible scooped mess of loads of bass, cut mids & a smidge of top. Made the adjustments myself and I think words may have been exchanged generally, but low and behold the bass sat much better in the second set. Still need to get the guitar sound fixed as they are far too full range and eating into my frequency range, BUT the second set went MUCH better and I ended the night somewhat happier than I started - for bits of the first set I just gave up & did a Beyonce. I have said before, and had to say it again last night that the guitar tones are too full & need the bottom end killing to open things up and allow everything to breathe. IMV for the sort of rock stuff we do the foundation has to the the rythmn section with the bass at least audible & driving things along with the kit (well I would say that wouldn't I!) with the guitars sitting on top. That's not what is/was coming through the PA. It's all guitar and vox & just an indistinct rumble for the bass Meeting on Wednesday evening to talk through what we are going to do, or even if anyone wants to continue as it has really slid in recent years. Probably an "intervention" with the PA guy. We'll see how that goes. Then it just depends how the r/h on Tuesday for the new project the drummer & I am involved in goes. Sorry this has been a rant not a "how was your gig" report really. In terms of that:[list] [*]first set - sh1te [*]second set - better but could also do better [/list]
  16. [quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1359395079' post='1954116'] Hi I don't play in a band, six string fretless playing along to yourself/CD's is;nt going anywhere. I am going to buy an acoustic gu**ar and learn all the songs from my youth etc i am even going to take lessons. Cheers Paul. [/quote] [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1359395492' post='1954122'] Get your guitar, keep you favourite bass. Get some recording software for your computer and start writing and recording. Very little is more satisfying than doing this, you'll enjoy your bass again. Music should be fun really shouldn't it. [/quote]Enter the BC Recording compo every month - like I have singularly failed to manage for the last two months
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359297112' post='1952611'] I take it from your sig that you suffered buyer's remorse with that one...? [/quote]Not really, there's just other things I have my eye on, though frankly I'm barely bumping it once a month. Every so often something pops up that catches my eye in For Sale & I give them a half hearted bump. If they go, they go. If not it's not the end of the world. Still pretty jaded as the end of that line in the sig says. Full moons not helping
  18. Some stalls sell, others just show. I picked up the Overwater/Tanglewood ClassicJ last year.
  19. Yup I'd recommend Roqsolid too. I have had covers from then for all my cabs & combos in recent years and they are well built and last well. Even got them to make a case (a slightly modded version of another case) for my Roland bass pedals. Sent an email & had a reply the same day with some suggesions of possibilities. After a couple more emails with dimensions it was sorted and I had the case/cover withing a fortnight (even quicker IIRC)
  20. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1358717067' post='1944053'] I feel, and share, your pain. [/quote]You & me both bruv. I am watching so many different things and cosmic ordering the Premium Bonds each month it's just silly
  21. Just about to start a similar project with my partner in crime in the rythmn section for the last 20+ years plus a new vocalist he has worked with before & a guitarist she knows but we don't. Got a list of three songs to work out for the first get together with some links to YouTube versions by email, followed by another with a note re key change for one, plus a link to tab for another. That tab is one bar long as it is basically a blues shuffle in A, not even a 12 bar. Sweet (I thought) nice of her to be thinking of us, but I think I had that one covered Still it'll be different & hopefully fun. First get together is I suspect just to get the feel of it & each other (in a musical sense I hasten to add) and see how it goes. Good luck with yours. I am hoping that as I have been with my drummer for years and we pretty much share a brain & feel for where the other is going it'll fall together fairly easily.
  22. Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited 2 Just played Suppers Ready ... twice Followed by The Lamia. That made me realise the Nik Kershaw has a very recognisable voice/vocal style when listening to it & thinking "that sounds like NK" going off to check and finding that indeed it is/was
  23. Looks nice, and cheap assuming it's not offshore. Say "built Nov 2010", so one of the new builds then and they are "[url="http://www.walbasses.co.uk/Ordering%20and%20Pricing"]Prices from £3650[/url]" so someone is potentially taking a mahoosive loss!! Saw an old Custom in a shop in Brighton that is seriously relic'd - for which read beaten up with gigging not a sander - and no original case, and they are asking a snip under £3k. Anyone who pays that will be plain mad.
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