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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1358462659' post='1939878']I mentioned Chic and there was a disbelieving silence before rhthym guitar exclaimed "But we're a rock band, Steve".[/quote] And there's your problem with stuff like Chic, fun as it might be, but for a broadly rock band I would have thought that would be too much of a leap. Then again look at what Gun did with Word Up or Thunder with Funky Music. Both in a basic rock stylee, but you can mess with the bass underneath it to give it some groove instead of a straight bash. Lenny Kravitz is another coming from a rock slant, but that will probably be known for the hits and has a certain something
  2. Photos (photobucket and a link?) and general vicinity would help too [quote name='paul h23' timestamp='1358429989' post='1938958'] makers signature inside [/quote] ah, the strip of masking tape under the control cover
  3. Got halfway through last night. Trouble is the more I listen the more I realise how mutton I am becoming in picking out variances & deciding. Will have another go tonight
  4. Luckily I read emails from the last couple of days before embarking on working out Yours Is No Disgrace and found the one from keys saying he wouldn't have time to learn it. So tonight will be tidy up Starship Trooper & see if I can program some useful sounds into the Zoom B9. On the downside the emails floating towards a different (main?) band meeting for Sunday along the lines of where are we, is there any point in continuing are not looking good. I fear that a band of many years will shortly be no more
  5. Well if it's still about when my son's due back sometime in March & we'll be up your way to see him might be interested but that's a way off yet.
  6. Just remembered I am supposed to be learning two Yes songs for r/h on Saturday - well three actually but as one is Your Move & that is basically an open E on1 of every bar as far as I can tell I think I have that nailed. So tonights sesh was Starship Trooper. I did sort of work it out 30 years ago, but that was to Yessongs on my record player and dropping the stylus back & back to pick stuff up. Tonight was an MP3 into IK Multimedia SVT in X-Gear and boy does that make life easier. Set A-B points to loop and slow it down a bit. An hour later and after looping round the walking bits starting at 85% then speeding it up I think I pretty much have it. HURRAH!! Tomorrow night is Yours Is No Disgrace (if I'm not too late back from father sitting) Of course what will then happen is that either only half the band will have read the email and learnt the song and/or we'll run it a couple of times and Mr Anderson's squeaks will defeat the vox & they'll get canned. Still fun to learn & a bit different from the proposed new three piece blues project that is due to try to get off the ground at the beginning of Feb
  7. Drummer on my left 99% of the time...saves me having to crane over my shoulder to catch his eye. Can't remembre the last time I did a gig on the other side
  8. Just had a gun nutter / conspiracy theory email to my BC only email
  9. Well that's good to here. Might try to give him a call at the w/e for a quick follow up
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1357761321' post='1928070'] Several weeks ago I offered to pass on Howard's number to concerned Basschatters. In that time only two people have asked. It would seem that some people would rather diss him on here, even though he won't read it himself. Not impressed. The guy offers excellent work at mates-rates prices. He has hundreds of satisfied customers but as soon as he experiences a few logistical problems people start sticking the knife in. Unbelievable. [/quote]Just re read the thread to try to see the knife. There's been some grumps, but come on compared to what you might see elsewhere on the interweb it has all been pretty civilised just trying to get updates, even so far as keeping it off the forums & in private discussions. I have tried to keep any comment low key throughout in any post be it in open forum or privately, and am not about to nor ever have hurled any sort of abuse - same really for pretty much everyone involved I think. I have Howard number (from the private discussions), have texted and may follow up at the w/e with a call - though this month is hell for me at work - but as my query is no longer with regard to the plate that arrived (broken by Royal Mail) but the follow on I have left that hanging rather than disturb him re that.
  11. If you look at this demo for the Steve Harris P part way through the whisperer shove a piece of foam under the strings which might be an option? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A72TYFcqk4E
  12. So your plucking hand rather than fretting then, and presumably you play with fingers rather than a pick? I used to get trouble in my fretting arm/hand from the weight of the bass hanging on a knackered shoulder. Had that replaced a few years back now & all's good. Is there anything possible in the way of replacement joints. They helped me (knuckles & wrist) but then I have pretty much always used a pick anyway. All the best. Hope you find a way through to do something.
  13. Aaaaah! Tried one like this (and a black one) yesterday - though the shop was asking more than half as much again. Nice bass (though I would lose the pup cover if I had one), good action & a nice clank to it. Another for my list of things I'd like if I could sell something in the meantime. Would be good for the proggy band who have decided on a Yesfest for the next gig.
  14. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1357470159' post='1922920'] Wow. There was one on Gumtree recently for a sensible asking price. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/shergold-marathon-bass-guitar--made-in-england/1005073697#gallery-item-full-3"]http://www.gumtree.c...ery-item-full-3[/url] [/quote]This was more like what [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/2175-basses-owned-is-one-you-want-amongst-these/page__view__findpost__p__1730081"]my two[/url] went for, one boring black fretless and the other a silverburst refinished 8 string. Mind you that was a few years ago but both were in a flightcase. Almost kept one of them as it fitted my Wal nearly perfectly Looking at the black one it has two output jacks. I could have sworn my original black fretted 4 (that became an 8) had a single switchable stereo jack that came with a split stereo lead if you wanted to run the split. Perhaps that is a faulty memory Seems a lot for both (£800 & £575) even if the former is a nice finish. They were my first two proper basses & served me well - the 8 string was originally a black 4 - but even so were pretty basic basses (but then what's a P I suppose). Looks like I should have held onto a couple more classics I once had
  15. Oh dear .... but [i]REALLY [/i]one of mine must go first. So many P's at which I wish to throw so little talent
  16. Not mie, just passing it on really. Went in today to look at the Wal and try out [i]those[/i] basses and they were also suffering a water leak from an unoccupied flat above. It never rains but...etc
  17. [url="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.427673940636199.95760.163838067019789&type=1"]FB page re a suspect for a nicked guitar[/url] Had it away with a Washburn HB32 semi yesterday. Managed to ignore the beat up Wal Custom with a £2,950 price tag that was just behind him in the third pic time stamped 18:02:24 - mind having had a look today I think that could be overpriced It has a fair bit of "mojo" and what looks like a crack running the length of the neck (could be the finish not structurat but it didn't look like it). They also have black & blond versions of the bass we dare not mention but both of those are really for another thread. Lets be careful out there. There's a lot of it about apparently
  18. Many moons ago when I was doing piano & trumpet I am sure it was "Here's some notes. Play them for me please" No pre warning, but a moment to shuffle your sorry ass on the piano stool and prepare, then go. As for complexity it was somewhat easier than the stuff you had been practising & practising for the exam, so Grade 8 wouldn't be a blizzard of flysh1t Then again this is all just a blur of memory from a senile old f@rt so it could all be total rubbish nowadays Have a read of pages 21 & 33 in [url="http://gb.abrsm.org/resources/theseMusicExams0607.pdf"]THIS[/url] and a quick scoot through a couple of forums suggests Grade 6 SR test is roughly equivalent to Grade 4
  19. Utopia - Trivia, including this [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwdw3bdr7vw[/media] I love this band, but a couple of albums I downloaded from eMusic to replace old cassettes lost in the mists of time are sadly virtually unlistenable in the rip downloaded with electronic drums hugely to the fore and this - the song that first got me into them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW_80cSAEbI Got to love Kasim Sultons bass parts
  20. DAGNABBIT!! Ah well. Anyone? Oh and as Royal Mail managed to break the mirror plate I'll let this go for what I paid £180, but on the basis that RM will weasel their way out of paying compo somehow & I have the broken plate (snapped at the top horn so it would probably screw down & not be that noticable, I'll include it anyway - assuming they don't demand it be sent if they do anything with the claim other than say "****orf". EDIT what am I talking about I started with delivered, but hey I've said it now so make me an offer.
  21. Until I joined BC I had used the same bass for around 25 years. It all went [i]HORRIBLY [/i]wrong shortly thereafter
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