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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Now there's interesting. Hanging it off my luggage scales on a strap it reads 10 1/2 - 11 lbs but it's always felt light to me in use. Perhaps that's just years of hanging the Wal round my neck. If you're round Guildford & want to take it for a try let me know & I'll bring it in to work
  2. I'll try to find some scales later on, but not a lot Dave
  3. [quote name='basslondon' timestamp='1356987718' post='1916190'] I dont see anyone telling this man that playing a five string would be a problem..... Id like to see a precision/jazz 4 with flatwounds sound that harmonically rich.... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBWY8oAnnww[/media] [/quote]...or not to use a pick because real BP's dont [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1357006693' post='1916378'] You don't see an actor kicking off because they can't us the same accent for each part they play. [/quote] [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1357025800' post='1916438'] Unless its Colin Farrell who can only do one accent.............[/quote]I see your Colin Farrell & raise you Sean Canary, Michael Caine & Roger Moore
  4. I must stop looking in For Sale. Having decided I fancy a good passive P bass I dawdle through & see things like this, which in so many ways is not what I am really looking for, and yet still think "Oooh now that's nice & might fit the bill" adding it to a long list of watched items. One day I know I'm going to crack Just as a follow up, does it have a case for delivery?
  5. Super12T + a GB Streamliner6 for me. Still enjoying mine, though I could possibly have got away without the T as mine is always at least halfway down, and when tested with the GB Shuttle all the way off. Handles the 5's and low's from the Octave pedal with no bother
  6. Out watching this year Ah well hopefully the new project will take off as there is feck all in the diary otherwise. Hope everyone gigging had a good one & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all
  7. Interesting. Do I presume correctly that the diddy switch is the Active/Passive, and the other the original pup selector, subject to the blend setting?
  8. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1356950030' post='1915394'] I was offered this for by the ebay seller who is near to me in Maldon, Essex - he was reluctant to ship it to poland - obviously it did go to poland and here it is [/quote]That explains my confusion. Didn't notice eBay had ended. It'll be a nice profit then
  9. Seems somewhat narrow minded & anyway, who actually looks at what the BP is using/doing? On more than one occasion I have had from both band & followers "Ooh that's nice. New toy? When did you get that / start using a 5 string?" to which the reply is of course "What this bass that I've used at every gig / rehearsal for the last 18 months?" - Frankly not sure which of these sums it up best or but it normally gets
  10. Wal Pro1/Custom - though it may possibly be a year too old for your purposes. Not for sale anyway - [b][color=#ff0000][i][font=comic sans ms,cursive][size=8]EVER!!![/size][/font][/i][/color][/b]
  11. I'm sure it's me being particularly thick but I do not understand the guages they quote. For example [quote].045 5 String 34 to 35 Scale Length Balanced .045 .031 .020 .014 .010 [/quote] Does this mean; start at 45 then add the successive value, so a set would be: G - 45 : D - 76 : A - 96 : E - 110 : B - 120 as compared to a standard set of Elixir's (say) G - 45 : D - 65 : A - 85 : E - 105 : B - 130
  12. Well as elsewhere, having put off & put off buying a ticket (galloping senility) my wonderful daughter in law came up trumps for Christmas with two tickets for Saturday, so see you there
  13. Ah yes that famous British service ethic. Went looking for basses a while back. Asked to try a US P 5 and the arse plugged it into a 5W practice amp with a tiny speaker sat in the middle of a load of GenzBenz , TC & Ashdown gear. Begrudgingly plugged into something a bit more relevant and able to handle the B & fecked having turned the one knob compressor up. Funnily enough I walked shortly after that. The annoying thing being that the regular bass guy is always really helpful but was tied up with someone else at the time.
  14. Google & I am pretty sure I didn't need a Gmail account for it. Syncs to my Outlook and I think I have just about managed to get it to stop showing dentist & doctor appointments and my two weekly injection & site reminder to everyone else. It does save the hassle of the ring/text round to confirm availability at the last minute, particularly with a vocalist whose phone goes straight to answerphone and whose mobile is switched off 99% of the time
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1356562447' post='1911274'] Ill try and get the voting thread up tomorrow :-) [/quote]Right then having drawn a blank this month the orchestral version will have to wait for next
  16. Beautiful looking bass in superb nick and would work as well if not better for the planned New Year project as would the US P I am searching for. Sadly not quite enough in my GAS fighting fund at the mo
  17. Zoom B9 (OK that was me in a fit of madness ) Son & daughter in law (though mainly her as he's out of country at the mo) got me two tickets to LBGS13 for Saturday - may have one to spare as not sure MrsW is interested in accompanying me (added to which she would put a dampner on "I really shouldn't but what the heck" purchases on the day . Came as good news as I have been meaning to, but forgetting/not getting round to buying tickets for a while.
  18. Got the editor working on the Mac, once I had worked out that MIDI Out on the USB->MIDI cable needed to go to MIDI In on the B9 Now trying to decide whether as a first task to edit all the User editable patches in the Total section to EQ flat across the board, Level 80 (unity according to the manual) and [i]probably[/i] Mix 80 (to keep a bit of original) for use with the amp. Suggestions as to Yay or Nay from anyone else who has had one for a bit longer and uses one as multieffect in front of their amp?
  19. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1356386226' post='1909898'] - Audi A3 sportback Thanks for any guidance. CB [/quote]You won't get the basses in the boot. That said, with the seats up mine takes the BF Super12 plus a leads flight case, Pedaltrain Mini board & Gigskinz bag with the GB Streamliner in the boot, and a Mono double case with whatever I have chosen to take across the back seat, plus the case with a LED PAR bar. It can get a bit cramped on the prog gig when I take more than two basses, and the bass pedals & a keyboard & stand, but it does all fit ........... just, and still leave room for MrsW in the front. It has also managed (on occasion) an extension cab for #2 guitarist, his leads case & a couple of his guitars as well Not on your list, but the old Laguna Estate would just take the Wal case across the boot, but only right at the very back because of the wheel arches - not the best place for it to be in the event of a rear end shunt.
  20. [quote name='giblett123' timestamp='1356246075' post='1908289'] Where abouts are you? which luthier fitted the pup and do you have piccies of the back? Ta. [/quote]Going by his feedback he's in Hungary
  21. Sorry. I need to find his number. I fully understand the problems that have occurred and am not toy chucking. All I need to know is if it got sent off, though knowing the way Royal Mail are likely to wriggle out of anything I have written it off anyway. Heigh ho
  22. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1356029340' post='1906048'] Ooer. The card might take a tonking tomorrow [/quote]Card tonked Had a little noodle in GAK, but as that was basically just stabbing at buttons to see what happened without the benefit of the manual it didn't tell me much other that there seemed to a fair few useable sounds, and heck it's only £99 & Christmas, soooooo. They certainly still have a fair few in the shop
  23. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1355145815' post='1894548'] If anyone happens to speak to Howard please could they ask if he got, filled in and posted on my compo claim to Royal Mail for the plate he sent that postie snapped in two. Thanks A [/quote] This, should anyone speak to him again. Ta
  24. Ooer. The card might take a tonking tomorrow
  25. [quote name='Fender_Greg' timestamp='1355490749' post='1899103'] It's a very small world hey! [/quote] I feel a car share coming on mind only if you want to leave at sparrows fart and get home after The Archers [quote name='Ba55_NMC' timestamp='1355491310' post='1899114'] Walman, Are you still looking to sell? [/quote]For the right price I could be. Like I say it is really surplus to requirements, but mine are all different basses so get used to varying degrees
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