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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Fender_Greg' timestamp='1355485333' post='1898959'] That's my hometown! [/quote]And you say Guildford, which is where I am every day!!
  2. Sounds good. Went through that for a dep recently .......... then it got cancelled
  3. How very depressing, and a £299 BIN is £50 more than new from DV247 ........... as has been pointed out to me in my original For Sale ad. If you want one, I have one languishing between going 'cos it must & I have too many, and staying, 'cos they are all different
  4. 'ish. Yesterday had a r/h with the proggy lot for no real reason other than to keep our hand in, no gigs on the immediate horizon. Usual late runnig from work for a couple, but once we got going properly I got some of the enthusiasm for playing, sadly lacking in recent days, back. Took the Squier P & the Wal through a Microbass II into the studios Peavy rig. Sounded pretty good generally. Used the Wal most of the night and had forgotten how heavy it got. The replaced shoulder is aching today. The weight was probably the reason it had to be replaced in the first place. Still not about to sell it anytime soon though
  5. Strangely(?) the audiences are there for prog, but getting us all together and syncing diaries for the odd gig is a frickin nightmare. The three bands are there still. Boats not yet burnt, but having "Upcoming Gigs" followed by three bands and bugger all to report seemed a bit of a waste of space so I deleted it from the sig at least. I may snap out of this in due course. but at the mo it's all just a bit
  6. If you're looking for stuff to try get a copy of Submersible Drumcore Free as well.
  7. Funny isn't it. The title struck a chord with me, but I just feel completely jaded. Drummer & I have been exchanging emails about what to do + another project. Sad thing is the band has been going for a loooooooooong time and we are all mates, Really tight, but gigs have dwindled, mainly because it is/was me & drummer who did the running for them and we have got sick of the uphill struggle of finding gigs, and more to the point the PA that seems to continue to grow and require early in to set up and late out to derig it all. This despite the meeting that was had a few years back. So I am afraid I just have not bothered for next year. I do wonder whether style wise we have spread ourselves too thin trying to cover loads of bases, but at the end of the day it's still just rock covers. Something has changed in recent years. We have added songs to the set to try to keep fresh, but other than a few people dotted around who enjoy what we do it more often seems to be blank/dead eyed stares. There are/were three bands in my sig. The main one I am referring to, a prog band that does a gig a year if we're lucky and has just cancelled one of the two r/h planned, and a country band that seems to have gone AWOL. Can't work out if I can care about anything at the mo (not helped by not knowing where I am with the day job). I love to play but to one man & his dog, or complete indifference is sapping me of the will to gig
  8. If anyone happens to speak to Howard please could they ask if he got, filled in and posted on my compo claim to Royal Mail for the plate he sent that postie snapped in two. Thanks A
  9. It's the same guy who created this abortion - [b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/192678-another-not-a-dodgy-sander-job/"]Another not a dodgy sander job.....[/url][/b]
  10. MEH. Played OK but sound was it's usual. Bit pissed off as we sound checked and it sounded good. Comment was made by vox that the previous gig had got painfully loud towards the end and to keep levels down. Started the gig and slowly but surely the PA came up in level - not the feckin backline but the PA (IMO). Had a bit of a moan with the drummer in the break. It's not the backline but PA that seems to go through the roof each time though blame gets cast back on us. I don't touch levels all night, just dig in a bit harder as the night progresses, but the comp/limiter should be holding that pretty much in check. Something has got to change. I fear a fractious meeting in the offing.
  11. D'you know this is another song I should probably have listened to when we were doing it, but just did my own thing
  12. Look [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190868-the-bass-doc/page__fromsearch__1"]HERE[/url] He had a workshop disaster for a couple of months and is presently without a computer apparently
  13. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1354658944' post='1888931'] Come on Premium Bonds [/quote]Ah well. Not enough this month
  14. Perhaps a blind person bought it direct from his website.
  15. Have on occasion been through that. I have some old cassettes of gigs from years ago (cassettes will tell you how many) and am stil surprised by what I managed on occasion Stuck my Roland R-05 behind the bar Saturday - or rather asked a mate who helps roadying to do it having explained how to turn it on. set pause record and start record. Got home after a particularly enjoyable & 95% tight as a ducks #### cpuple of sets looking orward to hearing the new songs in the set in particular, and found Nothing Looks like record was not pressed
  16. More evidence of the horror & butchery [url="https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103790762953751177073/albums/5809487362827813873"]HERE[/url] I am afraid I REALLY cannot see what anyone sees in this sort of BS [quote]Q: Hi - how much does it weigh? Was it relic'd at the factory, or is that something you've done? A: Weight is 4.25KG And yes i relic'd it, I relic guitars for a living, so its a very professional job.[/quote] - for which read "I totally f#ck up guitars for knobs like you so you don't have to. Yours an even bigger one"
  17. Ha. Messing with stuff. Mine might be a bit "[i]modern[/i]" for which in my fathers words read [i]tuneless[/i]
  18. I made a bit of a rod for my back saying that as I have just got Miroslav this month would be orchestral didn't I!? Got a few ideas but I suspect my techical / scoring capabilities will leave a great deal to be desired.
  19. Friday. A dep & really loud. It went OK and I managed to remember the words to All Right Now, so my first "lead" vocal Saturday. With my main band at a favourite gig. Long nigt and I obviously have not been practising enough as I developed a blister. Bar one potential wreck e managed to plough through it went really well. A couple of new songs and a couple of reworked ones. One of those night when everything you go for works, Drummer & I were sharing the one brain and totally locked (damn well ought to be after all these years but some nights are even more so) Only downsides;[list] [*]my replaced wrist is really aching this morning, [*]I took the Squier P but it has different straplocks to my other basses and though I put out the strap for it when I juggled basses to the twin bag I somehow managed not to pick it up so that had to stay in the bag all night [*]the video battery went flat after 20 mins (it had been showing FULL) and the digital recorder did not get switched on [/list] Otherwise, we rocked and, though I rather immodestly say it myself, when we're good we are bloody good
  20. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1354373375' post='1885316'] hmmm seller only has a feedback of 98%, could be a bit dodgy if you ask me... [/quote]I presume your tongue is firmly in your cheek? It's GAK in Brighton
  21. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1354358451' post='1885102'] ...I told him I'm too old ...(soon to be 50). [/quote]WTF are you talking about!!? Or is it the "fed up" bit I deleted for effect?
  22. Started on guitar in the school band. Actually properly ended up on bass after finally plucking up the courage to ring an advert for a guitarist to be told that the older guy whose band it was, and who had decided that he was too old at 30 and that he would retire, had realised the error of his ways, but they could actually do with a bass player and could I do that. This was for a country/WMC band and I was a callow youth of 17, as were the rest of the band (except the leader). Never looked back, and still play with the drummer. We're getting pretty tight after 30+ years
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