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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-Bass-Guitar-/251184175623?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a7bbe5a07"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a7bbe5a07[/url] Confused of Sussex
  2. Unitopia - Covered Mirror Vol 1 Found it on eMusic so wnet with that rather than the plastic. An album of prog covers & some quite different versions, but pretty good all the same.
  3. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1353365756' post='1874378'] Listen to the first Blue Murder album - theres some great playing by Tony Franklin on there. [/quote]Beat me to it
  4. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1353341772' post='1873902'] OK I'm back on line now! Finally got rid of the builders so I will catch up with all outstanding jobs H. [/quote]HURRAH!! Glad you're back in the fray
  5. So I called in yesterday, having collected #1 son's car to drive back to the coast, and had a chat & a noodle on this. As Simon says this bass is in pristine condition, but as I sadly had to say (tyre kicker that I am) I cannot justify bringing another bass into the house until I have sold at least one of mine
  6. I am supposed to be getting the train to Lincoln(ish), collect a car & drive it home, but what am I doing? Checking the most efficient routes to look at one, possibly two basses on the way back and in the process potentially adding a couple of hours onto the trip DOH!!! GAS I HATE YOU!!
  7. Tardy bump in case there's any interest to fund GAS elsewhere in here. Slight problem at the mo as I am still waiting for the mirror plate from BassDoc, but otherwise good to go
  8. Bit of a bump against the possibility of funding other stuff I'm looking at in here
  9. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1353075943' post='1871338'] Well, you can always just have a look It is quite the bargain [/quote]STOP IT!!! Probably talk tomorrow
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353056133' post='1870942'] oh f***! i just realised i have nothing to create a drum beat with other than apple loop... [/quote]Have a look at [url="http://www.sonomawireworks.com/drumcore/downloads/"]Drumcore Free[/url]. It's:[list] [*]Free [*]has a basic selection of loops [*]a couple of kits, so you can also fire the kits by midi [*]free [/list]
  11. Ta. I almost dread taking you up on the meet without having sold at least one of the basses I am trying to move on at the mo. If I come home with yet another my @rse will be kicked from here to the end of time
  12. I might take you up on that - though it is really heading in the wrong direction. PM your number & I might give you a call
  13. Damn!! Why did I just check the potential distance from Sleaford? Up on Saturday to collect a car and that's a bit too close for comfort for my wallet!!
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353012764' post='1870593']How do you guys right music? i'm having awful trouble here.[/quote] Bits just occasionally come to mind. Often when I'm in the shower strangely that leads to continued humming to myself until I can get out, dry, switch the Mac on and get the DAW running. By which time hopefully I still have that kernel bouncing around my skull, not dislodged by something else, and I can VERY roughly record it having tap tempoed the speed roughly. For drums I use Submersible Drumcore, which is basically a big audio & midi loop library so initially go for a basic beat of the sort of feel I want and thenonce the basic idea is down look a bit harder for the loops that I like / work for me . And if I do manage to get something my next problem is a complete dearth of lyric ideas - as can be seen from the selection of tat on my Soundcloud account that have titles like "A Song in need of some words" etc Sadly more often than not that becomes another Edit in the DAW with a clip that I may or may not come back to one day to do something with. That's a bad day. A good day I might actually have time to spend working it up to something else. Sadly those happen rarely. A really bad day I think "I fancy recording something" and then spend a whole evening getting the square root of b'all. I really must rewatch that John Cleese talk on "Inspiration" on YouTube again
  15. Anyone else listen to this yesterday? [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-20329331"]2LO Calling[/url] I knocked off early yesterday and had the radio on in the car at 5:33 when it came on. Well it was ....... different.
  16. A bit of Harem Scarem to be followed by others of that ilk, looking for different songs for a new project
  17. Will have a look tonight. Perhaps this is how I get a decent mix on all those other track Si!?
  18. Will follow if I can find the ones I took to send to Marshall
  19. I tend to record guitars clean but listening to the modded sound from Amplitube. I then have the original if I want to change a patch, but often render a version into the mix to save resources. Mind you the tat that leaves on the HDD and finding the bit I want to rework can sometimes be a trial - probably why I generally don't end up going back to change the render
  20. Still have an antique version at home (though it is a bit of a Triggers Broom having had to be requilt a couple of years back and is being used by #2 son for [size=1]guitar[/size]). Marshall didn't recognise the SerNo, or said it was pre their records and whilst it was i for repair someone very knowledgeable about Marshall's apparently took a look and put a very early date on it. But it is in poor external nick and as I say has been rebuilt, so.... A cracking amp that served me very well over the years but weighs a frickin' ton. It was bought in the 70's & secondhand then. Bearing in mind current prices, even for its condition & rebuild, what I paid for it then would make you weep
  21. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1352827266' post='1868034'] I should have said that I don't mix on my Tannoys, I've got a pair of M-Audio BX5a speakers too. They lack low end output being little 5 inchers so it's hard to get it right. [/quote]Luxury I find myself recording / mixing on headphones in one room then bouncing it around rooms & cars on memory sticks to try to get it about right. Phones I often end up with not enough bass. Wharfdales in another room tend to make me compensate the other way, etc, etc. I have [i]almost[/i] got the hang of it but it's still a pain Tend to work with 'phones to not annoy the rest of the house and while they were mid priced and are OK I could probably do with looking for a set wth a flatter response. One day.....
  22. Got to listen to a load of the tracks up so far last night before the weekend finally caught up with me & I hit the sack. Some interesting stuff coming in
  23. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1352716872' post='1866365'] Does anyone know if Howard has managed to reclaim his workshop from the builders? having just sold a bass i'm yearning to get my jazz up and running, i've got his number but don't want to disturb him if he's trying to get the backlog cleared. Matt [/quote]Ditto re getting the "Lynott" back together. Hopefully soon
  24. A couple of the bands I work with do a number of the same songs, but for a variety of reasons in different keys. One is my main lot and the other a dep. It can be a bit of a nightmare particularly if I have been playing regularly with one while on a layoff from the other as the muscle memory sometimes kicks to leave me in temporary flounder mode but it's all good experience. The dep lot to "[i]Living On A Prayer[/i]"in C#. It's a bit high for the vocalist/guitarist/leader and I did once say to him "[i]Why did you pick C# not B which would seem easier all round[/i]" (certainly for me!!) ? His reply because I like to play stuff without looking at the guitar neck and C# works better for me Hey ho. His call, not my band.
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