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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1350932705' post='1845289'] I was in a band with a drummer who had a similar outlook to you. Only listened to a narrow range of music and practically vetoed every song because he had never heard of it (and therefore no one else would have.) It was a real shame and an effort to get him to play anything, including songs that didn't have the same line up as us in the original recording. I struggle to see how anyone can call themselves a musician if they don't listen to practically anything and everything. [/quote]Country to prog and many ports in between, just not mainstream and I fear that for 90% of those songs we shall just look like a bunch of old farts (which is what we are). I am also not the one that vetoes the songs, but the one who suggests stuff to have everyone else make a half arsed attempt at it so that it'll never gel and gets dropped. But never mind
  2. Just had an email from vocalist saying [quote] These are the top selling rock songs (singles?) of the 21st Century so they must have something going for them! 1 Sex On Fire - Kings Of Leon (2008) 1,100,000 2 Use Somebody - Kings Of Leon (2008) 825,000 3 Killing In The Name - Rage Against The Machine (2009) 705,000 4 Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus (2001) 695,000 5 Rockstar - Nickelback (2005) 635,000 6 How You Remind Me - Nickelback (2002) 560,000 7 Changes - Kelly and Ozzy Osbourne (2003) 490,000 8 Bad Touch - Bloodhouse Gang (2000) 460,000 9 Bring Me To Life - Evanescence (2003) 455,000 10 All Summer Long - Kid Rock (2008) 415,000 11 Christmas Time (Don’t Let The Bells End) - The Darkness (2003) 405,000 12 It’s My Life - Bon Jovi (2000) 365,000 13 Rollin’ - Limp Bizkit (2001) 355,000 14 Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm (2001) 345,000 15 Follow Me - Uncle Kracker (2001) 335,000 16 All The Small Things - Blink 182 (2000) 330,000 17 Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance (2006) 325,000 18 Fire - Kasabian (2009) 320,000 19 Dakota - Stereophonics (2005) 315,000 20 Butterfly - Crazytown (2001) 310,000 We could bang em out in a couple of weeks (I'm not normally this optimistic) as we already know one of them! [/quote] In response to which my immediate thoughts were[list] [*]Don't recognise a load of them (unsurprising with what I listen to) [*]No we couldn't; and [*]where's that rusty blade, my wrists need a good seeing to [/list]
  3. How was our gig? Cr@p. Stage sound was dreadful, though assured that out front it was good. Songs fell apart, and drummer finished this one with "I don't think I can do this anymore" as opposed to "Why do we bother". Sort of echoes how I feel \at the mo, so we shall see if the r/h on Wednesday goes ahead, or if that was the last time Alibi bother the public at large. Bollocks!!
  4. I feel a video coming on For me 90% of the time it's a pick, just because that's what I am most comfortable & fluent with, but for the country gigs/deps I am leaning towards fingers for most. But really as ever it's whatever suits the job at hand (and for me I can manage with my knackered right hand)
  5. Yes & no. I still go back to old stuff that most would probably think horribly derivative - and to be fair it probably is in many ways - but I still think there were a load of good songs in there that I happily play over & over (especially recently with some remixes) We used to religously rehearse and write every Monday night, and as we were together as a unit for a long time were a bloody tight one. I still get a lump in my throat when I listen to our final gig before the vocalist emigrated to NZ
  6. Another +1 for Roqsolid. I suspect that trying for the DIY option will be a faff & probably no cheaper in the long run. Mind you my DIY skills are a big fat 0
  7. Used 4's exclusively until a few years ago when I picked up my first 5'er. Since then have pretty much used 5's exclusively, though I have now started to use the 4's again. It really depends what I am playing and what works best. The 5's give me another option of moving positions up the neck, but I have to say that for a lot of things recently the 4's have been getting a lot of love.
  8. eeeeeeer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCxheMhiK1c
  9. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1350321007' post='1837278'] A simple manouvre with the master volume knob usually does the trick. [/quote] Fine, assuming you are not a hairsbreadth from off already
  10. Liking this version [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGUDSJZT4K0[/media] Although the bass & tamourine clips that are not in sync irk me
  11. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1350310368' post='1837098'] My band's drummer is annoying me by booking us gigs without actually contacting anyone else in the band first. Then getting all stroppy when one of us says we can't make it. He's the only one without other commitments, so just ploughs ahead and confirms stuff... [/quote]Set up a band google calendar and make sure everyone keeps it up to date with their n/a's. Gives whoever is trying to get gigs for the band a fighting chance. I can understand his pain. It can be a thankless task trying to get gigs, particularly new ones. The struggles getting to speak to the right person, catching them with their diary / when they are not trying to run the bar, etc., so when you do manage to actually catch them and get a couple of dates free to find that all the effort is piss in the wind because someone else in the band suddenly is not available can be extremely galling. It's why my lot are likely to find that we don't have many gigs next year as I have got past caring
  12. Caravan - Cunning Stunts (remastered) Phew typed that right!!
  13. Well I will give a thumbs up to the BF Super12T as that is what I use with the Streamliner 6.0 and it is lurverly My warning would be based on what sort / size of gigs do you do as the STM6 & BF S12T are more than adequate for the classic rock gigs I do and I do wonder how people who use the 9.0 ever manage to gig that more powerful amp. I cannot imagine being able to do so with any of the bands I work with. Anything larger than standard club gigs and it's through the PA anyway
  14. It has been pointed out to me that those ****ers @ DV247 (and it would seem SoundsLive) have this up for only £249 new. Then again I have pretty much decided to keep it and sell the Squier P so hey ho. I shall leave this to run for any offers bearing in mind the above, but otherwise I suspect it'll die on the vine. Not that bothered at the mo anyway
  15. You might also tye [url="http://www.serif.com/free-video-editing-software/"]Serif MoviePlus Free[/url] I forget what limitations there are, or might be, but it is pretty easy to use
  16. Damn you!! you made me look on there and the GAS is back So I suppose the innocent "What this? Noooo I've had it yonks" won't work then
  17. SCHWING! But I am getting back to 4's now ..... [size=1]probably[/size]
  18. Blimey. That was a difficult choice. Voted
  19. Technology is here to stay, but to nail a track is in many ways more satisfying. I still have a track we recorded years back on 8 track that was a bit fiddly in one of the fills at the end and was tracked as a band that ends, there is a short pause & then the drummer can be heard to shout "NAILED!" Still makes me chuckle & I have never bothered to cut it off the mix
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