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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. I just need the rehash of the "[i]Setting Up Compressors for Dummies[/i]" as once again my brain went into melt down
  2. Interesting. What do they actually do, do ou know? Is it a shave of the joint or somesuch? I get problems with both elbows on & off and have had cortisone injections that have worked, but still had a flare up earlier in the week. Talked to the rheumatologist who said to me "let's try the cortisone first" as elbow replacements are not as good as the shoulder, knuckles & wrist I have already had done over the years. Good luck for a speedy recovery.
  3. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1349106766' post='1821887'] Old school me. I like drawing, with pens, it gives me time to work out if what I am trying to say is total b*ll*x or partial b*ll*x before I say it [/quote]How would we ever know!!
  4. Lots of love for mine, and looking to get more for the new 4's, but I should have thought getting 4 to drop the entire tuning by a semitone for one number woud be an expensive option. Properly set up they work well Not tried one, and not sure whether it works for bass as well as guitar, but one of these might be better, and cheaper if it does? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcDvSq1pFjA[/media]
  5. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1349011340' post='1820611'] Oooh .... I left behind my raffle prize of a Precision pickguard, I guess someone would have picked it up. Thinking about it, I'm not sure I'd actually put it on my '79 P (kinda nice to leave it original) so is there some way it can be held back for next years bash ?[/quote] I rescued it. Let me know if you change your mind, otherwise I'll hold onto it for next year - unless I have a further go at fettling it to fit my Squier for which it was originally purchased in which case I'll bung some cash to Colin to add to the fund - I expect it'll be in the raffle next year though as my fettling skills are v poor [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1349016589' post='1820687'] I think it did pretty well considering its size, although Russ found its limits with 1000W from a cranked SVT7 (having switched over from his 6x10" to this 1x12") with the lows boosted and a grindy tone - no magic smoke was released but bad smells were... If you're geographically convenient to Brighton or willing to pop down, I'd like some beta testers to gig these prototype cabs, so email me if you want to help out! Si(bob), I had the speaker for you in the car but when I remembered it you'd already left - with turning up so late, my mental timings were rather confused... The four car convoy home was amusing, thanks for getting us out past the jams (W)Al (man)- 5i(mon) I seemed to lose you throwing ye olde Honda around that last roundabout! [/quote]Alex I'd be glad to beta test for you, Like I said I am looking for something like that for smaller gigs/rehearsals - mind that said like Nik I also took a bit of a shine to the Big Baby T. You didn't go for a lap of the banking at Brooklands, which was something My poxy SNav took me a different way to expected, but we got there in the end. I trust we all had this on the stereos [indent=1]Was dark & we wept on the twenny ninth of Sept In an Audi haulin' bass gear Compressor Si with a reefer on And Claber haulin' cabs We is headin' for home on the A-two-four 'Bout a mile outta Addlestone I says, "Silverfox, this here's Walman. "And I'm about to put the hammer down."[/indent] - all to gether now... [indent=1]'Cause we got a little convoy Rockin' through the night. Yeah, we got a little convoy, Ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on and join our convoy Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 'Cross the U-K. Convoy![/indent] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWO_AIh8drk
  6. It depends what you want to do with it. The SE Bash was originally run in Guildford & set up by OBBM IIRC. NIK, Hamster & various others have been kind enoungh to take things on and arrange the last (is it) 5 years now, and they have been larger affairs where, thanks to Hamsters good offices, we have had the run of a number of rooms in the school, so have had[list] [*]a quiet room, for raffles, general chat, refreshments, and in past years shall we say quieter workshops like double bass, recording, etc [*]a loud room (well the hall) where rigs were set up and it was, or could be, loud, and where the Si's did their workshops yesterday [*]a jam room with resident drummer [/list] We have also had a couple of mini bashes a bit closer to home for Nik & me anyway) where there were fewer and it was really a loud room with some time to meet up, chat & a laugh with a bunch of great guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn9Bo0UbQQM For both we put money in the pot to cover expenses, and any profit is given to a charity decided by all. Every bash I have been to has been a great day out chatting to low enders from all walks of life and styles of music and there has never been any snootiness just a super day that flies past. Yesterday I arrived a bit late @ 11 (though with the problems on the M25 that was nothing) and all of a sudden it was 6:30, we were over an hour late packing up. Probably best to start a thread with a view to creating a Bash close to you and thenshare ideas for venues, dates and what everyone wants to do and just take it from there. Go for it. They are great fun, despite what the ladies who wandered in looking for the sports centre yesterday and hooted at the "nerds" wen told what was going on in that particular part of the school
  7. Just back having led the convoy through dangerous waters ... well Stoke D'Abernon via Brooklands (poxy Snav). Great fun day despite the best efforts of the M25. Good to see everyone again. Roll on next year.
  8. ...and as my attempt at fettling a P bass pickguard to fit has annoyed me, and before I do anything more horrendous to it I shall chuck that in only [i]slightly[/i] buggered about with. I should know by now. Me and any sort of DIY is just a complete waste of time
  9. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1348822017' post='1818639'] The compressor 'workshop' really ought to be renamed "51m0n's quick and dirty way to set up a compressor you scoundrels"..... We'll be attempting a world record of maybe a brief description of what it is you need to know and do and then an atttempt to set up two or three compressors, all in 15 minutes tops After which if anyone can remember what was said they will be able to set a compressor up for themselves (one would hope) [/quote]I shall have to bring the TC Nova along again and make sure my poxy phone saves the picture this time
  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1348847364' post='1819107'] Where on the south coast are you? [/quote] Littlehampton in W Sussex. Pretty much bang in the middle of Portsmouth & Brighton
  11. I [i]think[/i] that is sort of where I was/am coming from with this. It was a different face doing much the same set to BT's that were probably a CD, but a CD of average MIDI using average soundsets. Fine for the punter who probably just hears a bunch of choons they know - how many times did I hear Mack the [i]feckin'[/i] Knife in 10 days - but the averageness of it got to me
  12. I think I still have the bag of bits I picked up last year that have gone nowhere near a bass & no projects on the horizon so shall try to remember to bring them to drop back in
  13. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1348743544' post='1817564'] Only kidding - but it is just gonna be me chatting a bit and pushing a few buttons - might be cool if someone wants to sit in too so I can loop them etc - anyway should be fun - really want to jam a bit too this year - and get my GAS on... [/quote]Perhaps you could do a chain loop [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1348750470' post='1817703'] Does anyone have a Jazz or Precision (or both!) that they're bored of and fancy sending to a new home? Think I need some more normal basses for demoing Barefaced cabs on t'interweb, don't need anything new/shiny and quite happy to have a Squier or suchlike. As long as it sounds good unplugged I'll be happy, electronics can be changed. And I'm ok with stupidly high actions and fat necks. Anyway, if you do, bring it along! I'll be interested to hear what everyone makes of the wee prototype I'm bringing along... [/quote] Well I have my Tanglewater Classic J I'm looking to move on towards funds a Midget, so...... [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1348754597' post='1817771'] Such a shame I can't make it this year [/quote] it won't be the same without you young man
  14. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1348678038' post='1816865'] Crikey, who are these punters? I've often wondered if they're mistaking indifference for approval. I suspect some will like it - but I've never seen many people getting into the spirit of this kind of show (well, blood alcohol levels notwithstanding) - simply getting on with the pint at hand. [/quote]Is this again the X-Factor / BGT / [i]possibly even[/i] Karaoke effect, in that punters come to expect to see a lone vocalist performing to a backing track on an empty stage? I don't know, but perhaps I should give my next holiday destination some better thought
  15. There were loads of copies in evidence round the pool while we were away, including MrsW. She thinks the book is marvellous. The bits I have been forced to listen to after she has hooted with laughter and then insisted on reading to me sound pretty average.
  16. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1348577881' post='1815413'] It does. They're called 'holidaymakers'. Ignorant , philistine plebs , obviously ! [/quote]
  17. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1348573963' post='1815328'] Thing is - if you get into/form a decent band that plays music people want to hear you will always get gigs. I think this has always been the case. If you are in it for the money this is even more appropriate. When i hear of bands that are finding trouble getting gigs its normally because they don't recognise what they are doing wrong - its easier to blame landlords, duos or the price of cheese than actually take a look at what they are doing. I'll leave you with this from Wiki... "A duo still performs under the name of Black Lace, but neither current band member was in the group when it was formed or when it enjoyed its biggest chart success" Now thats depressing. [/quote] True. I think where I was initially coming from was that where we were staying there was just nothing but the BT entertainers. That was probably dictated largely by the fact that for most venues it was easier to have this for an hour(ish) long "show". Perhaps such entertainers in such resorts are becoming the equivalent of stand ups in big cities, where they buzz around to a few venues a night - nice and easy in/out in that it's largely "here's my backing tracks, where do I plug them in?" and they're away.
  18. Forgot they were over, mind I got back from hols too late to make the gigs Did have the new[list] [*]Neil Morse - OK may grow [*]Marillion - not managed to listen to it yet [*]RPWL - growing on me; and [*]Live Moon Safari - hopefully to hit the CD In the car on the way home tonight [/list] waiting on the doormat when I got home though
  19. I suppose I am just getting old. When I started out the first "proper" (as opposed to school) band I joined at 17 - and I'm still gigging with the drummer all these years later - was playing WMC's at least once or twice a week. Five piece band. Fun & a good learning experience. The last ten days was in Lanzarote and as I said at the outset it was nigh on impossible to find somewhere that was what I would define a truely live music as opposed to a bloke & some CD's. I'm afraid I didn't walk - the inertia of an AI bracelet bit and anyway there was nowhere different to walk to. My drummers other band has been through vocalist hiatus, partly because she found she could go out with tapes or as a duo and demand the same money, but keep a lot more. Punters generally don't seem care, and I suspect with the advent of Pop Idol & XFactor are used to what is in effect a BT vocalist (shoot me if I'm wrong but I never really watch these if I can possibly help it), we are just inured to it. Perhaps The Voice tried a bit more with the backing band. As above I am not sure that venues pay that much less, if at all, for the BT man. It's just the line of least resistance and they don't have to worry about musicians and all their noisy gear. It's just a different age now for the resort entertainment, sadly.
  20. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1347003061' post='1795770'] Just sold my lovely Squier P to Al. Almost instantaneous payment! Good bloke to deal with, Nice one Al [/quote]Thanks Gary. Pleasure doing business. Hopefully the fully tarted photos will follow shortly
  21. Aye, I suppose it's probably the way of things now. The only actual all live music show we saw (not counting the backing track maestros) was the flamenco act. Did get recommended a bar via rec my vocalist got from a rep at the resort he was at (he & his missus flew out to the same island on the same day and five minutes before MrsW & me but to a different resort and we met up one evening for a meal & some G&T's). Looked like a good place with a band on the following night, but MrsW had sunstroke (at least that's what we suspect just a 24 hour bug thing) so we never made it there Last night there the hotel had a guy who put on better than average show, enhanced (for most) by a large back projection screen that included him singing a duet with a female on the screen in his role as Pavarotti, and spoilt by the drunken English tw@t at the back ([i]don't it make you so proud sometimes[/i] ). Good, but the only thing that irked me, as an alleged muso, was the fact that when he was "being" George Michael or Freddie Mercury, the video clips of Wham or Queen doing the same songs were all slightly faster than his backing track was running, and when his Pav did Nessun Dorma the orchestra on the screen was pretty obviously actually playing Bolero (bit like the silent keyboard round on My Music for those long enough in the tooth to remember that ). Difficult to sync completely I sure, and I'm just a picky b@st@rd
  22. Bands are just dinosaurs really arent they? Get yourself some backing tracks of varying levels from rough midi, up and a powered monitor and it seems you´re away, at least that´s all I´ve seen as "live music" so far on hols. Perhaps it´s just the place
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